Detonate Dead
Why is this skill isn't balanced yet?
It provides very good quality bonus, but its scaling from gem levels is completely useless for every build in existance, and everyone are using this gem at level 1 - am I the only one seeing this as an issue? Why not scale % of corpse's life dealt as damage? Such as starting from 10% at lvl 1 and getting to 20-25% at lvl 20? Right now the only reason to ever level DD is to use the 20 gem lvl -> 20% quality recipe. Increasing Field of View in PoE: /1236921 Last edited by Shajirr#2980 on Mar 5, 2014, 2:42:37 AM
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Something changed with the patch? The damage has a wierd delay now that was not there before.
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Haven't tested yet.
Also, in addition to my previous post - why introduce a completely useless fixed phys damage scaling, when already perfect solution exists - Corpse Explosion from D2 scales with blast radius, and it is actually useful - why wasn't DD made the same way?? Increasing Field of View in PoE: /1236921
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Because it's a different skill in a different game? :/
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" That argument doesn't really fly here as many of PoE skills are almost directly copied from DII. Anyway, can someone explain the reason behind completely useless physical scaling that doesn't even deal 1% of monster's life as physical damage in high levels (merc, maps)? Increasing Field of View in PoE: /1236921
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" I'm also noticing a delay, feels like a half second between detonation and the time the mob receives the damage. |
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Would be nice to get a statement if this is a bug or an undocumented nerf. I don't think it's a nerf though, leaving the damage the same but make the skill feel clumsy makes no sense at all.
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Would say make it scale with levels like many people said, start from 10% to 20% max life and add like extra 5% of monsters life is dealt as physical damage then it would require more mana and would require more investments but would be more rewarding at later levels.
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Scaling the percent-Damage with levels is a bad idea due to how relative Damage works.
Regular Spells utilise Increased Damage to maintain their kill speed - you two-shot stuff with Fireball from the get-go, but without Increased Damage, you'll soon see monsters taking three hits. Detonate Dead deals relative Damage. Tougher monster -> more Damage. Increased Damage only improves its kill speed, as opposed to keeping it on-par. It does the latter automatically. Making DD any worse early-game for a small bit of lategame power is a dumb move. If they're going to improve DD's relative damage, it should be across the board. |
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Detonate Dead builds work so far, so no complaints. However, I do have suggestions:
-Let Detonate Dead have a big physical damage boost as you level it. Think of it as 1000 physical damage, similar to Bear Trap This will lead to physical into elemental conversion builds, physical builds can now go Detonate Dead or some different builds incorporate Detonate Dead. Think of it as Bear Trap. -Completely remake the Detonate Dead gem. As is, the gem works rather one-dimensional. Detonate Dead builds work around amplifying that little 18% of corpse damage, and thats it. Maybe some percentage changes, let it deal 36% of total corpse hp but let half of it be fire damage, the other part physical? Problems that can occur is physical reflect and elemental reflect weakness at the same time. Solution? Avatar of Fire ! I will be making a Detonate Dead build, since the Searing Bond burning/fire damagenodes go seamless into Detonate Dead. Thanks for your time, and I would love to hear some feedback. |
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