Frost Blades
At the moment using frost blades as a main skill, with a claw ( tempest a4 normal ), there is something that I don't get about that skill :
I have life leech on the claw, some from the tree and ...... is does not leech at all using this skill :/ There should be 60% of the initial hit still being physical, but still it does NOT leech at all. So .... what the hell ? is that a bug ? I've not found anything on the other pages of this thread. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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11-45 base Physical Damage
50% Less from Chain 40% "Less" from Conversion 14.4% More from Frost Blades Nearly non-existent Increased Damage from passives 45 * 0.5 * 0.6 * 1.14 = 15 maximum Physical Damage dealt. Even if you have 100% Increased Damage from the tree, your Physical Damage output is so horribly low that ~3% Leech isn't going to do anything. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jul 29, 2015, 6:49:54 AM
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One thing i havent seen enough in the feedback thread is the massive advantage of the 14 weapon range of Frost Blades.
A few examples: - Mapmods like Chilled Ground and Shocked Ground are quite easy to pretty much never have to stand inside. - The range puts you on 'the second row' formation wise. If you have a partymember doing the real melee, or for instance use Vaal Double Strike, you attack from a quite safe position. - You can kite to some extent, which was particularly useful in the a4 boss fights. This works a lot better if you also use a movement skill like whirling blades to step back every time the monsters close in again. Also: Graceful Assault. Last edited by Toverkol#3305 on Jul 29, 2015, 12:15:45 PM
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" I just added chain and the previous claw had like 2 times more phys damage. And thank you for your quite pointless answer anyway, this kind of question obviously matter for later optimization and build choice, if there is a bug and GGG is not gonna fix is soon, no point using this skill with leech ( and obviously another skill would be there for single target dps ). So the question is still on : why the hell doesn't it leech ??? SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Jul 29, 2015, 12:57:32 PM
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It "doesn't Leech" because your Physical Damage is far too shit to gain any meaningful benefit; that is the answer to your question and that is why I answered as such.
Leech is not bugged. Frost Blades is not bugged. |
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As was mentioned before, life leach isn't bugged with this skill, its the fact that the physical damage you do is too low to make it noticeable. Life on hit is MUCH better if you are using this skill with chain, and you can still get that with certain claws (though they changed which claws offer it)
Something like this gut ripper (blinder for lower level version) would be good for a more ele based approach (thought it does have good physical on it) Last edited by Advent07#0204 on Jul 29, 2015, 7:36:34 PM
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" You know what ? I'm just gonna assume that you don't have a reading problem and ignore that message, it's probably better that way. I tried other skills ( like a simple viper strike ), and in the state of the character at the moment, I had no LGoH or anything, just some leech, not even health regen : Viper strike was clearly leeching ( note the clearly, I tested against lower mobs, not just one HP leech ). Frost blade was leeching nothing. So if you think that the 40% conversion makes the skill go under the 1HP leech threshold, I recommend that you read every single word above. I had forgotten how poe forum felt like, and why I stopped going there, I remember now, I remember why I used to hide the profile datas also ..... " I think so to, however, high level claws are using leech, and powerful claw nodes are empowering leech ( and are mostly physical, bu the way ). I feel like it's a little bit of a waste not to use leech with a claws spec tbh, that's why I'm trying to see what optimization could eventually be possible. I've just started experimenting with chain, I'm really not sure if I'll keep it or not honestly, it feels kinda nice for now. EDIT : HA! I should have checked the new claws before I guess .... there are some pretty big LGoH nodes now, and even MGoH ones, seems very nice. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Jul 30, 2015, 6:42:59 AM
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If nothing else, please just make the skill spawn projectiles also when hitting barrels. If you can trigger static strike off barrels, why not FB?
The more you depend on forces outside yourself, the more you are dominated by them.
--Harold Sherman |
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"User Vipermagi took the effort to check your gear, skill links, even passive tree. He made correct calculations and explained in a civil manner why your leech indeed is there, but it's hardly noticeable. Then you call his answer pointless and ignore the truth, going deeper with your "it's clearly bugged" bullshit. Really? I've just checked FB once again, it leeches from both the initial hit and projected shards. And it leeches as much as I expect it to. "Hmmm let me guess; because of more experienced players out there, who actually understand game mechanics? |
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" Because of players lacking obvious reading skills ( and many players also being d*cks, I have to say, don't this one personally ( honestly ) ). Now if you don't understand my previous answer, you can read my previous posts on this thread. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.