Phase Run

waffenheimer wrote:
is this gem supposed to not work with Increased Duration gem?

cause it aint increasing...

It does work, it will increase the base duration of Phase Run. However, when it comes to calculating with Frenzy charges, I am not sure if it is calculating the way I figure it is calculating.

1) With 6 Frenzy charges, but no Increased Duration gem

1.8 (base) * 6 (1 per 100%) = 10.8 sec

in reality, I am getting 13 seconds

2) With 6 Frenzy charges and level 14 Increased Duration gem

2.84 ((1.8 * 58%) + 1.8)) * 6 (1 per 100%) = 17.04 sec

in reality, I am getting 14 seconds

I am not sure about the first one where it is getting the extra couple of seconds, but the second part possibly using first part calculation first (10.8) and then the original base is multiplied with the support gem, and then with the value (1.04) is added to the total of the first part to get a new total for the second part (11.84).

Would be nice to get a clarification, if Phase Run is using a different calculation, for otherwise, Phase Run with Increased Duration gem is very underwhelming.

Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

It's all Increased-type modifiers, they're additive: you really ought to remember that by now :)
Also, you're forgetting to add 1 for the base 100% in your calculations :P +600% Increased Duration = x7 multiplier.

1.8 * (1 + (600/100)) = 1.8 * 7 = 12.6, display will start at 13s
1.8 * (1 + (600/100) + (58/100)) = 13.644, display will start at 14s
Vipermagi wrote:
It's all Increased-type modifiers, they're additive: you really ought to remember that by now :)
Also, you're forgetting to add 1 for the base 100% in your calculations :P +600% Increased Duration = x7 multiplier.

1.8 * (1 + (600/100)) = 1.8 * 7 = 12.6, display will start at 13s
1.8 * (1 + (600/100) + (58/100)) = 13.644, display will start at 14s

I was not expecting the duration formula to follow like the damage/armor formula, I was thinking in the lines of max res gems with aura modifiers from the tree type formula, because there is only one type of modifier, so hence why I forgot to add 1. Though, I can see less duration gem fitting in the formula as well, even though, that is not a good idea for this skill. I had a feeling that was going to be the calculation seeing how underwhelming Increased Duration gem provided, in the grand scheme, it was going to be added up to with the rest of the increased duration modifier. Thus, making the increase not substantial. I did not wanted to add more to my post since I was not sure that I was correct on my second assumption, but you confirmed it. Thank you, Viper.

Now if only GGG can change Increased Duration gem to More Duration gem seeing as though reduced duration gem was change to less duration gem (along with the modifier). Might make Puncture and curse-related skills too good. :P
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Aug 29, 2015, 9:14:49 PM
Why does this gem are more physical damage buff and not more damage ?

This gem is usefull for any type of build, why it is melee centric for the buff ?
I'm curious what i'm doing wrong but Phase run doesnt work with CWDT!
I got it linked with a curse, the curse works fine, but it never casts Phase run when dmg taken...
"If we don't end wars, wars will end us."
ffogell wrote:
Why does this gem are more physical damage buff and not more damage ?

This gem is usefull for any type of build, why it is melee centric for the buff ?

Totaly agree, would love the dmg buff to work for my EK shadow, to make him a sniper EK shadow :D
And with the changes to poison comming, then he would become a sniper hit and run EK shadow.

Please update and remove the "melee" part of phase run dmg buff.
can i ask what practical uses this gem is for?
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy. thinking: "This time is gonna be different. No, no, no please... This time is gonna be different."

-Path of Exile
*Would like it if Phase Run would actually shed aggro from targets far enough away from you (but still on-screen). Would make it quite fun to use with smoke mine and mine/trap builds.

*Would be nice if Frenzy charges consumed also buffed the damage bonus to compensate the amount of DPS I'm actually losing by activating Phase Run.
xrook wrote:
can i ask what practical uses this gem is for?

Totem users and summoners. Linked to CWDT can cause mobs to shift aggro to pets and allow you to run away/reposition to cast new pets (minions/totems.)

I have a RF totemancer and I appreciate the momentary "stealth" pr provides. I want the mobs running into my burning totems anyways :)
Especially on strongboxes, where I can run through mobs (no collision) although I still just flame dash in that situation.

If they wanted this to be part of a viable melee/assassin build, then they failed. As it is right now, they should have labeled it p**sy run. Must have been a typo - all it's really good for atm is running away.

What would be cool: Abyssal cry -> Phase Run -> viper strike, with lots of chaos scaling. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it would work out well mechanically with current implementation.
Last edited by Donut_Harvest#7902 on Jan 14, 2016, 2:19:48 PM

My opinion is that this skill is very underused. It grants us mobility in form of additional movement speed and it provides a relatively high damage boost for more or less 1x attack.
The mobility bonus it brings is outclassed by other skills like Whirling Blades, Leap Slam, Lightning Warp, Flame Dash, Blink Arrow, ... in terms of movement.
The damage bonus is unique but it is not useful enough because of the high 3 sec. cooldown on Phase Run and its own 0.2 sec. duration (and it is too low, don't you think?)
On the other hand 80% reduced Visibilty to Enemies makes this skill exciting (as well as Phasing).

I would like to give options to make this skill more appealing to players while preserving the idea of a sneaky shadow attack.

Players need:
- Movement
- Damage
- Survivablity

Phase Run does it all but it did not hit the right balance in this season...

Here my ideas:

1. (just buff)
Increase duration / reduce cooldown, more % more phys. damage

Instead of more damage - add flat physical damage

Give % damage reduction

Remove cast time + cannot be stunned

There is a lot what is possible.
I woud really like to see more action with Phase Run, at the moment I feel this skill is just not enough in this combination.

ign: fanimala
Last edited by fanimala#6598 on Jan 14, 2016, 10:26:27 PM

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