Additional Accuracy
"Conversely if you had no accuracy and no multiplier IAcc would increase your chance to hit much much more. Basically, you have a lot of accuracy in the first place and additional accuracy isn't going to see a large increase in accuracy. I mean, look at you, you have good base accuracy (my estimate is something like 70% chance to hit) and a huge accuracy modifier (106%). You are however gaining 40% crit chance which is pretty hefty, and reducing your miss chance by 1/6. Now, last I checked, IAcc will increase a character's to hit who has bare minimum Dex to equip it and no +Acc from less than 78% to roughly 85% at level 68. That's a non-trivial jump. Admittedly 85% isn't 100%, but you also can crit (and IAcc can give crit chance) Edit: It depends on whether you value a gem slot over additional potential offensive affixes on gear. Replacing a gem slot with +Acc may in many cases be more beneficial than other supports because of the gear freedom it allows you. Edit2: Using The table here I calculated base hit of minimal stats to equip +Acc to be less than 70% (considerably, probably around 30%). Equipping +Acc will bring you to about 83% hit. On its own. Time to respec out of those +Acc passives and just use the gem. IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir Last edited by Autocthon#5515 on Jun 15, 2013, 12:57:49 PM
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quick question: is the acc. this gem gives to a certain skill scaled by %acc modifiers from gear/pasives?
thx "Glattes Eis, ein Paradeis, für den, der gut zu tanzen weiß" - F. Nietzsche
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Flat adds to Base, which is then multiplied, so yes.
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A few things that are inconsistent:
The thread title should be "Additional Accuracy" instead of "Increased Accuracy". Also should list "Additional Accuracy" instead of "Increased Accuracy". I have not looked everywhere, so there may be other places that show this inconsistency. My go to wiki page lists it correctly: As far as I remember (closed beta) this support gem has always been called "Additional Accuracy". Source: The countless times I mistook my MTX pet for prey... huehehehe
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actually this is a VERY valid point. name of thread SHOULD be additional accuracy.
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"It was actually increased accuracy for a long time. I pushed for the name change to the more accurate "additional" at the end of closed beta (when we did the final full wipe) Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Jun 1, 2014, 9:14:28 PM
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From the first time I knew what the quality of the gem gave, I always felt a little bit uncomfortable because it was specific to crit builds. I do not know if there are actually viable non-RT non-crit attack builds that matters accuracy or not, but that is not the point I want to talk about. It is rather how I perceive the gem when I see the explanation of the quality of the gem.
Last edited by Oiranoiccid#6702 on Jun 9, 2015, 11:19:19 AM
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useless gem now o/
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This gem is quite underwhelming and, with the recent power-creep in 2.2 (Pierce / Less Duration), in dire need of an update. Because its also quite stale, it might be interesting to add something new, in addition to the Accuracy bonus. For example "Every 10 Accuracy grants 1% increased attack damage for Supported Skills". Something along these lines would also add some depth to the gem.
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This was, and still is the most useless support gem in PoE ever! There is not a single reason for you to even bother with this gem, even by having RT on your builds, because your hit chance will always be at least 90% of hitting, and the extra accuracy from this gem adds nothing at all...
This gem either needs to get a considerable bonus that makes it worth of your time, be it adding another bonus like extra damage/crit chance, or in the worst case scenario, just remove this skill gem from the game and split it's bonuses to other support gems like faster attacks. |
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