Ice Spear

Please do a few times in a row Malachi without a single death. As it is expecting from an end-game build.

Yeah. My point. Now please GGG stop trolling around with the 'latest promotions", and start working on resurrecting CI clean casters as a playable builds please.
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Last edited by SonicPLD2#7668 on Dec 19, 2015, 1:09:52 PM
left poe 2 years ago when ice spear (and to some extend CI) became useless.

came back now, still that way. But rangers with 30 levels below me are running around killing everything 3 screens away, thats apparently not OP.
ign: klavesnica
Yep. been a high tier armor and high phy dps with higher damage reduction is obviously not OP.
It's just every damn RPG turning to became Rangers kingdome before it fade away into the oblivion.
It is the fate of Silkroad, Runes of Magic, World of Warcraft, TERA, AEON - every god damn good RPG died because of this nonsense, and seems like PoE would like not to fall behind.
With the "1h 6L wipe" the PoE turns to a joke now.
There is no sane reason for one to play it any further.
Ice spear is worthless.

1) Unable to spread damage by converting to fire and proliferating
2) Unable to achieve more damage in a crit multi build with ice spear than any other skill, which will also have innate AOE

It's a great skill and very well designed.

It needs serious modification. Having to run GMP on this spell is actually bad compared to what it could be.
Last edited by ihasmario#4211 on Jan 21, 2016, 3:34:27 AM
Ice Spear has been seen as an abysmal skill for quite a while, and considering the state it currently is in, it's easy to see why! Frankly, it's as easy as its poor base damage, 321 - 482. This is hilariously out of date compared to even Arctic Breath's seemingly huge payload of 451 - 677 in comparison!

But Ice Spear's base damage isn't the only problem, its AoE coverage is terrible to all other frost spells, no one wants to use its built-in Pierce affect (due to increased crit chance at range), and its high 7% base crit chance can now easily be reached by all other spells, simply by slapping in the Increased Critical Strikes gem, easily giving all other spells a 6.9% or 7.9% base crit, with +88% increased!

I feel that apart from simply raising Ice Spear's damage, there's absolutely no reason to use it in comparison to other Ice spells, yet alone the many others, so what can we change?

I'd like to propose we modify its projectiles somewhat, as the Pierce itself has no real incentive to use it, it just "happens" without feeling important. Besides, both Magma Orb and Spark, two VERY great spells, have already gotten the Buff treatment, let's help Ice Spear out!

For reference;
P refers to player
- refers to Ice Spear
X refers to Projectile Effect
E> refers to enemy caught inside Ice Spear projectile

My two suggestions are as follows:

Idea 1: Ice Spear would release Forked projectiles as it travels along, in a 30 - 45 degree angle away from the original projectile. Generally, these would range from +1 burst intervals of forked projectiles, to +3 at level 20. Still encourages players to fire Ice Spears from a long distance, firing from short range would not let them make much use out of the extra spread.

P ----X----X----X

(Assume 2 Ice Spear projectiles fork from each time the effect occurs)


Idea 2: We make use out of Ice Spear's CURRENT projectiles and spice them up a little. Here's how!
In Ice Spear's first state, enemies that are hit by the Piercing projectile will be pushed along, basically similar to a continual Knockback effect. I COULD perhaps see the Ice Spear growing in width as it gathers and drags more enemies, but anyway, let's get back on track.
Let's have a soft limit for how many enemies can be Pierced by it, for instance, 3 through to 9.

In Ice Spear's second state, it will explode into several shards in a X pattern, or create a burst similar to Herald of Ice's effect. The more enemies that have been "Pierced" by the projectile, the greater the AoE/projectiles released or damage (or both). I suggest that ideally, this explosion occur when the projectile hits a wall, a mob, or when Ice Spear has ran out of projectile speed and needs to disappear.

P ----E>----E>----X

P ------------E>E>X

(All mobs dragged along during Ice Spear 1st form are gathered together, until Ice Spear 2nd form explodes, either by hitting mob, hitting obstacle, or its lifespan disappears)

Hopefully my rough ideas have at least shed some light on, or opened up an opportunity to revamp this pitiful spell. If stats were simply swapped around, there is still no reason whatsoever to use Ice Spear over Arctic Breath or countless other spells.
† RIP IceSpear †

2013 - 2015.

You were the best thing which made me join this game, but You are gone now.
Killed by a moronic ideology of "nerfing in the favor of the rest"

We will remember You as the most lovely skill for the cold spell lovers.

From the mourners.
Last edited by Yordan#2511 on Jun 13, 2016, 12:10:31 AM
Ice Spear should have its quality bonus swapped with Frostbolt.

Frostbolt has superior scaling and needs proj speed.
Ice Spear does not need proj speed and could sure use a cold damage boost.

Also, for the love of Kudoku, give this skill an actually reasonable mana cost.
well, proj. speed is useful in a sense that you freeze mob sooner- before he attacks you (ranged mob). But ice spear's strength is another question.

In order to improve this skill - a serious changes need to be made with it.
Currently - it rise it's critical a way too far from the character to be used in any build, because simple the mobs is in much greater quantity, speed and IQ than they were in 0.x and 1.x, aside of this the nowdays not compatible design of slow moving, high mana requiring and considerable low damage and almost no AOE dealing skill which is designed for not less than 6L item is rendering it to not useful.
and NO - FrostBolt does not replacing IceSpear, actually it is the missing part of the IceSpear, we just have now 2 not sufficient quality spells for a base of a build.

This is seriously damaging the game and the gameplay of the cold lovers as myself.

Pity, really pity situation which is not resolver from over a year and half now..
I was silenced for telling the name of USA president for 40 days.
I was silenced for stating "I am Jesus" for 5 days.
Maybe it is time the deeds of the moderators to become public, so peoples understand that they hired a cheap mods which enforcing their "woke" agenda on players.
Last edited by BlazeSTX#1437 on Jul 18, 2016, 6:03:41 AM
BlazeSTX wrote:

In order to improve this skill - a serious changes need to be made with it.
Currently - it rise it's critical a way too far from the character to be used in any build, because simple the mobs is in much greater quantity, speed and IQ than they were in 0.x and 1.x, aside of this the nowdays not compatible design of slow moving, high mana requiring and considerable low damage and almost no AOE dealing skill which is designed for not less than 6L item is rendering it to not useful.
and NO - FrostBolt does not replacing IceSpear, actually it is the missing part of the IceSpear, we just have now 2 not sufficient quality spells for a base of a build.

This is seriously damaging the game and the gameplay of the cold lovers as myself.

Pity, really pity situation which is not resolver from over a year and half now..

Ice Spear's damage was buffed by 70%.
Now, i can clearly say - it HITS LIKE A TRUCK!
IGN: MortalKombat
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