Detonate Dead

But then shouldn't faster casting and spell echo get the cast tag too?
Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch?
If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch.
Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart...
Mark_GGG wrote:
Detonate Dead is a spell. However, it deals damage that isn't spell damage.
We've learned that players want the "Spell" tag on gems to not be associated with spells that deal non-spell damage, so they get the "Cast" tag instead, to show they're still spells you cast, but spell damage modifiers won't affect them.

Thank you. I'm glad you're using feedback to improve gem descriptions. It's one area of this game that still needs a fair bit of work, imo.
Wash your hands, Exile!
hi i have few questions about interaction detonate dead and consuming dark dagger
1. damage converting work for both damage parts(spell and explosion)?
2. consuming dark dagger have 100%chance inflict poison?
1.1. There's only one Damage portion, namely the sum of both values.
1.2. Detonate Dead does not deal Spell Damage; you can tell by the tags in the Gem description, there's a 'Cast' tag instead of a 'Spell' tag.
1.3. Most importantly: it can be Converted as per usual.

2. Yes.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Dec 9, 2015, 6:51:23 PM
I have little use for this skill, mainly because its only usefull once the mobs are dead, and by that time most of the AOE i used kill the dead mobs have nearly killed the mobs in radius where the DET dead would work. Abysall Cry would be my suggestion for DET dead, but thats already done and leaves very little room for det dead to be unique on its own.
ign SeaSaint or DadSaint
That's why you can create corpses yourself (Trap + Clustertrap + Desecrate).
Well DD really require some love from GGG and devs, such an slow and weak gem in this uber fast meta have no place and no uses at all.

Did GGG read that section? If so, maybe buff (a lot) DD for god sake? I mean it is needed or change meta, as right now DD utterly shit with slowest speed ever, like decoy tetem have more chance to kill then DD.

Clear speed now king and god, DD insane slow and require to cast few spells to use it, so something not right with gem.
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There is one thing that particularly bugs me about this skill, which is why doesn't it work with the Necromancers Spirit Eater or Ascendants Necromancer passives?

While it it destroying the corpse rather then consuming it, it's a distinction without a difference.
(which is different from exploding enemies on death via Infernal Blow)
This skill is bad enough without being handicapped further by not working with passives it ought to.
YohSL wrote:
There is one thing that particularly bugs me about this skill, which is why doesn't it work with the Necromancers Spirit Eater or Ascendants Necromancer passives?
It does.
Mark_GGG wrote:
YohSL wrote:
There is one thing that particularly bugs me about this skill, which is why doesn't it work with the Necromancers Spirit Eater or Ascendants Necromancer passives?
It does.

Ah, must have been a bug at some point.

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