Life Leech

Solrathean wrote:
Does hitting a target cursed with Vulnerability been taken into account when calculating the amount of life leech received?

For example :

I hit for 10k physical damage with a 2h mace and have 12% total life leech from gear mods. My health is 6k HP. In this case, for each 10k hit i will leech 1200 life in 1sec.

I then curse the target with Vulnerability and he receives 20% increased damage taken, so my 10k hit becomes a 12k hit. For the duration of the curse, life leech mechanic includes the 10k hit or the 12k hit when calculating leech amount?

If the answer is the latter, then that would actually mean that now i need 10% of total life leech from gear (instead of 12%) for me to leech the maximum life amount in 1sec (1200 life per sec).

Am i correct or missing something here?

that is one hell of a single target physical damage hit for you to deal 10k, wonder how you got that high, oh my answer to your question is how.

all modifiers are taken into account for amount leeched. the damage you deal to target is what is used for leeching. if doesn't matter how many calculation steps there is, the foe took x resulting damage then you take x * leech % in recovery. said recovery is at a rate of 20% of max hp per second. if you deal 40% of your hp in damage, then you gain it over 2 seconds.

not sure why you'd want less leeching ever.
soul4hdwn wrote:
that is one hell of a single target physical damage hit for you to deal 10k, wonder how you got that high, oh my answer to your question is how.

all modifiers are taken into account for amount leeched. the damage you deal to target is what is used for leeching. if doesn't matter how many calculation steps there is, the foe took x resulting damage then you take x * leech % in recovery. said recovery is at a rate of 20% of max hp per second. if you deal 40% of your hp in damage, then you gain it over 2 seconds.

not sure why you'd want less leeching ever.

The numbers were just theoretical, im not actually dealing tha kind of damage. I just used big values because im guessing 2h weapons can reach that high damage hits with proper gear mods and optimized\maxed supports and skill tree.

Basically im trying to figure out if the life leech support gem is enough to leech the maximum leech rate in the 1st second, in a 2h weapon marauder build optimized for big damage hits (that's why I asked about the connection with vulnerability curse). As damage per hit increases the need for life leech decreases, since you would be able to leech the maximum leech amount in the 1st second.

And thank you for answering my query btw.
there is no maximum, just a rate. if you go over that "limit", then it just goes into extra seconds.
Buff Quality bonus: increased Life Leech rate to 7%
Buff Mana Leech 10% at 1 lvl and 20% at 40 lvl
No Mana Multiplier
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you're not even trying... thats just op.

try... no mana cost for 3% to 7% leech
or 115% mana for 4% to 8%
can't tell if fake suggestion or not... thats just fake.

Try level up and sacrifice a slot for useless gem and say it, Mana\Life leech are pretty bad as they now, w.o Atziri's Acuity Vaal Gauntlets Leech work RLY bad, and lost slot for half working shit... lol no.

Leech must be reworked and buffed, thats it!
it wasn't useless on my duelist, ever. but if people want a buff to the gem (not leeching in general) my suggestion isn't too crazy unlike that other guy's spammed suggestions of OP magnitude.
Acuity way too OP and leech bad as it now, so buff leech rate with HUGE amount of rate will help Leeching in general and make more decision when choose VP or LL.

Whats your problem "expert"? I'm as you have the same rights to say everything about balancing game, but you call "crazy unlike that other guy's spammed suggestions of OP magnitude" like you are Game dev and best "expert" in the world, just fuck off.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
I think, life leech gem should also have innate bonus to total leech rate / effectiveness (like 1-1.5% per level), especially considering that leech doesnt stack, has limited rate, and this gem takes 1 slot and has 130% multiplier.

With Acuity, of course, it's viable for spells, but that's because of Acuity, not because of gem itself.
IGN: MortalKombat
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From the awakening patch notes:
[...] But leech has always posed some balance problems, especially against bosses, where often minimal investment resulted in equally strong recovery as it did against large packs of monsters.

We made these changes with the goal of keeping leech an impactful mechanic when you need it most -- when you're getting swarmed -- and to reward players who want to invest deeply to make it work against smaller numbers of targets too.

I agree with those changes, and I support the decision to reduce all life leech values by 40%, which is what has been done in most cases, with values reduced from 1-4% to 0.2-0.8%.
I think this change is in the right direction, and I completely agree with it.
I also think that the "overlapping lifesteal" effects being removed is good.

However, I disagree on what has been done to the life leech support gem, that would be my only complaint:
When leveling the life leech support gem, no life leech is gained.
Previously it would start at 5% life leech and go up to 8.8% at gem level 20.
This has been completely removed, and instead replaced with increased leech per second.

I think this is a huge issue for people who use vaal pact- the investement that has to be made is huge with this last patch, being one gem slot, which could be replaced with multistrike or many other great options, and also needing full lifesteal gear on everything possible.

My interpretation of the design decisions is that lifesteal builds would have to take the increased life leeched per second nodes to be useful- hence the big investment, and I cannot voice an opinion on this since I have not tested out the increased leech per second feature.
My build has a focus on ghost reaver / vaal pact, and leveling the life leech gem is absolutely useless, as well as having quality on it.

Ideally, I would think that the life leech should be scaled accordingly to what it was before, since the issue with leech was the ridiculous values of the support gem (8.8% of your damage, altough it is still a gem slot used up), and should be scaled from 2% to 4% when leveling.

I personally think that altough the changes to leech are great, vaal pact was incredibly overlooked. I think that vaal pact should be buffed if life leech (supp gem) is not going to be changed, by adding lifeleech nodes behind the keystone or some other kind of investment able to be made.


I want to invest in life leech:
- But since I use vaal pact, the life leech gem is not worth the gem slot as it doesn't offer enough leech (and it is frustrating to feel like leveling it up will yield no advantages).
The gem is clearly not in-par with fortify, which is much better to have over the current life leech gem if vaal pact is taken.

- But with the reduced values, the increased life leeched per second modifier doesn't seem to matter as much as the previous life leech rate modifier.
(It also feels like this is already done by "x% of life regen per second", but that's just my opinion, I'm sure plenty of people enjoy this mechanic)

(Vaal pact completely renders all the new life leech mechanics useless, and thus the update is a direct nerf to vaal pact, reducing it by 1/5th for anyone who used the gem)

My build uses static strike, and using the life leech support gem is thus mandatory, otherwise I only benefit from half of the "x% of physical damage leeched as life".
I am not complaining about early-game issues, I just know from experience that even 5% of life leeched is not enough for a build heavily focused on life leech.
I would like for an alternative to be added for people who use vaal pact and the gem, or just who do not want to life leech based on physical damage purely.

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