Immortal Call

I think they should change it so that it checks current ICs like Ignite, and only actually applies a new one if it had a longer remaining duration than the last one.
In turn, if it did, the old one should end, but the new one only be applied after 100 ms, giving a short window of vulnerability.

Another option would be making it 100% reduced damage, so non-armour-builds would still take damage when under the effects of vulnerability.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
UnDeaD_CyBorG wrote:
I think they should change it so that it checks current ICs like Ignite, and only actually applies a new one if it had a longer remaining duration than the last one.
In turn, if it did, the old one should end, but the new one only be applied after 100 ms, giving a short window of vulnerability.

Another option would be making it 100% reduced damage, so non-armour-builds would still take damage when under the effects of vulnerability.

And make it crap...
Immortal Call seems a bit overpowered when used as a main skill, and very underwhelming when not focusing on it.
I have Immortal Call on all of my characters, here is a summary of my experience with it.

On my pure evasion (Acrobatics, Ondars Guile) ranger Immortal Call is linked to CWDT and it usually gives me 0.8 seconds after i take about 3/4 of my health. This gives me time to spam instant health potions before i take more damage.
On my ES witch she also has it linked to CWDT but having about 7000 combined health, immortal call triggers about 3 times before she's even low. This usually is just taken as a grace period to continue casting and blow through any attackers.
On my Melee Duelist he has an Immortal Call self-cast build with increased duration in the passive tree and support gem, I was originally intending for the character to be a tank, but being immune to physical damage for 10+ seconds means i can forgo any armor and focus on all damage items.

In the first case, immortal call is used as a defensive measure. In the second two it is used as a way to bypass the risks taken when building a squishy character.

This skill, when abused, removes any balance around defense and offense.
I really wish this would be reworked, lost a lot of its luster after you guys made enduring cry not work with I would do it.

By itself when paired with 20/20 inc duration 1.10 sec, then adjust the numbers of the bonus duration when consuming endurance charges so it's the same duration it is now with max charges but lower bonus per charge...right not by its self it just seams way to sort on its own, I have it coupled with a duration wheel and 20/20 inc duration and I only get 0.88 sec...hardly seams worth using, don't even get 1 second of safety...
Last edited by justinmm1988#6504 on Dec 18, 2015, 10:29:25 AM
Make this gem a warcry. CwdT+IC combo must be ended.
I like the idea of changing this to a warcry. It makes sense for the gem already, and eliminates the CWDT + Immortal Call combo, which is really obnoxious that pretty much every build uses it.
@Moylin (Beyond)
A forcefield-like MTX for this would be neat, maybe something similar to the sphere around physical thorns monsters.

EDIT: or like the barrier dome Bannon uses to protect himself on the roof!
Last edited by PoofySleeves#3622 on Jul 17, 2018, 9:00:18 AM
Does the cooldown start when IC procs or when the buff ends?

What's the exact timing on how this setup would work?

Cleave > COMK > IC
IC > Inc Dur > CWDT
New Immortal Call for 3.7 Legion

Immortal Call
No longer makes you immune to physical damage for a duration.
Base duration is now 1 second at all gem levels (from 0.4 seconds).
Now has an instant cast time (from 0.85 seconds).
Now causes you to take 25% less elemental damage and 25% less physical damage at gem level 1, with the values growing based on the gem level, up to 34% less elemental damage and 35% less physical damage at gem level 20.
Now consumes endurance charges up to a maximum of 5, causing you to take 15% less physical damage per endurance charge consumed for the buff's duration.
Increases the duration of the buff by 20% for each endurance charge consumed.
Now has a 3 second cooldown, which does not recover during its effect.
Shares its cooldown with other guard skills (Steelskin and Molten Shell).

The enemies gate is down.
This rework makes no sense, now all the mobs will 1 shot you, good work ggg

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