GL HLD BROS (Sith_blr build inside)

awetZ020 wrote:
MullaXul wrote:
So what is it you guys aren't getting in PvP?

Personally I'm not getting the point of pvp anymore.

Aside from the less than 20 persons that plays, no one else does. Sure there's those who do it for leo mods which are easy to take out frustrating them in which they spread the hate for pvp even more resulting in lesser people that play. Bringing the pvp scene stale, boring and monotonous. I mean i hate clearing rooms and rooms of ai mobs. I came to pvp for the excitement and unpredictability but if this is all we are getting then forget about it.

There's alot of gear literally hundreds added every patch and and stats that don't work or synerggize well in pvp. Why? Because our goal is to kill the opponent as fast as possible resulting in very limited competitive builds. So much potential yet so little viability.

I can go on but you know well enough the reasons yourself mulla. I enjoyed pvp but for now this is it. I'm going to try eso for a while. See you soon.

one thing would be the community

in other games where there is actually something at stake there's lots of information and even pros (actual pros, people who play for a living and make a lot of money off of it) share a lot of information, not the most subtle details but a lot anyway

in diablo2 almost every top pvper would write a guide on their character, and there were A LOT of people playing diablo2 pvp

in poe, there's nothing at stake, it's literally a handful of people playing, nobody cares about it, you can't make 1 cent off of it... and yet all profiles private, literally no information, this is the only guide available

it's really funny how in other games where you can make money and there are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of players you can find very detailed guides on stuff and in this game where the pvp takes very little skill, almost nobody plays it and you don't win anything people don't share anything it's like their lives depend on it

you'd think it would be the other way around but no, lol human nature
Last edited by 1235#4407 on Aug 27, 2015, 4:37:52 AM
Ya I pretty much assumed it was partly lack of info. That's why I made a makeshift guide on how to handle things in PvP. Im just one guy though, I try to help anyone that PM's me but still not enough.

ESO is pretty cool awetz I'll see you soon man, good luck. Tera isn't a bad game either plus has open world pking.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Aug 27, 2015, 7:35:31 AM
there is ppl that do defense-only chars to draw with you and gain point. i should give this community my build? no thx.
and ggg is retarded too because they still dont fix this shit.
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
Why draws still reward points is retarded, true.

None of us should give our builds out. But people are discouraged when there's nothing to get them started in the right direction. Hell people could barely even pvm if they didn't have a build to copy. So basically throwing together some instructions and an ez build I.e crit dagger,trapper,whispering ice, bow would get a few more ppl involved. Its fine only a handful of us PvP but if that handful keeps deteriorating, it'd be pretty shitty. PvP gets most of its bad rap from inexperienced,uninformed players that get wrecked, so least we can do is try to provide the knowledge so they have no I did with my PvP thread.
IGN: MullaXul
i wish i had a thread like that when i started pvping. ppl didnt want to tell even if i should take iron reflexes or not...
ppl that starts pvp right now have a lot of informations, almost all. they know the links and they know the essential nodes to take from the tree. if they truly want to pvp, they make the char, ask ppl to duel, see what work and what doesnt, and then try to tweak their char.
but majority of the ppl want to copy paste a build with link and go in game and win without even knowing how it works, thats the difference.
whenever someone ask me for advices i always give them, but if someone ask "where can i get your passive tree gear and links?" i just laugh cause they just want copy it.
there is a lot of new ppl that is becoming good at pvping, the real problem is that with the mentality of ggg they will quit like other ppl did in the past. if ggg gave more attention to pvp, all old ppl would still be pvping, and together with the new maybe we had a good player base.

sorry for grammar errors
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
Last edited by tempallo#5614 on Aug 27, 2015, 2:44:02 PM
Due to moving and shitty net atm I don't PvP a lot now though I still try help as many people as possible with tons of different builds. Few of which has became quite successful. You don't need to give your full tree and gear to help eachother, just help them in the right directions and give them a few options of gear to experiment with because what works for me might not work for everyone.

Also I agree on Awetz' point, the build diversity isn't as great as it couldve been, casters are often the same but uses different skills, rangers are often the same too, 2H are also quite similair elemental/physical. Exact copies of eachother no, but quite similair.
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Great points being made here guys. Mulla, yeah I'm a 2H and it's cool to fight other 2h'er that are just a little different in certain ways. Like for example, I had played Sith a few times, but we never gave each other advice etc... There were little obvious differences like, I'm an axe, he's a sword, I'm a duelist, he's a marauder, I was using Devoto's Helm, he was using Hrimnor's etc... but I could tell we were very similar in build and not just we spin around in circles so we're the same [not the case, guys! :)]

The day he made this thread I started talking to him in game and we actually compared trees and (besides duelist/marauder starting locations and sword/axe dmg nodes), only 3 nodes were different. Same paths etc... It was really funny to see that two lvl 100 guys that never shared information with each other would come u with basically the same tree, but then again when you optimize over and over the best layout should present itself.

ANYWAY, yeah I hope more people start playing PVP, and I hope GGG actually shows that they care. I've been with 6 ppl in sarn, and we're all queued up to do 3v3 and it never does anything.
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Do you guys have plans for more extensive PVP modes + balancing?

We released a PvP update in December last year. There are a lot of modes that we can use once we run more events. Currently our focus isn't on PvP, but we'll do more with it in the future.

This is in today's news, looks like pvp isn't the focus (as expected) of the game's development.
👱‍♀️ IGN: FamilyStrokes 💘
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Jimicui wrote:
Do you guys have plans for more extensive PVP modes + balancing?

We released a PvP update in December last year. There are a lot of modes that we can use once we run more events. Currently our focus isn't on PvP, but we'll do more with it in the future.

This is in today's news, looks like pvp isn't the focus (as expected) of the game's development.

How about that Blood Grip amulet though? Too bad I couldn't ever punish myself enough to race, especially not for 1000 points ha.
IGN: MullaXul
MullaXul wrote:

How about that Blood Grip amulet though? Too bad I couldn't ever punish myself enough to race, especially not for 1000 points ha.

If its like the emberwake ring they should add the normal art version into the game near the end of this race season. Rip bleed builds.
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
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