Map drops - assessment of 2.0.0, and changes coming in 2.0.2

Phish wrote:
TreeOfDead wrote:
Still only i have such a bad map drop in ANY rotation i join... everyone got return or more drops while i no drops or no drops.

Why this unfair system still in game? Some (me) should stay and act 4 and trade chat and spam WTB red maps all day and other just open magic red map and got 3-5 red maps.

Hell GGG, i need some good rng there, waiting for 4 years and still not get it, please hurry.

ya i have the same problem the buddy that i do maps with will roll blue t11 and t12 and get 4-5 maps of near value or higher. then i roll a map or yellow with over 100+ quantity more rares and magic use sacrifice pieces and get no maps or get t1 or t3 in a t12 map. im starting to think it dont matter how it is rolled anymore.

last night we did a t12 map it was blue and my buddy got 9 maps back and 1 t13 they were all 9 and ups it was crazy. but when i try to roll a map ppl say will give map returns i get shit and waste currancy. so no more running yellows for me and risking death for no better map returns then doing blues with rares and pack size.

Exactly the same problem with me, we have one problem and its not fair "random" where one get EVERYTHING and another NOTHING.
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remember the days in ambush.

There was a Precinct map where 51!! maps dropped in 2 man party. (carto box + normal drops)
we just run every map blue with magic monsters for xp and i had 100 of shipyard, shrine, palace and courtyads

was to broken tbh.

Map System is fine atm, im stackin t10, was on t15 fast, cant hold t11+ pool

But holding t8-t9 is not hard imo
CorranHorn wrote:
IDK why you guys at GGG treat higher level maps like something we aren't supposed to see.
They treat it not like that but as "something players must be happy to see dropping once in a while".
The problem is streamers are getting shittons of red maps (not only by dropping but who cares right) so when we "ordinary players" don't have the same amount of reds drop, each one red drop isn't "wow, a red map" but instead "dafuq ggg only one red when there must be a dozen?! go fuk urself with a totem, i queet!"
Not foreseeing it(or maybe foreseeing but doing nothing about it) is GGG's fault nevertheless.
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
IDK, I have 3 rows of T12, 3 rows of T11, 1 row of T13 and T14. Never do I run lower than T11... Nor will I do so in foreseeable future.. Zana level 8 now makes sure you will get red maps. Maybe not in bulk, maybe T14 and T15 will be quite rare, but you will get them as well.
and I've only died 39 times. (c) Libbritania ( tokimeki ).

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