Minion Speed

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Last bumped on Oct 3, 2019, 7:11:59 PM
This might need revisiting given the large Zombie speed increase.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
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i don't really see a point in using this since it does not affect attack speed.
To me, the effect of this gem isn't noticeable enough. I can't tell the difference between zombies with default speed and increased speed. With spectres there seems to be a difference but it's not really that significant.
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I don't think this is currently a good gem considering the implementation of summon in the current game revision. It doesn't effectively do anything to boost their overall value in combat and specters in general seem very lackluster right now. What's the point in creating a support gem that currently only works well for one skill.

I would say have it both affect attack speed and move speed, similar to the monster aura but without all the crazy stacking.
-Meteoric Destiny!
Last edited by MDragoon#0887 on Jan 10, 2012, 10:15:26 PM
Zombies move very fast right now, since they teleport to you rather quickly. Unless you want them to run as fast as you for convienience.

Spectres generally lack in health and damage, making minion speed only useful if you decide to make a spectre of golems, and maybe some other slow moving enemies. However, even 50% speed increase would not make them move that much faster due to being so slow anyways.

You could probably keep zombie speed the same since they need to get to the front lines first due to being tanky and stuff. Maybe some future minion can be a little slower than zombies could come out, and then have minion speed so they can keep up with zombies? I don't know the plans for future minions.
Nerfing the speed back to how slow zombies used to be would probably make the skill useless again because the speed wouldn't be enough to make a difference. Would have to find the right movement speed if you want to make 30% movement speed to be worth it.

Aside from that, if none of that can be done, maybe a secondary stat that's weak, but strong enough to make the skill worth getting. Probably not attack speed because there's already an attack speed support gem. Possibly evasion to keep up with the speed theme.

I just think this gem need a big buff or something for it to be worth the extra mana.
Minion speed is currently suited for spectres.

It doesn't really help all that much, but at least the melee will reach mobs before exploding and the ranged can get more shots in before stuff gets nuked from a zombie bomb.

As to the suggestion above regarding changing to evasion...I don't understand why you want minions to have better survivability. The faster they explode the better.
There are summoners out there that would like other options rather than suicide zombie bombs. It sounds like a cool playstyle but even among summoners different builds and minion setups should be viable.

I'm still waiting for more minion love to make another summoner, but I would also like minions that can hold their own.
You know there's a problem with the Minion supports when most ppl use regular +damage supports instead. I don't theorycraft at all, so i made my summoner with a bunch of Minion supports, that's what seemed natural. :P

Hearing that they are all apparently inferior to standard supports makes me think these Minion supports need to be altered. Perhaps each could use a little extra minion-ey-ness. Something extra that's exclusively helpful to minions. E.g. for Minion Health: 2% chance to spawn with double health.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)

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