Raise Zombie

OverUsedChewToy wrote:
I think this is the right thread for my own considered feedback. The animations seems fairly fine. I'm not at all bothered by them. What does bother me is the timing of certain animations. Allow me to elaborate.

Back in the day, the summoner necromancer was my go-to build in Diablo 2. It had everything I found fun in an ARPG playstyle; minions to control and buff, crowd control and small pitched battles that i could sit back and "tweak" in order to win. I lost count how many times I levelled a necromancer with a variant to that playstyle up through hell difficulty. Naturally I was keen on trying out the Path of Exile summons, especially the zombies which bear the closest resemblance to D2's skeletons.

I tried them and... something was Missing. Two things, actually. The first is innate regeneration; this is more of a preference. A small amount of natural regeneration on a permanent monster summon removes the headache that is constant resummoning. But I can deal with that, it's a part of Path of Exile's mechanical intricacy that I can have minions with regeneration; I just need to pay a mechanical price to do so in terms of a shield with necromantic aegis or a rejuvination totem, or a vitality aura.

Animation Flasks will do this. Not only do you get HP but they also work for your minions. (I believe it is animation flasks)
FAQ made through many hours of enduring global chat in Normal

Dark0mens wrote:

Animation Flasks will do this. Not only do you get HP but they also work for your minions. (I believe it is animation flasks)

True! I don't really think it's a big "thing", and definitely something I can deal with... it was more my second point about the flow of combat zombies give (or lack thereof) that I wanted to point to.
Are Zombies and the other summons affected by your chance to hit or do they have a set chance?
http://twitch.tv/carpola - Check me out!
I know it has been said many times in this thread but can we get more information on Raise Zombie/Skeleton stats/damage? I feel like all stats should be listed in the character screen like any other skill, hit chance, crit chance, damage per swing, attack speed, etc etc.

Currently the HP numbers are visible and that is good, although compared to damage or defensive stats not as valuable. In the future I would like to see what kind of impact determination or hatred aura have on my summons. Right now I have a very hard time justifying Determination aura because I have no idea if it is doing anything or not >.>

Edit: I have done some digging and couldn't find any information on this. Does the Inner Force passive (18% increased effect of buffs on you) work on your minions? My common sense guess tells me no but there are some strange things in this game.
Last edited by Walbert#1592 on Dec 15, 2012, 9:26:47 AM
inner force does not work on your minions, they are not you.
This isn't a tin foil hat moment. But in my opinion if the offensive stats for zombies are released and visible, they will be the flavor of the month, I find them to be nearly as powerful as my other characters, just slower clearing times. But then again I prefer the easier pace and allows me to focus on my positioning more (more suited for hardcore). I found the best link in my experience is to link it with, health, attack speed, minion damage, (I make all my builds assuming only 4L will be available), upon 5L added fire damage, 6L, melee physical, and I run clarity, discipline, hatred. Couple that with a rejuvenation totem and I have a formidable force.

The reason for a juvi totem is minion instability is good for spamming boss fights with skeletons, but in my opinion it is invaluable to keep your horde alive as long as possible so the enemies don't have the chance to target you, or when you are facing a strong caster horder, the extra hp will help you maintain the zombie summons as they pop helping them last a lil while longer to keep the casters off you.

I run them with a skeleton totem and a juvi totem and arc with static blows, lighting pen, chaos damage.

Dual totems in the future to run a Arc totem that way all I have to do is curse and summon.

tl:dr; zombies are strong I dont really care about the need to know the damage numbers, I clear maps with ease. I think people focus too much on damage when currently its not really needed as much as people think.
Last edited by hazz0#6137 on Dec 19, 2012, 12:56:08 PM
the dmg is ok but i think the zombies die to fast. attacked by aoe spells/effects my whole team dies nearly instantly. :/ but ok im just low lvl. dunno how it scales later with more focus on minions in the tree.. atm its not so funny to play with minions. :( (for me because i have all the time to recast and cant focus on attacking the enemy)
Their health ramps up quite nicely. With just the Minion Life support gem they'll do very well. Pretty useless until you get them leveled up a few times though, as you noticed.

A Helm with +1 to Minion Gems socketed also makes a huge difference, but isn't a particularly common roll.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Dec 25, 2012, 11:19:19 AM
Zombie's need a larger attack radius. Running around a group of mobs in a small area, zombies follow and do not attack even if you're kiting.

Also, Zombie's follow from behind, and do not engage targets even through your character is engaged with mobs from a viewable distance.

Increasing the attack radius of the Zombies would make them behave properly, and make minion speed more effective.
Last edited by PSGMud#2372 on Dec 29, 2012, 5:42:16 PM
I think that you shouldn't be able to raise zombies from skeletons... I mean skeletons have no flesh and are shattered when 'killed' and you can raise up a zombie who will do you biding from that. Kinda kills my gaming-logic or so xD
IGN: Feldwyr
Chanced Lioneye's from first white Imperial I've seen ^-^
Last edited by Latiso#7319 on Jan 6, 2013, 10:59:19 AM

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