Ice Nova

This spell is overshadowed by cold snap in every way. Not worth using as cold witch/summoner. If surrounded by mobs targeting cold snap on the hero and moving away or finishing them off with freezing pulse was better than anything frost nova had to offer.

The skill needs much love to even be considered for a hotkey. The damage is rediculously low and no benefit to outweigh the fact you are in melee range surrounded by mobs.
The base cast speed feels very slow. I feel like you need at least 30% faster cast for it to not be painful to use.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired)
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Lo4f wrote:
This spell is overshadowed by cold snap in every way. Not worth using as cold witch/summoner. If surrounded by mobs targeting cold snap on the hero and moving away or finishing them off with freezing pulse was better than anything frost nova had to offer.

The skill needs much love to even be considered for a hotkey. The damage is rediculously low and no benefit to outweigh the fact you are in melee range surrounded by mobs.

I totally agree with this. Right now this skill has no use at all. Cold snap does everything Ice nova does and it does it a lot better. Faster casting, more damage, better chance to freeze, freedom to cast it where you like.

This skill needs a lot of love or a total rework.

I have completely changed my opinion of Ice Nova- it is one of my favorite and most powerful spells.

At first glance the spell is underwhelming and it requires multiple supports to become viable.

Ice Nova + Cold to Fire, Added Lightning Damage, Mana Leech. Elemental Weakness and you will see the synergy.
Speaking of Ice to Fire, does improving fire damage also increase the damage of the fire damage?
Drb00 wrote:
Speaking of Ice to Fire, does improving fire damage also increase the damage of the fire damage?
That's a good question. If Cold to Fire works like Iron Reflexes and Avatar of Fire, where bonuses to the original stat and the converted stat are both applied, then Cold to Fire could be better than I originally thought.
Mark had a good example in an earlier version of the Cold to Fire feedback thread. As far as I know, how this damage is calculated hasn't changed.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Example with numbers:
I have glacial hammer converting 50% of my physical damage to cold damage, and Cold to Fire converting 50% of my cold damage to fire damage.
Lets say my weapon deals 100 physical damage (in actuality there'll be two numbers, an minimum and a maximum, but we only need to do the maths once for the example, it's applied exactly the same to both).

I have:
10% Increased Physical Damage
20% Increased Elemental Damage
5% Increased Cold Damage
15% Increased Fire Damage

My weapon's base damage is 100 physical.
50% of this will be converted to cold
50% of that (25% of the total) will be converted again to fire.

The physical damage will be affected only by the physical damage increase, for a 20% increase.

The cold damage will be affected by physical, elemental and cold increases, for a total 35% increase (10 + 20 + 5).

The fire damage is affected by physical, elemental, cold and fire increases, for a total 50% increase (10 + 20 + 5 + 15).

50 of the base damage ends up being physical, with a 20% increase applied = 60 Physical Damage

25 of the base damage ends up being cold, with a 35% increase applied = 34 Cold Damage (33.75 rounds up)

25 of the base damage ends up being fire, with a 50% increase applied = 38 Fire Damage (37.5 rounds up)
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UristMcDwarfy wrote:
Mark had a good example in an earlier version of the Cold to Fire feedback thread. As far as I know, how this damage is calculated hasn't changed.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Example with numbers:
I have glacial hammer converting 50% of my physical damage to cold damage, and Cold to Fire converting 50% of my cold damage to fire damage.
Lets say my weapon deals 100 physical damage (in actuality there'll be two numbers, an minimum and a maximum, but we only need to do the maths once for the example, it's applied exactly the same to both).

I have:
10% Increased Physical Damage
20% Increased Elemental Damage
5% Increased Cold Damage
15% Increased Fire Damage

My weapon's base damage is 100 physical.
50% of this will be converted to cold
50% of that (25% of the total) will be converted again to fire.

The physical damage will be affected only by the physical damage increase, for a 20% increase.

The cold damage will be affected by physical, elemental and cold increases, for a total 35% increase (10 + 20 + 5).

The fire damage is affected by physical, elemental, cold and fire increases, for a total 50% increase (10 + 20 + 5 + 15).

50 of the base damage ends up being physical, with a 20% increase applied = 60 Physical Damage

25 of the base damage ends up being cold, with a 35% increase applied = 34 Cold Damage (33.75 rounds up)

25 of the base damage ends up being fire, with a 50% increase applied = 38 Fire Damage (37.5 rounds up)

Can anyone cliff's notes that to a "yes" or "no"? My eyes glazed over.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired)
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired)
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
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HC: 96(dead)
unsane wrote:
UristMcDwarfy wrote:
Mark had a good example in an earlier version of the Cold to Fire feedback thread. As far as I know, how this damage is calculated hasn't changed.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Example with numbers:
I have glacial hammer converting 50% of my physical damage to cold damage, and Cold to Fire converting 50% of my cold damage to fire damage.
Lets say my weapon deals 100 physical damage (in actuality there'll be two numbers, an minimum and a maximum, but we only need to do the maths once for the example, it's applied exactly the same to both).

I have:
10% Increased Physical Damage
20% Increased Elemental Damage
5% Increased Cold Damage
15% Increased Fire Damage

My weapon's base damage is 100 physical.
50% of this will be converted to cold
50% of that (25% of the total) will be converted again to fire.

The physical damage will be affected only by the physical damage increase, for a 20% increase.

The cold damage will be affected by physical, elemental and cold increases, for a total 35% increase (10 + 20 + 5).

The fire damage is affected by physical, elemental, cold and fire increases, for a total 50% increase (10 + 20 + 5 + 15).

50 of the base damage ends up being physical, with a 20% increase applied = 60 Physical Damage

25 of the base damage ends up being cold, with a 35% increase applied = 34 Cold Damage (33.75 rounds up)

25 of the base damage ends up being fire, with a 50% increase applied = 38 Fire Damage (37.5 rounds up)

Can anyone cliff's notes that to a "yes" or "no"? My eyes glazed over.

Yes. If some damage is converted to a different damage type it receives damage bonuses for the original damage type as well as damage bonuses for each of the damage types it was converted to.
Increasing base cast speed by 15% and adding 15% to base damage should make this skill much more viable towards end game, also increasing the chance to freeze targets slightly wouldn't hurt.

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