I want what those guys are taking... :D 1h5min is crazy :D
Posted byshashk0#0810on Aug 9, 2015, 5:47:00 PM
Fightgarr wrote:
Can we stop calling these "races" please? Its not a race if the finish line is hidden. Its... something else.
EDIT: I got it. "Random Prize Lottos".
What? The finish line is killing Piety as fast as possible. Then you can do other things for extra points, which increase your chances at the lotto prizes and achieving your point tiers.
Posted bySnKArcbound#4606on Aug 9, 2015, 5:49:43 PM
So im in the end of the race, only the Piety Kill left.
And this happens:
Getting stuck in the portal and has to relogg and start over from battlefront...........

Last edited by porr#6638 on Aug 9, 2015, 5:56:44 PM
Posted byporr#6638on Aug 9, 2015, 5:54:30 PM
ms in vaal ruins no second qs overlvld a bit in a3
Posted byjanimauk#6808on Aug 9, 2015, 5:55:10 PM
Getting stuck in the portal and has to relogg and start over from battlefront
That kind of thing is why you take the waypoints, especially if they are this easy to grab. Also, you sure about battlefront? Didn't you mean ebony? I'm having a hard time believing you didn't grab the sewer wp...
Posted byMauranKilom#5019on Aug 9, 2015, 6:01:16 PM
porr wrote:
So im in the end of the race, only the Piety Kill left.
And this happens:
Getting stuck in the portal and has to relogg and start over from battlefront...........
Exact same thing happened to me, but I had the Lunaris 1 waypoint, so I only had to run Lunaris 2 over again.
I finished like 23rd Templar too, might have gotten top 20 otherwise. :/
Posted bymrflippy#3668on Aug 9, 2015, 6:07:21 PM
SnKArcbound wrote:
Fightgarr wrote:
Can we stop calling these "races" please? Its not a race if the finish line is hidden. Its... something else.
EDIT: I got it. "Random Prize Lottos".
What? The finish line is killing Piety as fast as possible. Then you can do other things for extra points, which increase your chances at the lotto prizes and achieving your point tiers.
Posted byFightgarr#3134on Aug 9, 2015, 6:21:36 PM
Fightgarr wrote:
SnKArcbound wrote:
Fightgarr wrote:
Can we stop calling these "races" please? Its not a race if the finish line is hidden. Its... something else.
EDIT: I got it. "Random Prize Lottos".
What? The finish line is killing Piety as fast as possible. Then you can do other things for extra points, which increase your chances at the lotto prizes and achieving your point tiers.
What are you saying "no" to?
The goal of the race is literally to kill Piety as fast as possible.
Posted bymrflippy#3668on Aug 9, 2015, 6:29:59 PM
mrflippy wrote:
What are you saying "no" to?
The goal of the race is literally to kill Piety as fast as possible.
Posted byFightgarr#3134on Aug 9, 2015, 6:37:49 PM
mrflippy wrote:
Fightgarr wrote:
SnKArcbound wrote:
What? The finish line is killing Piety as fast as possible. Then you can do other things for extra points, which increase your chances at the lotto prizes and achieving your point tiers.
What are you saying "no" to?
The goal of the race is literally to kill Piety as fast as possible.
Posted bybluechipps4#3823on Aug 9, 2015, 6:54:35 PMBanned