Minion Life

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Balance & Design
Last bumped on Aug 17, 2022, 4:35:01 PM
Is the gem working at all? I got a zombie gem linked with minion speed and life. Extra speed shows normaly on the skill tab while the minion health is the same with or without the minon life support gem.
"I fear no evil, for I am fear incarnate!"

"Many claim they wish to destroy their enemies. If this were true, most would be compelled to destroy themselves."
wizard_6 wrote:
Is the gem working at all? I got a zombie gem linked with minion speed and life. Extra speed shows normaly on the skill tab while the minion health is the same with or without the minon life support gem.

Yes the gem works. The character sheet doesn't really support minions yet.

I have to say since Minion Instability, this support has gone down in value a lot. I still use it on one of my minion groups, but i'm wondering why. :P I'm also debating whether i should even be automatically taking the +minion life passives anymore. Sure they're just 1 point (since i have the +1 minion passives of course), but it could actually be a detriment.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Last edited by unsane#5479 on Dec 11, 2011, 6:18:30 PM
Not really since Minion Instability causes damage based on the minion's life. The more life = the more damage. But it's also true that with less life = more explosions.
0.9.5 feedback below this post

Bug with Minions
Version: 0.9.5g

I found a way to get endless Minions in an Area.
You can use a "Raise Spectre" or a "Raise Zombie" Gem for it.
And I used a "Portal" Gem instead of a Portal Scroll.

(1) You are using "Raise Spectre or Zombie" on a dead body.
(2) You are opening a TP with "Portal".
(3) You are going to town.
(4) When you are in town, you go back to the Area, by using the TP.
(5) You are using "Raise Spectre or Zombie" again.
(6) You have more Sprectres or Zombies.

It works right now in every Area.
You can do it as often as you want.
I think it will also work with Portal Scrolls.

The other Minions:
Wount follow you anymore, only if there are Enemys nearby.
Wount get teleported to you.
Wount get Life back from Flasks with "Grants x% of Life recovery to minions".

Other Problem:
You have to make a new Minions after coming back in the Area with a TP.
Because the old Minions arent following you anymore and dont get teleported to you.
Es gibt drei Wege des Lernens:

Durch Nachdenken, das ist der edelste.
Durch Erfahrung, das ist der bitterste.
Und durch Nachahmung, das ist der leichteste.

Konfuzius um 510 v. Chr.
Last edited by Youngblood#5929 on Jan 18, 2012, 12:09:40 PM
due to the minion instability keystone passive, this support is mostly seen as useless. It's also because it's extremely easily to simply resummon a zombie/specter and zombies have a LOT of base hp (probably need a nerf in that department).
All feedback after this point is for 0.9.6.
Balance & Design
Minions that have energy shield (spectres mostly) don't benefit from this much at all, especially due to the nerfing that specters get.

Maybe this could add bonus energy shield as well?

possibly rename it minion fortitude?
-Meteoric Destiny!
Feedback after this point is for 0.9.7
Balance & Design

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