Elemental Damage with Attacks

Trapperkeeper wrote:

I am slightly confused by the descriptions on this myself. I have a guess about what they mean, but would like confirmation.

The base stat of the gem '71% more weapon elemental damage'

The increased quality says '7% more elemental damage with weapons'

So the wording between the two is similar but not the same.. not sure if this is an oversight, or if these are two separate calculations.

If I was to guess, the base stat only increases elemental damage that your weapon does? Like my sword has a mod adds 10-30 fire damage, that's increased by 71%. But it would ignore any mods from amulets, rings, support gems etcetera.

The increase from quality sounds like it might increase elemental damage added no matter where it comes from. So 7% increased elemental damage if it comes from your amulet, or maybe added cold damage support?

Not sure at all if that's correct, but that's what the wording says to me.

The difference that i see is about one value being a bonus based on only weapon elemental damage and another being a bonus based on weapon physical damage as well.
Last edited by PHRandom#0174 on Aug 14, 2012, 9:49:14 AM
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"increased" mixes with other increases, and happens before "more" based increases.
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Picked up from quest reward in act one have worn since on my Templar. Just got to western woods and am currently at 64% exp through lvl 26 when this gem has upgraded to requiring lvl 27
Just had it happen again so there needs to prbly be an experiences mod done. This was a lot further away where I was only at 19% to lvl 30 req needed
This gem is insane it practically 1.5x my dps so freaking good.
Does this work with auras like Anger?
Spectral Throw
great again
CommodoX wrote:
Does this work with auras like Anger?
you link this support to an attack like infernal blow or double strike. double strike doens't have elemental damage by itself, but the aura anger gives it (or gear). thus double strike now benefits from this support gem as it has elemental damage from anger (or equipment).

linking this support to an aura will do nothing as the aura is not the thing that is doing damage. auras give extra effects.
I think Weapon Elemental Damage should have the "Fire", "Cold" and "Lightning" Keywords, most other "Elemental" gems seem to have it.

Mizzajl wrote:
I think Weapon Elemental Damage should have the "Fire", "Cold" and "Lightning" Keywords, most other "Elemental" gems seem to have it.

Elemental Hit has those tags because it has separate explicit effects relating to each of those types. Cold to fire has specifically the Cold and Fire tags only. Elemental proliferation gets it because of separately listed effects for each elemental status ailment.

If anything, EP is a border case and could potentially lose those specific tags. Weapon Elemental Damage is not specifically tied to any Element. It's not logical for it to count as a 'fire' gem for mods that increase levels of such, nor cold, not lightning. It is logical that Cold to Fire is a cold gem and a fire gem, and that elemental hit has all three tags. EP is arguable, but as I said, gets in on the status effects.

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