Glacial Hammer

trollkind wrote:
Allowing Glacial to kill uniques at 35% is bonkers. Everybody would just have it on weapon swap. That's not in any way comparable to playing a certain Ascendancy to get 20% culling.

Since GC only uber-culls frozen monsters, I think it is not that bad. At least no-brainer swap would not work

GGG, since you're on Threshold jewels, please consider the following rework for the gem and old jewel (if not in 2.6.0, then later like in 2.6.1):

1) Introduce new keyword:
Deadly Strike
(Deadly Strike means enemies that are on 20% or lower life after your Hit are Killed)
- A keyword for Slayer that can be further used on skills and uniques.

2) Add the following line to Glacial Hammer:
Hits on Frozen monsters have Deadly Strike
- So bosses can be killed with special ability without being too cheesy.

3) Do the following with Shattered Chains' unique property.
With at least 40 Strength in Radius, 20% increased Rarity of Items dropped by Frozen Enemies Killed by Glacial Hammer
- Since property has no variables and is unique, I believe this can be done for existing jewels.
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.
Last edited by Sarganis87#5959 on Mar 2, 2017, 11:02:42 AM
You dont get "winter burial" in act 5 as quest reward. Just to considerate if you want to play glacial hammer.
Glacial Hammer is great and all, but since it's Glacial "Hammer" and not "Strike", the skill can only be used with a Staff or Mace weapon, which vastly limits it. Look at Kitava's Feast, for instance. It's perfect for this skill! It grants you lvl25 Melee Splash Support and has a ton of good stats to go with it. But because Kitava's Feast is an axe, Glacial Hammer doesn't work with it. I don't know if this is intended as a nerf, but can we maybe get this looked at?

I mean, it seems like a simple fix. Just keep the skill the same, rename it Glacial Strike and open it up to be used with all other weapon types. Heck, I think it'd be cool to open it up to being used Unarmed with Facebreakers, but that's just me.

Is this something that can happen? Just asking. I thought it would be a pretty good idea to point it out.
The main problem with this skill as long as other melee single target skills is that the splash damage from the winter burial jewels doesn't look to work with increased AoE support gem. I tested it on a 6 link several times with level 20 inc AoE support to see if there was significant increased in splash AoE but it didn't seem to work. I know AoE damage won't affect the primary hit but should work with the splash. The difference in AoE between glacial hammer and sunder with increased aoe gem is too much. Make the support gem work with winter burial splash and this will be the good to go skill for the next year.
"In this game you're just a cow being milked, not a human being entertained" - Kiss_Me_Quick
Last edited by IIPheXII#5639 on Nov 13, 2017, 11:24:45 AM
IIPheXII wrote:
The main problem with this skill as long as other melee single target skills is that the splash damage from the winter burial jewels doesn't look to work with increased AoE support gem. I tested it on a 6 link several times with level 20 inc AoE support to see if there was significant increased in splash AoE but it didn't seem to work. I know AoE damage won't affect the primary hit but should work with the splash. The difference in AoE between glacial hammer and sunder with increased aoe gem is too much. Make the support gem work with winter burial splash and this will be the good to go skill for the next year.
The splash damage is affected by the increased area support.
Mark_GGG wrote:
The splash damage is affected by the increased area support.

Yeah but you nerfed AoE so much no one can tell. Also the Winter Burial jewel splash damage can't be converted, making this even more pointless than it already is.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
It has been commented more times true this post, but the Glacial Hammer description is the following; "Hits the enemy, converting some of your physical damage to cold damage. If the enemy is frozen and is on less than one third life, they will shatter when hit by Glacial Hammer. Requires a Mace or Staff."

Can GGG PLEASE, give us an answer to why this effect does not apply to unique monsters/bosses Currently it is not working according to its own description!

Some have mentioned that it would be OP, would it really? To increase ones chance to freeze a boss in the first place you need alot of dmg in a single hit, combined with freeze duration increases. And you also need to have enough attack speed to be able to hit the target again within the "freeze window". On trash mobs and normal map clear you will just stomp true mobs, but there are still better skills who can clear entire screens, and also take down bosses in a faster, and safer manner then what GH is capable of today (as with so many other skills).
The one thing I do love with GH is that it is a skill where you (theoretically) would be better of scaling the "avg dmg", opposed to "dps", due to the descripted utility and function on the skill - if, it had worked on all monsters.

Hope we can get an answer to this, and that it in the near future will work according to its own description.
Ormstunge wrote:
It has been commented more times true this post, but the Glacial Hammer description is the following; "Hits the enemy, converting some of your physical damage to cold damage. If the enemy is frozen and is on less than one third life, they will shatter when hit by Glacial Hammer. Requires a Mace or Staff."

Can GGG PLEASE, give us an answer to why this effect does not apply to unique monsters/bosses Currently it is not working according to its own description!

Unique monsters cannot be shattered.

This is a case of "specific beats general", the specific exception (unique monsters) beats the general case (enemies frozen by GH). The description is correct.
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on May 7, 2018, 11:33:41 AM
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
Ormstunge wrote:
It has been commented more times true this post, but the Glacial Hammer description is the following; "Hits the enemy, converting some of your physical damage to cold damage. If the enemy is frozen and is on less than one third life, they will shatter when hit by Glacial Hammer. Requires a Mace or Staff."

Can GGG PLEASE, give us an answer to why this effect does not apply to unique monsters/bosses Currently it is not working according to its own description!

Unique monsters cannot be shattered.

This is a case of "specific beats general", the specific exception (unique monsters) beats the general case (enemies frozen by GH). The description is correct.

Obviously this is an exception, we can see that when using the skill ingame. But I will still argue that GH description is "false". As GGG is not giving us an explination to why this have to be "true", nor why it should be. Considering how "Culling strike" and "Bane of Legends" (ascendency point for slayers) work, why do GH need to be an exception when it comes to both description, and functionallity?
GH need to first fill in on the condition that the mob is frozen, and then you need to hit it again wile they are frozen to actually shatter them.

The wiki description of freeze is the following; "Base freeze duration is 60 milliseconds for every 1% of the target's maximum life (before party scaling) dealt by Cold damage, up to a maximum of 50%. If the duration would be below 0.3 seconds, the freeze effect is not applied."
As far as I can tell this is "true", and factoring in bosses health you would need to focus GH builds around avg dmg pr hit, if you want the freeze utility, and possible shatter. So GGG what is the argument for it not working on uniques/boss mobs? -without its shatter effect on tougher mobs such as bosses, it is just another (more or less) useless skill.
Ormstunge wrote:
Abdiel_Kavash wrote:
Unique monsters cannot be shattered.

This is a case of "specific beats general", the specific exception (unique monsters) beats the general case (enemies frozen by GH). The description is correct.

Obviously this is an exception, we can see that when using the skill ingame. But I will still argue that GH description is "false". As GGG is not giving us an explination to why this have to be "true", nor why it should be. Considering how "Culling strike" and "Bane of Legends" (ascendency point for slayers) work, why do GH need to be an exception when it comes to both description, and functionallity?
GH need to first fill in on the condition that the mob is frozen, and then you need to hit it again wile they are frozen to actually shatter them.

The wiki description of freeze is the following; "Base freeze duration is 60 milliseconds for every 1% of the target's maximum life (before party scaling) dealt by Cold damage, up to a maximum of 50%. If the duration would be below 0.3 seconds, the freeze effect is not applied."
As far as I can tell this is "true", and factoring in bosses health you would need to focus GH builds around avg dmg pr hit, if you want the freeze utility, and possible shatter. So GGG what is the argument for it not working on uniques/boss mobs? -without its shatter effect on tougher mobs such as bosses, it is just another (more or less) useless skill.

I am not sure whether you have read my post. The problem is not with not being able to freeze unique enemies, or the freeze not registering for some reason. The problem is that unique enemies cannot be shattered. The wiki correctly states that. The effect is not skipped for unique monsters in the special case of this skill, the effect fundamentally cannot happen for unique monsters. This has nothing to do with Glacial Hammer, and it is not related to Culling Strike in any way. It is not a balance decision, it is how the shatter mechanic works.

The skill gem can not possibly list all specific cases for every rule. Think of something like Shock Nova, which has "20% chance to shock enemies". Should it also say "20% chance to shock enemies that are not immune to lightning damage, or immune to shock, or have a chance to avoid shock, or if you have some other effect that prevents you from shocking enemies" (etc.)?

This is exactly why the "specific beats general" rule exists. The skill gem gives you the most general rule applicable in the general majority of cases, while individual targets can further modify the effect by applying more specific rules to them.
Last edited by Abdiel_Kavash#5296 on May 7, 2018, 1:06:38 PM

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