The Celestial Justicar drop rate......Oops??

The Celestial Justicar is too common? Wow. I've been farming a lot of low level maps including many Graveyards, and I haven't seen a single Justicar card. Got a lot of The Lover though.

Are there any facts to your OP or is it based only on the amount of astral plates on the market? I mean, did you farm the card and can share your average drop rate or something like that? That'd be interesting to hear. :)

As someone who actually farmed a full set of cards I'd say it was probably easier than intended. It took me abut 34 hours of farming over the course of a week and about 500 suicides to prevent my character from reaching level 63. I was clearing probably about 70% of the zone and made 25-30% of a bar of xp per run so calculate that out to about 180 runs through Fellshrine to get a 6 link Astral Plate.

Compared to half dozen or so items I've 6 socketed and 5 linked in 8 or 9 months that I've been playing, and the fact that the only other 6L I've had is a tabula rasa (x3), farming the cards was piss easy. As for the crafting, my astral plate could be better, but wasn't exactly a huge currency sink. Took me 4 blessed orbs, 4 scours, 5 alchs and I think 10 alts for the master craft. I'll redo the master craft after I get Haku up another level or two.

I've been losing interest with PoE since starting another character but if I continue I'll probably keep farming C-J cards and hopefully get another set before the drop rate inevitably gets nerfed into the ground.

Boem wrote:
CaptainWARLORD wrote:

Isn't editing quotes prohibited? In this case it's harmless, but seriously, stop doing that. You tend to do that a lot.

No i don't. If i do it it is to serve a point or because it's harmless and i know the other poster.

I never however, alter a quote to pick holes into an argument or depict and argument differently then originally intended. Which is the prime reason why the "don't misquote" forum rule exist's.

Please provide some proof for your "you tend to do this a lot" statement, since it's quite frankly "bull".


Again you present no relevant arguments from my point of view.

Average cost is 4exalt now = irrelevant, prices fluctuate constantly based on demand.

At the start it was closer to 7exalts +-, after some time that price goes down, that's a natural occurring process with every available item in the market that reaches a threshold in availability.

Your statement about the coil is just made from your point of view but could easily be interpreted differently.

"Coils went up in rarity tier to reduce the end-game unique armors to force rare armors on end-game characters more often" As in "rares should be better in the end-game then unique's on average"

This 6-link recipe enforces that stance more then it enforces your position or viewpoint.
Yes a coil is more powerful, but when a 6-linked astral is more readily available it gains momentum or desirability over that coil.

Again, your not factoring in the league time period when assessing the current value, neither are you assessing the cost to actually craft it properly.

Are crafting benches even remotely related to this topic? No they are not, they allow any and all armors to be 6-linked with a guarantee result.

Unique bis chest = guaranteed result
rare bis chest = guaranteed result

A 6-link in itself is not BIS, get this in your thought pattern. A 6-link with top tier rolls is BIS. And there's a massive currency sink between the first one and the second one.

In most cases the mod crafting far exceeds the price to actually craft the 6-links on an item.

Your stuck in the past, not considering the game is evolving, good luck with that. Further more your ignoring certain economical facts to strengthen your position, when in fact any and all economical arguments around this subject are moot since there initial price range equals the common ratio for 6-link astrals.

Economics in this game exist to create competition and enforce the competitive scene on different layers, prices going down after that initial competition is already considered "done" by the relevant part of the community is irrelevant for GGG as a basis to balance.

All gear drops in value after time in a league, this astral plate following that same trend is irrelevant, it was to be predicted and expected.

Believe what you want to ease your thought pattern. But just be aware that GGG can manipulate any and all drop-rates whenever they desire in a league and have done so in the past.

Nothing seems to suggest they will be changing the availability of this card. Most likely they have the relevant numbers of people farming specifically for it vs total amount of players and astral's being introduced in the economy.



I think everything you have just said is so worthless that this is all I can be bothered to respond with.


I have found exactly none. I'm not arguing that the cost of getting a 6L astral plate by spamming jewelers and fusings is at all comparable to the cost of getting one via the celestial justicar. The div card route is probably around half the cost, assuming the expected number of fusings to get a 6L is in the low 900s. Though actually the expected value is presumably much better if you are scrapping before each fuse, which is entirely reasonable for a white astral plate.

What I would argue is:
1.) The drop rate of the celestial justicar is probably reasonable. The reason the celestial justicar seems so common for what it gives is that graveyard is a commonly farmed map.
2.) Even though the above situation may drive down the price of 6L astral plates, the current cost via div cards (6ex) isn't so low that it is completely unreasonable.

Isn't this half the point of divination cards? Now a map that was previously considered mediocre at best is seeing a lot of action, and a 6L item is much more accessible to players with a lower budget. I would agree that a decent 6L should be expensive, but I don't see why they need to stay as expensive as they have been in the past. I would say that it doesn't matter what kind of currency investment it would have taken to get a 6L astral previously, as long as the current cost is reasonable.

As a bit of a side note, why complain only about the celestial justicar? 8ex voll's devotion seems way more insane to me. The Dark Mage card (6L staff) is also going for 1ex in tempest, is 6ex for a 6L staff way too cheap too? Not to mention the fact that many high end items have been devalued in general in this league (though not necessarily because of div cards). I guess you could say that it's dumb to have 6L astral and staves be cheap compared to 6L of other items, but I don't see a problem with high end items being easier to obtain in general.

its just ridiculous power creep. If people want to make a case for 6 links to be a bit easier to find, easier to craft, cheaper to bench then by all means do it, make that argument I probably wouldnt even disagree. Taking just an armour base, and having it be probably the most desirable armour base and letting that be this easy while evasion and es chests and people using fusing etc is still so harsh... nah I will never agree that theres anything good about it.

To me this is just another thing like the multimod weapons that were being made, stupidly op, way too easy, so out of balance with the rest of the game that either it needs to go or the rest of the game needs to change to be in line with it. Its not about currency investment previously, that currency investment is still the same outside of this base item. 6L staff is virtually impossible to craft, what do I do when I find a 5L body armour? alch it, throw about 20 chaos on it and sell it for 2 exalts. What do I do if I find a 5L weapon? Well if its a chrom i bother picking it up and then I vendor it. entirely different ball game with staves which are probably one of the most useless base items to have linked without any stats.

You might not see a problem with high end items being easy to obtain, but this entire game and in fact this entire game genre is based around exactly the opposite, for good reasons, and this is something the devs have talked about and say they strongly believe in. Maybe they changed their minds, ya maybe, you want to risk it? Or you gonna get your astral plates stocked up now while silly season is still around? something tells me the sensible part of your brain is saying yeah, this is probably going to be nerfed for reasons I fully understand, Im gonna go get some more of the free opness before this all disappears and we are back to a game where it takes a little effort to get the really nice things and thats what makes them rewarding.

Volls? I dont rly know, dont have an opinion on it. this isnt my thread, this is some other dudes thread and its about justicar, and while u guys are all trolley dashing the local sweet shop screaming YEAHHHH THIS IS GREAT!!!! someone actually has to be the sensible person here who isnt drunk on the sugar rush.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)

Mate you realize the price of other 6L item bases isn't that far from the price of the divination set?

Like i said i bought my vaal regalia 6L for 6ex, there is a assassin garb 6L being sold for 6 exalt also on warbands, multiple prerolled being sold for 8~10 varying from all sorts of bases. Zodiac Leathers also being sold for ~9 exalts prerolled.

Only thing that is different between all those 6 links is the item level, tho unless you are looking to invest a ton of currency into rolling your chest it doesn't matter that much anyway.
Not only that but you are forgetting to account for the mega inflation of warband exalts.

If we are going to nitpick:
CHAINS THAT BIND costs ~10 chaos a piece, totaling 110 chaos for a white 6L item.
To put that into perspective you can buy a white 6L base for 2 exalts on warbands and Humility is the sole reason Divine orbs won't go above 10 chaos (while they are 5 chaos on tempest and over 20 chaos on standard).

All of these prices and numbers are perfectly fine because:
The item you are getting is far away from crafted, you can spend a lot of currency without getting anything decent. I mean a lot.

In around 60 chaos orbs never once did my regalia go near 600 ES, i had to alt/aug/regal for it in the end and even then i burned through around an exalt worth of alts/regals/scours. I count myself lucky that happened.

Sure lucky extremes happen, you could alch almost a mirror worty chest, but you can also fuse a chest in 10 fuses.
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Last edited by Mannoth#4185 on Aug 10, 2015, 6:42:37 PM
Snorkle_uk wrote:

I think everything you have just said is so worthless that this is all I can be bothered to respond with.

Aren't you the cool kid on the block, stay classy snorkle.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Ceri wrote:

Are there any facts to your OP or is it based only on the amount of astral plates on the market? I mean, did you farm the card and can share your average drop rate or something like that? That'd be interesting to hear. :)

Hehe, both. I have played around 8 Graveyard maps looking for the the very last one, at the very end of the map (full cleared) I opened a chest and out popped a Justicar card. I also got lucky and received a Justicar from a set of Gambler div cards. So that's two, minimal farming :)

But my OP was also based on a lot of looking at PoeTrade; for instance - comparing the number of 6L Astrals with the number of 6L Assassin's Garbs, etc. There is a pretty big disparity!

What I would argue is:
1.) The drop rate of the celestial justicar is probably reasonable. The reason the celestial justicar seems so common for what it gives is that graveyard is a commonly farmed map.
2.) Even though the above situation may drive down the price of 6L astral plates, the current cost via div cards (6ex) isn't so low that it is completely unreasonable.

The league is still young though my friend! I've already seen the cards dropping to 45c (EX is currently 60c in Warbands) and I've also seen some lower-end rare 6L Astrals around 4ex (also mentioned by Snorkle).

And to the other person who said rolling these items costs so much, LOL, easiest item to roll a decent, usable rare in the game. Get some increased armor, 90 life, and ONE 30 resist (very easy). Then craft another 26-30 Haku resist. Now you have an Astral with 96 Resists, 90 Life, great armor - rolled very cheaply :)
Pie_Guy wrote:

And to the other person who said rolling these items costs so much, LOL, easiest item to roll a decent, usable rare in the game. Get some increased armor, 90 life, and ONE 30 resist (very easy). Then craft another 26-30 Haku resist. Now you have an Astral with 96 Resists, 90 Life, great armor - rolled very cheaply :)

If that's aimed at me, you should read again and understand the context.

What your describing is a medium rolled astral chest.

the difference between medium and BiS is usually only a few stats, but those stats become worth a lot in the end-game since they provide additional power on other gear slots.

I never said you can't roll a medium chest piece.(life/dual resis+-)

I said you wont make it BiS since the currency to create a BiS armor far outweighs the cost to 6-link an item. Even more with the eternal orb gone.

It would be far cheaper to buy a 6T1 or 5T1 and one t2 mod armor and 6-link that then to actually make one yourself on one of these astral bases.

But please prove me wrong, i wouldn't mind that.

The concern here is that you can make BiS gear with this. You can't.

If that wasn't aimed at me, then this is still an explanation.

CanHasPants already explained this adequately though. Further more like i already mentioned, GGG can alter drop rates at any given point when they desire so this is all a bit irrelevant is it not? We would have seen a decline in astral availability's if GGG thought it was to high.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Pie_Guy wrote:

The league is still young though my friend! I've already seen the cards dropping to 45c (EX is currently 60c in Warbands) and I've also seen some lower-end rare 6L Astrals around 4ex (also mentioned by Snorkle).

And to the other person who said rolling these items costs so much, LOL, easiest item to roll a decent, usable rare in the game. Get some increased armor, 90 life, and ONE 30 resist (very easy). Then craft another 26-30 Haku resist. Now you have an Astral with 96 Resists, 90 Life, great armor - rolled very cheaply :)

ya you can buy one for 4ex in trade chat very easily. Armour bases should be the most expensive bases right now.

Boem wrote:

It would be far cheaper to buy a 6T1 or 5T1 and one t2 mod armor and 6-link that then to actually make one yourself on one of these astral bases.

But please prove me wrong, i wouldn't mind that.

might be a bit hard to prove either way given there are 0 armour chests that fit that description in warbands league. Theres 3 chests with a lot of T2 affixes, theyre both 6 linked already, surprise surprise.

Like pie guy says, its the easiest piece of gear to craft mod wise in the entire game basically. None of the top armours in warbands are unlinked, and none of them have any stats above ilvl80, and theyre all astral plates not glorious plates, want to take a guess why that is? Same reason during early forsaken masters when you searched for high end physical crit daggers basically every single search result was a multimod weapon, these arnt drops, theyre crafts.

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)

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