Dominating Blow
How about a t-shirt: "Dominating Blow - Your DPS is out there" ?
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Double meanings, i love it
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There is no need for soul taker, Just get some facebreakers:P
Found this the other day as i had grown weary of exploding packs with IB, who on occasion reflect 30 mobs dying damage in my face. Anyways i digress... Here's the thing with this skill. Solo it is just OP no other word for it, 47 minion army following you around, playing blocking defense and Harry Enfield offense is just a lot of fun and SAFE. Party downsides are hitting things before they die, can be a challenge, however you can get around 15 minions when partied with the liberal use of a Quicksilver. Downsides :- Mana use is horrendous. I have mine in a 5-link only with Splash/Multi/Physical/Physical on full life. Mana cost for this 230 with DB being lv 16 and the others all 20. Other than that i highly recommend anyone a little bored with IB or their gem of choice give it a go.. However don't forget your mana leech rings:P Last edited by Weaz#4300 on Dec 19, 2013, 1:38:35 PM
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" Far from true. I've made a dominator scion with Kaom's Primacy axe (400-420 dps for 2ex) and 5L (will switch to BoR in 2 lvls). Trick is that to support 5-6L dominating blow you either need EB for huge mana pool (you can leech only 12.5% of total mana/sec), Blood Magic keystone (my choice), blood magic gem (gimps dps and increases HP consumption to unreasonable lvl), Soultaker (even legacy one doesn't provide dps comparable to cheap 2H). Since lvl 58 my dominating blow dps is 5.5K in 5L with melee splash and increased duration linked. I'm pretty sure that you can reach 15-20K dps (more with auras obviously) with nice gear and proper 2H, the problem is that Infernal Blow or Double Strike will triple it's damage easilly and minions dmg wise account almost nothing - too passive, too slow. I seriously wish skill offered minion speed instead of minion damage. For a matter of a fact it's a good skill design (one that requires serious dedication in resource management) and provides with nice active defence but i'm not sold that it'll allow killing something that you couldn't kill with other skills. |
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" Eh, I get about 17.7k dps with legacy facebreakers (probably 15k with new facebreakers) in 6L with DB+Blood Magic+Melee Splash+Multistrike+Added Fire+Increase Duration DPS would be more with Melee Physical support but I went with added fire so ranged minions would benefit. Gotta say, it's pretty nice having 100+ minions. I love to bring 50-60 minions to go meet Piety and then just sit back and watch as they kill her in ~5-6 seconds. |
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I am running a cold/summoner witch with a skelly totem and an Ice spear totem my question is this, if I were to link dominating blow onto my skelly totem would the skellys then use the skill dominating blow
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"not sure what you're trying to do... dominating blow is its own attack skill that makes slain foes as minions with intact stats, effects, and skills. a totem support is linked to spells. dominating blow is not a spell but an attack. |
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Sorry if this has been asked but I couldn't see it anywhere in the thread.
If you DB a carrion queen will the little minions it spawns be buffed by any support gems linked to DB? |
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I am using DB as utility skill to finish rare or some powerful magic monsters and I am pretty happy about it. :) Linked with culling strike, IIR, IIQ + increase skill duration passives. Killing rare monsters is so much rewarding especially when you kill one with some good aura. :)
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Just started a facebreaker duelist with DB. Can someone verify that the extended duration support gem still effects the minions. I have them linked but it isn't adding duration to the tool tip, nor my stopwatch.
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