Raise Zombie
" One zombie will have a life bar. Any more, and you just see the number that are out. I'm not sure the best way to hand;e this, though, especially if you can't heal them. Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
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man zombies are dumb. Watched as my toon almost got killed. I was msg someone saw my life going down. All 8 zombies just watch as a mob was beating on me. lol
Is minic a gheibhean beal oscailt diog dunta! Last edited by tat0010#5568 on Mar 24, 2013, 6:25:49 PM
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Zombie on low lvl have to low hp so they die to fast ;/
i want play as summoner but at lov lvl it's impossible |
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I have been playing an all out summoner withc with 10 zombies. A problem that have ran into, is that the zombies are not "offencive" enough. Most of the time when im in the middle of a battle, my zombies just run around me, doing nothing (this goes for spectres too). This means that I have to go very close to the fight, and risk to die, just to get my zombies to attack. As I have seen some comments, about the zombies being too "offensive", i think a good way solve it, is to make an offencive/defencive swich. When swiched to offensive, the zombies should go to any current battle or enemy monster within the screen. When set to defensive, the zombies should stay close to you, and only attack enemies that are at close range. If you like the idea of "Minion modes", you could add the mode "looting", where zombies and other minions are not only fockused on fighting, but they will also run around and open chests and crush barrels. They should not pick up items, but only save you from crushing barrels and such.
I would be glad to hear your thoughts about this. |
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What is the base/max resistance for zombies?
0% or (-60%) / max 75%? and same for chaos? IGN: eLdiLdoRadO Last edited by takeme#3386 on Apr 22, 2013, 2:32:21 PM
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i have a question to the skill....make it some effects, if i put more then one gems in my equipment? So, if i have space, it make sense to go with 2 or 3 skillgems around the world? i do not find a answer in the forum. |
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My main problem is also the lack of information. We know their hp, and thats all. It would be really helpful to know at least basic details about them, like dps, armor, resistances. So we could decide how to support them.
Other prolem is routing. In arsenal maps, when i enter in a building through a narrow way, they won't come, just line up before the door. IGN: Maelifica
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I recently ran into a problem with the zombie skill. Whenever I try to summon zombies, the command only works about 25% of the time. Even when I spam it many times, only about 1 or 2 zombies show up (out of a max of 4). I currently have it set as the R key on the QWERTY skill and have tried moving it around other commands (left/scroll/right clicks too) but it still only works about 25% of the time. It's very hard to play like this :/. Please fix!! |
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You sure there's enough corpses around?
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At low level minions really need a buff. Its retarded how stupid and weak they are. They die insanely fast, do mediocre damage, and get confused instead of attacking monsters right next to them. Its so dumb.
IGN: mEeEta, HoodedOrder
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