Concentrate Area of Effect
Yeah for some AoE's the animations do not change even though the effect range does. It is most apparent with the Cleave gem. With enough Increased AoE you will be hitting mobs halfway across the map eventhough you have the peuney animation (it looks quite cool).
However, Firestorm is an exception. With increased AoE there is a noticeable impact on the animation. The individual fireballs also become bigger to account for the increased AoE for each individual fireball. IGNs-
Gyeff // Greff // Gyaff |
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+% aoe dmg is a modifier
or stack with smth? and beat trap have aoe? RIP English :D GMT +4 Last edited by ugrolol#7289 on Feb 22, 2013, 3:14:41 AM
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" Sorry but your first question doesn't make any sense. Your second one is extremely obvious, bear trap isn't an aoe, it only hits one target to begin with so it couldn't be an aoe. It also doesn't have the AoE tag in the description. It says Trap, Spell, Duration. Not AoE. |
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" At least the firestorm animation changes. IGN: Scordalia_
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"not really, yet. firestorm's case is the location the bolts land changes but the actual explosions still don't so far. |
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I would really, really like it if GGG reduced the multiplier on this spell, which is currently 160%.
This affects many melee builds which would like to utilise this ability. The gem has a powerful damage boost, but unlike most support gems, it comes with a drawback. 30% less aoe is noticeable and shouldn't be undervalued. As a result, I see no fit reason to keep the multiplier so high. I hope in the next patch this get's looked into. I would like it to, considering the drawback, be at around 130% at maximum. ign KlearSpeed 1.3 Torment - Scion Kinetic Build Guide (HC Viable) Last edited by iMbaQ#2112 on Mar 20, 2013, 8:16:17 AM
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The AoE reduction is not 'Less', it's 'Reduced'. It is additive with Increased AoE found in the Passive Web and on the Support Gem. The Templar zone alone almost completely negates the downside, granting 20% Inc. AoE.
The upside is a ridiculously large, multiplicative modifier for all Damage types. Compare this to the Melee Physical Damage gem. MPD has two-thirds the bonus at very high levels (it's worse on lower levels), and only applies to Physical damage. And you can use both! A meagre 10% reduction in AoE is *well* worth the massive damage bonus. |
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" It is only 10% if you get the other passive skill points. That is my point. In that instance, it isn't a 10% reduction, because you have to factor in what it would have been without the reduction, would have been operating at above 100% of normal cleave. And with quality, melee physical goes to 57%, so with this you get 12% more, but for a lot more mana cost and reduced AOE. The quality bonus on concentration is laughable, I think 12% reduced mana cost from 43 to 40. Not all builds want to go templar nodes. My melee gems don't force me to have to counteract a negative with skill point allocation. ign KlearSpeed 1.3 Torment - Scion Kinetic Build Guide (HC Viable) Last edited by iMbaQ#2112 on Mar 20, 2013, 4:56:44 PM
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The Quality bonus on Melee Physical is Increased Physical Damage; not More. It's additive with all the other Increased damage sources such as Strength and passives, and is calculated before the multiplicative damage bonuses. Basically, it's really unimpressive.
Additionally, it's a quality bonus. Not everyone has enough GCPs to burn on getting 20% Qual on everything. :) "And with quality, melee physical goes to 57%, so with this you get 12% more" Even if that were true (as explained above, it's not), you are still neglecting the fact Conc will also multiplicatively increase all your Elemental damage, whilst Melee Physical does not. A Dual-wield Cleave setup generally focuses entirely on Elemental damage, making Conc *far* superior to Melee Physical, even with the slightly higher Mana cost and small reduction in AoE. Yes, Conc has a downside, and this can be a dealbreaker... But it really needs one. It's plenty powerful already, and in many cases flat-out stronger than Melee Physical anyways. In some cases, it won't be better. That's not a problem. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Mar 20, 2013, 10:48:06 PM
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I was wondering if the full quality concentrated gem will be beneficial.
Does it reduce the overall or just the gem multiplier? |
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