Elemental Hit

LordTreufeldt wrote:
I don't know if someone already made this suggestion ...

But I think that Elemental Hit could have AOE or chaining to make this gem viable to play.

I tried to play this gem in four chars ... Melee, Bow and the damage sucks ... Nothing worth to make a descent build.

Just complementing ... EH having area damage then it could make the damage in a circle or elipse in front of the attacker. Maintaing actual damage but improving with area damage could make this gem usefull.
Just wanted to chime in here;
Is there any way to make this skill actually useful?
The way I see it, we already have skills that hit often, skills with strong multipliers, and wild strike for direct conversion (including AOE), but this one doesn't do a lot. it's just damage, but it's strong point is that it doesn't actually require a good weapon.

So, barring someone having a nice build that justifies this skill at least until early maps, maybe they should try to improve on what it is inherently acceptable at?
An AOE is an option, though I'd prefer it to be indirectly, like how wild strike isn't just adding AOE to the main attack.
It could have inherent proliferation, or a damage boost based on ailments (or no ailments) on target, or of course a secondary AOE for only the elemental part of the damage.
Or, barring that, just more damage (flat, not a more multiplier. Which, I guess, would also work).
Because who uses this.

Edit: Been using it as a leveling gem on my way to wild strike. It's bonus damage, relatively unique among skills, has it's perks, and the skill actually allows acceptable clearspeed;
However, to achieve this, it requires a fast weapon, which results in unacceptable mana costs.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
Last edited by UnDeaD_CyBorG#7056 on Oct 18, 2017, 5:14:07 PM
To make this skill more effective I think making the seperate elemental damages increase base on physical damage could make this skill more useful.
I think that is exactly what it shouldn't do, because wild strike does that already.
Or I guess it could also do that, I suppose that would improve it; I just don#t want to see the flat damage outright removed.

In comparison, however, I noticed that Elemental hit has no damage multiplier (that I could see anywhere), meaning even when the damage it grants is a third of the total elemental damage dealt it may end up inferior.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
I was thinkin a bit about Elemental Hit and its uselesnes and i had an idea on how to make the skill actually exciting and fun. Why not make it like a ranged form of wildstrike useable for bows/wands. make it so depending on the flat roll of what element the attack uses it shoots a thunder from the sky that hits only the target hit like herald of thunder on lightning hit, a small fire explosion on fire hit and like a frostblades styled impact on cold damage that shoots 3-5 projectiles in a circle around the enemy it hit. so you would have built in aoe thats not too crazy but also interresting and fun and could also be decent against singletarget enemies.
IGN Dontdieforkingass
Looks to me like one guy had this good idea but then it was friday evening so he dident finnish the job propherly.

Would like to see pure tripple elemental damage with weak ele prof instead of chanse to freeze blabla.

How much the ele damage would have to be nerfed aint my job to tell 😎

Btw what does can mean?
Is it 100% swap between them or can all 3 proc at the same time?
It means every attack will randomly add one of the three elemental damage types. Only one.
Yes, that works with with Elemental Equilibrium.
However, given the available physical damage, wild strike just does the same job better.
The status ailment chance is awesome, but the skill deals low damage (no multiplier), is single target, and costs way too much mana for what it does. Inherent proliferation would be nice, but might step on the elementalists toes.

I could easily see this getting something like
"every 4th hit deals 25% of elemental damage in an area" or "penetrates 10% resistances" or "30% more elemental damage", and I don't think it would be op.
Hell, I'm not sure it'd be op with all of those, or similar.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
I will start out by saying that I have not read true all the sites on this feedback site for "Elemental Hit", so most likely things have already been mentioned. I am however very curious if we could get some information from GGG on weather or not this skill is in for a rework at all, and hopefully now till the next patch (being optimistic, I know...) as you currently are revisiting a lot of "forgotten" skills, or other that seems lack luster - well, what you said you would do, but so far you only seem to rework skills that seem to be used to some degree?

The thing I love about EH is the fact it is the only attack which has a flat dmg like most spells, which I love (something that "stands out" from the normal format), but beside this it seems dissapoint both in visual enjoyment, and performance as it has no means of cleave, and even as a single-target skill it is being outperformed by even skills with innate cleave (reave, cleave, blade flurry, etc).
As others have mentioned we have Wild Strike that in many ways did take this gems "spot", but would LOVE to see some rework done on EH where you would keep its unique property of still being an attack with flat dmg, instead of scaling with weapon dmg, and possibly focus on making it an awesome single-target skill with potential inate ress penetration or something similair as others have suggested.
So, preview version of Elemental Hit was a hoax? No base damage changes or damage effectiveness were mentioned in patch notes.
Last edited by Toralian#3265 on May 30, 2018, 7:34:23 AM
Why my EH fired 3 waves of ice projectile in a row?

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