
xdjamakx wrote:
Twigfish wrote:
I am honest, I wont read all this here. but I have noticed some really bad stuff with discharge. I love this skill, I made my own build for it and shit and I love it so far. but sometimes I stand in a crowd of mobs, have my charges all up, explode, the animation is following but no dmg to no mobs around me done and I still have my charges up. but the mana got consumed. this is why I keep dying and this is the biggest mood killer ever. plx fix this. It's horrible.

You got stunned while casting. Increase Castspeed or get stunimmunity.

I get this from time to time even thought i have stun immunity in talent tree
The posts about the time it takes to gain charges are really misleading.

Blood Rage - Frenzy charge per kill
Voll's - Power charge per kill
Enduring Cry + Warlord's Mark - Almost maximum Endurance charges permanently.

There's no real down time if you have a large pack of mobs nearby, even if it's just a few, less than a handful of power/frenzy charges make it stupidly viable.

Also for the risk/reward, I haven't seen any Discharge build that doesn't pick up increased AoE passives/gems. Even at lvl 27, my Templar is Discharging for the majority of the screen with just the Templar AoE nodes in the starting area.

The real reason this build shines is because Discharge has, iirc, the highest base crit chance of any int spell in the game. At the least, Frenzy Charges and Endurance Charges are relatively easy to keep going, not to mention Power Charges are a lot easier due to the high base crit chance, the crit stacking passives, and Voll's.

The skill dominates because with just a pure CI/Crit build, the damage is enough to easily one-shot most map mobs.
If you're reading this, I'm probably on another year-long ban.
Thanks GGG.
casval776 wrote:

Even at lvl 27, my Templar is Discharging for...

Try leveling a Discharger to lvl 90 an u'll see that it isn't that easy...

I've seen and played many other builds, which were way more safe and could kill enemies almost the same speed.

As for maintaining charges: It happens so often, that u run into a boss mob, just after ur charges expired. Then u can't use ur main attack and will struggle to survive. Or try killing a MapBoss like Piety with Discharge... gl with that ;)
Last edited by deusapollo#0776 on Sep 13, 2013, 2:56:53 PM
Just a suggestion. I think it would be cool if the sound discharge made was based more on how many charges you have. One charge would be quieter, and maximum charges would be even louder and be heard further away.

Just aesthetic.
Guys, is it possible to create a Discharge speel totem that uses the charges that are being shared by Conduit (or ambu's charge)?
Conduit shares with Party Members, so, no.

'Share' isn't really the right word anyways (everyone still has their own, individual Charges), but that's the word GGG decided to use so oh well.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Sep 23, 2013, 3:16:14 PM
EricCB wrote:
Guys, is it possible to create a Discharge speel totem that uses the charges that are being shared by Conduit (or ambu's charge)?

Totems cant have charges!
Try to link Power Siphon, Frenzy or Power charge on critical to Ranged Attack totem, for example. It will attack, but it wont gain any charges! IT will benefit from your own charges, though.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Totems can have Charges. They can have a max of 3 Endurance Charges. However, they have a max of zero for Power and Frenzy because they cannot meaningfully benefit (they might gain IAS, but they use your Attack Speed anyways so it does nothing).
Concluding, by using an Ambu's Charge, will my totem get Endurance Charges? Is it posible to create a Discharge Spell totem that uses the charges you share with it?
No different from Conduit (hence the nigh identical wording :P ). Totems are not Party Members.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Sep 24, 2013, 2:57:40 PM

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