Shield Charge

Starball wrote:
As it is now Shield Charge is not viable at all as a primary skill.

Had to check the date on this. With the addition of HoA and trigger gems it's effective now. I'm currently 83 atm using no other active skill besides shield charge. I'm blowing through low 70 maps and pretty much only playing at this point to see how it holds up against harder content.

I think shield charge can be adjusted so it's easier to use, whether as utility or main, but it's in a much better spot now than it ever has been.
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GGG, please allow block recovery to reduce the shield charge end animation. Sure it's not technically a block, but it's: instead of blocking an impact with your shield, you're causing an impact while blocking with your shield. Can't you use that reasoning to allow block recovery to work?
Was very happy to see shield block being made available for facebreakers, but after I actually starting using shield block, I find it kinda disappointing as movement skill (which i was hoping to use it for). As mentioned in here, the fixed duration on the animation at the end ruins its use as a movement skill. The skill itself can be powerful, but it often misses and it's really hard to "aim" and often gets stuck in objects, or stops short of targets.

Overall it just needs a little love to be a nice utility skill and I would be more than satisfied with just a change to the fixed duration of the animation.
Hejren / Triceps / Regnbuen / Sarinti / Striglen / Mareridt / Spoegelset / Doktoren / Dobbelganger / Skjoldtrold / Forkynderen
Can we get smarter targeting with Shield Charge when using Multistrike?

Flicker Strike has intelligent (or at least random) Multistrike targeting. It doesn't always restrict you to a single target and it lets you sweep thtough a group randomly. If your first target dies, you don't just sit there and swing pointlessly at he dead corpse two more times.

Shield Charge needs the same sort of targeting that Flicker Strike has.
it would be a huge quality of life improvement and would make the skill much more fun and useful.
It's worth noting that +2 maps are a dangerous thing.
They can cause players to get out of their depth -
playing maps that are too hard for the items they currently have. Herp Derp.
Last edited by RickyDMMontoya#7961 on Apr 23, 2015, 2:51:02 AM
I'm having real fun with a shield charge build at the moment, but getting real frustrated sometimes when I miss-click a mob due to movement. Bosses and stuff is pretty easy to click, but when there are multiple mobs in a pack you basically just click in the middle of everything and hope for the best. It should work similar to leap slam for example. You leap into a pack and deal damage cause of "shockwave" of sort. Well, a shield charge would make sense to have a shockwave aswell. I believe this would also make more people interested using it.
No shockwave effects.

Just better targeting.

Like Flicker Strike.

So you miss the enemy? It picks the one nearest.
It's worth noting that +2 maps are a dangerous thing.
They can cause players to get out of their depth -
playing maps that are too hard for the items they currently have. Herp Derp.
Like others have said here: the fixed end animation is utterly craptastic

There's absolutely no way to reduce the animation (e.g. Faster Attacks, Reduced Duration, etc) and as a result Shield Charge feels clunky to use at best.

If anyone remembers the Charge skill from D2's Paladin, now that was a fun skill to use. Charge around, bashing people in the face with no delay between Charges. I'd like to see Shield Charge reworked so that there is some way to reduce the end animation.
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Last edited by rrtson#7791 on Apr 25, 2015, 7:13:47 PM
I really hope this skill will get a little rework with the incoming 2.0. That end animation... at least make it work with block recovery speed.
So shield charge wand build is super obvious. Sounds dangerously fun. Good thing you guys took that option off the table.
Fuck auras.
The skill itself is really cool, only problem is the hitbox, because mobs are always on the move (some are not), the hit misses 80% of the time (i'm not talking about accuracy of course). Even a burn prolif build with it isn't rewarding at all.

Here's an idea of how to make the skill much more interesting :

adding an AoE factor to the skill would be nice, for exemple, at the end of the Shield Charge animation, comes a shockwave, similar to Reave or freezing pulse waves, that would increase the chance to hit and also the fun.

one of my goals in this game is to make Shield Charge work, hope you'll read this GGG !

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