Lightning Warp

I can't even say how many times I have died to not working lightning warp.

Please improve LW by letting u still warp even if u click on tiny invisible rubble by warping one millimeter aside from that rubble.

Pls.. I had enough of buggy like deaths.
Just died again, because LW refuses to work if bloody rubble is on cursor.
Poe does not have those flashy over the top advertisement animations.

Very little things in this game were as satisfying as a new player than having most of my mana reserved and teleporting across the map at light speed. Even my friends that don't like poe were blown away by that.

It makes me sad that new players currently can not experience that for the first time.
"ran out of high teir maps to leave on the ground - people kept taking the higher teirs" - Da Pagionator
The strange behavior with the spell not being cast then the character immediatly warping to another place is fixed here, but now, some times, the character casts the spell, the animation is played at the target location, but my character stay at the same place.

Died three times today because of that ......
I captured the bug in video : (last warp at 10s)

It's often occurring when the character is near a corner or a wall.
Last edited by Poupii#5647 on Jan 5, 2016, 3:08:42 PM
Can someone from GGG can confirm this is a bug ? This is making Lightning Warp-based builds totally random :/
I noticed that Lightning Warp's graphics do not scale with changes to Area of Effect Radius. This makes it difficult to know how far enemies need to be from me before I can hit them with the skill.

35% Increased Radius:

66% Increased Radius:

As you can see, because there is no visual indicator showing how large your AoE is, it's very difficult (unless you're like me and teleporting into/out of a pack with health bars on) to see how many mobs you're going to hit with the warp. Because of this, the base radius of 16 shown by the LW graphics stays looking the same despite every other AoE spell scaling their sizes with AoE radius increases.
its been a year now, still no LW lockstep fix, or the cast fail "bug" ? when are you guys getting around to this? I finally convinced my brother to try the game, and he quit cuz annoying stuff like this
Eh... Lightining Warp not affected by Rapid Decay support gem?
Lightning warp needs to have a better cast time like .75 seconds or something. 1 second base cast time is way too long, I've got a +1 chest 6Led lightning warp with around 200%+ cast speed and my pathfinder friend still out paces me by a mile using movespeed in a race just going down the ledge....

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