Lightning Warp
This Gem needs fix right away.
This needs to be made-up is this a offensive skill to engage with because of the damage? OR Is this a evasive skill used to get away from hard fights? Okay the cast time on it is so slow that if you try to use it evasively to get out of fights you will die if you cast it a far distance because it takes 5+ seconds and you take damage the whole time. Also, you should be able to teleport over a wall with the skill if it's a true teleport. Personally I like PoE way better then Diablo by far, but the teleport skill in diablo is far better then this teleport gem where you don't know if you should use it offensively or to get away. It's not balanced + really bad for hardcore league when your trying to survive. Leave Feedback, thanks. |
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Are Lightning Wrap totems affected by Quicksilver flasks, Haste and Inner Force? If so, does it use the values when it spawns or the current values of the player?
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" Neither. It's a tactical-repositioning skill. The original idea is that you can keep kiting and fighting while the countdown is occurring. It's for 'doubling' your actions: after you spend time casting, you gain more time back by both fighting from where you are and "moving" to the destination at the same time. In that use,it's better to add faster cast and not much movespeed. I'd advise people not to over-emphasise the damage aspect of the skill. :P Also specifically not to think of it as a D2-like teleport. The gameplay-effect is much more similar to a chronosphere in Red Alert - you port yourself somewhere to spend your time fighting, and afterwards the skill teleports you away. For example, you're facing 30 skeletons with 3 necros. LW at a necro, then kite the skellies towards you so that you have more breathing room to take it down after LW activates. Repeat. You don't need a necro-like target really. 10 fast bandits with Puncture. LW towards their original position and kite them back to you while you keep blasting spells in their face (and if needed, kite backward). LW is meant to allow you to not waste time trying to run away as long as you cast it first. :P Last edited by zharmad#7992 on Jan 29, 2013, 3:24:47 AM
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" It checks Movement Speed when it casts. It is/they are effected by Movespeed buffs, yes. @Zharmad: My Lightning Warp witch disagrees. It works quite excellently for damage. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Jan 29, 2013, 12:40:55 PM
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Was starting to work on a Lighting Warp witch myself. Hit cruel ledge and started to try some different combinations. Can't say I'm very impressed with early results.
Totems are easily destroyed because of the delay. And if that's the case in cruel ledge, how would it work in endgame maps? Remote mines have great damage potential, but targeting is very unreliable. Trap support might be a bit more fire and forget, but would require a spec into traps. And lastly you could use it yourself. This option might be the best, but I would need to progress a bit further and pick up quite a bit of life and evasion to be able to use it consistently. Anyone here running a warp build past lvl 50-60? How does it perform? How is damage? IGN : Jovial Last edited by yhateful#2635 on Feb 6, 2013, 7:24:49 PM
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This skill needs to calculate teleport delay as if an increased movement speed buff was applied — using Shield Charge as a guide, 50% at level 1 going up to 70% at level 10 is probably good. This would make it, like Shield Charge, an actual movement skill, and not just the odd positioning novelty it is now.
It would not and should not be instantaneous movement. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Feb 9, 2013, 5:38:03 PM
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Mark, can you comment on the behavior of Lightning Warp when it is on a Trap? It seems very odd to me right now. As it functions right now, if I stack three Lightning Warp Traps on top of an enemy, all three will teleport to the same spot, regardless of enemies nearby. This seems odd to me, given that LW totems appear to follow enemies around.
Is this expected behavior? Should a lightning warp trap teleport to a random spot for each one that is triggered, attempt to teleport to an enemy, or is there something more complicated going on in the background? I'd really love to make my teleport traps work and a big part of that is knowing how they behave. Thanks! |
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Traps with targeted spells always target the triggering enemy, so if you're putting them in the same place they'll be triggered together by the same enemy and all target that enemy.
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" Interesting-- presumably there's a minimum range? My traps are all targeting one spot near the mob, about one cleave-radius away from the edge of the initial AoE. Obviously it would be more useful as a trap if it hit them with both ends of the teleport and I'm trying to figure out if I can get enough increased AoE to hit him with the departure and landing (similar to Meepo from Dota, if that makes sense). Thanks for answering! |
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Yes, there's a minimum range on Lightning Warp, because otherwise you could warp to your own location or very very close, with basically no delay and catching all surrounding mosnters in both AoEs (leaving and arrival). So the traps will aim at the triggering enemy, and then be extended the minimum range.