Unique Item Rarity Changes
just keep the hate up with whatever they do :-) . maybe they quite and take down the servers :-).
They made a lot of mistakes but they more or less corrected it every single time (and sometimes the complains are just silly and show the person has no clue why the change happened). At the end the game is better then 2years ago ... so there must be more good then bad changes :-). And for example a overturned malachai was highly expected of me and many of my firends ( experience shows it will be like this for 1-3weeks after new stuff). And it is a very difficult challange which is nice for a time not to a faceroll game .... Last edited by Tartaros38#1487 on Jul 24, 2015, 6:21:04 AM
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Thank you,
lolozori I agree.... Andy |
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There are still a ton of leveling uniques. No idea why people whine so much.
Helmets: Peregrine & Honourhome (replacements for goldrim), Heatshiver (tons of evasion + mana regen), Asenath's Mark (offensive helmet) Armour: Ashrend (tons of eva + fire res), Briskwrap (tons of eva + cold res), Cloak of Flame (max that fire res), Thousand Ribbons (just awesome for a melee starter) all good leveling chests. Shields: Kaltenhalt (tons of cold res + block + ton of evasion), Titucius Span (great protection against projectiles in general) Weapons: Dreadarc, Screaming Eagle, Limbsplit, Wideswing, Death's Harp, Doomfletch, Silverbranch, Stormcloud, Bloodplay, Goredrill, Ungil's Gauche, Gorebreaker, Lavianga's Wisdom, Geoffri's Baptism, Quecholli, Hrimnors, Dying Breath, Fencoil, Blood Thorn, Princess, Redbeak, Aurumvorax, Shiversting, Lifesprig, Aberraths, ... too many just take your pick Most of these uniques are super affordable (1 alch or a couple of alts) and makes leveling a walk in the park. Heart of Purity
Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDFO4E5OKSE POE 2 is designed primarily for console. |
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This is my 3rd season in PoE and I feel like this one is the worst. If feels like its my work right now.
I played 8h+ a day, Im casual player and I feel like worker that earns minimum wage. I need to farm ORBs like crazy to afort some good uniques that is insanely expensive if that wasnt enough. In 2 weeks I didnt have one deacent unique that would me go "WOW" all I say is "WTF 4th time Death Harp, are u shiting me ?!" You ppl increased drop of uniques overall, but made those best once drop only in 6 person party on 75+ maps and thats JOKE. I want my grinding 8h a day of rare 72 maps be REWARDER with decent drop NOT ORBS or unique that is for lvl 10 to 30 and drops like 5 times in a row. THINK what a player that have 2h a day to play is going through.. His exhousted cuz he even cant rely on his luck to get something good and get his char more deadly, all he can do is come from his work, farm some orbs (like work) and day after day THE SAME untill he'll get enough to buy this 5 - 10 ex item that makes him happy ? No, I think not ! In PoE RNG for casual players that prever solo/duo game IS DEAD. People are leaving cuz they can not affort to grind orbs to get builds they want to have fun with. They want to get lucky, but u know what ? PoE just hit OFF switch for luck. Last season I playerd A MONTH on a Electric Witch with Arc, and I was happy cuz of this 4 weeks I got like 8 uniques that were around 20c - 1.5ex and around 4 that were above 2ex+ and I traded them for items Ive needed and each of those drops made me extend my game. Cuz I felt rewarded for my gameplay, each day I went on a map with "I wonder what will drop me today" in my mind, and I was anxious to go grind them. Now I go on map and all I expect are ORBS GOD DAMN ORBS and trash uniques that I sell in packs to Tara in my Hideout ! Right now I got Maligaros Virtuosity, Rats Nest and thats all. And all I have from trading normal orbs to Exalts/Chaos and It makes me furious ! Thats all from me. I'll play some more PoE, maybe a week cuz I have nothing eals to do and I really dont want to abandon this game, I want it to go back what it was. Changes are not always good, in fact change just for change is the worst ! Last edited by Veroth#3413 on Jul 26, 2015, 3:06:18 PM
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why do people whine about everything?
yes trading is pain in the ass as of current state of the game yet come oooon I accumulated 10+ exalts in just 5 days then just got bored and GAVE AWAY all my items and created new account just for challenge. After merciless you can farm bosses and do chaos recipe merciless Act3 is so hard for you???? then try another build bro and stop whining |
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I hope the salt from this thread never ends, that it becomes an overflowing ocean that makes it all the way to GGG's shores and slowly ebbs into their cities. Maybe then, if they look out the windows of their castles-up-high, they may deign to see the catastrophe they wrought down below.
Just make sense GGG, that's all I ask, all I've ever wanted. You make threads like these, listing various changes you decide to make, then give next to zero insight on how those decisions were reached. People left to grasp at straws trying to make sense of it, or they just stop giving a f***. How about when making these threads, you could add a slight description next to each change? As in the reason for it being necessary. I dunno, maybe I ask too much. For POE Devs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea6UuRTjkKs
Died like this in HC before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVsgFUiD-Y8 u_u |
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" I was in general in favour of the change, considering the health of the game overall, but having played a reasonable amount in both leagues now (lvl 82 in tempest, 70 and 48 in warbands) I have to say its a pity most of the cool items like rats nest and carcass jack that made some varieties of builds more viable are now simply excessively expensive and rare. Going from hundreds available to so few is probably excessive, couldnt there be another rarity bracket to reach an intermediate value. The point I'm trying to make is playing for 72hours+ and not finding one cool item is not cool, its a loot game and rare after rare after crap uniques doesnt feel as rewarding, before you would find one of those items and it'd feel worth it. Accumulating alts and chaos isn't the only point of the game! |
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Masochists... Masochists everywhere...
Basically the community is divided in 2 parts: A- Want to have fun playing a really nice game. B- Masochists morons l2p with no social life. What's the purpose of a game anyways ? Bring FUN to the player. Right ? The problem is that "FUN" is relative. So when someone thinks that spend 1400 hours on a game farming an absolutely insane hard content to get to the top to start FARMING MORE and MORE to get a LITTLE upgrade, IS what FUN means, we have some serious problem. Give up guys, this game is for masochists/rich people. I'm not surprised why the RMT rate increases after every patch they deploy. In other hand, I AM really surprised why there's 0 explanation behind this, even though it's a manifesto post.
" Dream with me !
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force changing meta on behave of general preview of meta based of streamers, or generel movement of player base. it seems ggg do not only wanna make a game but also put it into a box they see fit.
generaly i see no problem in any of the actions taken to balance rarity. just find it funny why try to control a free market, issent that what makes the game interresting? IGN jauertemplar
Jauershadow |
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" Because their explanations so far have shown no sense at all and are contradicting themselves. I don't understand GGG at all. Their target audience is obviously not the casual gamer. They must make mad money of hardcores and RMTs. Why else would they rampage through their game that much with no end in sight? |
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