lol seems someone rushed ahead of the ex inflation

Posted byandreicde#0793on Aug 20, 2015, 6:54:57 PM
Kaysee wrote:
Orb of Scouring says "Removes all properties from an item"! Why doesn't it remove mods that are locked?
The purpose of Mods is to override the regular game rules. If you have an item that says "You Can't Be Frozen", then that overrules the game rules that freeze you. In this case, the "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed" mod that you can explicitly add to an item overrules the static behaviour of the Orb of Scouring. Removal counts as a change.
TBH this is poor Chris.
You have 2 different "mod" statements on 2 different items: one is a currency item stating "Removes all properties from an item" and the other is an item with a mod stating "Prefixes Cannot Be Changed".
How is the community supposed to know which overrides another?
Scouring states it removes "ALL properties" not "changes prefixes"... one would expect the former to be he overriding "game rule" without clarification, which you've just now outlined.
This is really what the entire issue boils down to for me. I don't care if they keep recipes, private. But mechanics like this should be clearly explained.
Posted byMenacetech#7194on Aug 20, 2015, 6:55:05 PM
Bravo, too bad whiny teenagers who have no idea how anything works will still ask for kiwi blood.
Posted byebrl#7983on Aug 20, 2015, 6:58:07 PM
See all my reddit posts (even the shadowbanned ones)
Posted byJentry#4396on Aug 20, 2015, 6:58:29 PM
Chris I think you and all of GGG are handling this poorly. That's allowed I guess, but trying to always pretend you and all of GGG are infallible is a huge mistake.
Should have had the brains to admit it was handled poorly when the post was deleted. I don't think it will halt support, but I'm sure it has put a fair amount of future support in jeopardy. As a bystander in this I can tell you it wreaks to high heaven and smells shitty and unfair once again to over 99.99%.
How can we trust you if you keep pretending everything all the time was on purpose?
Next you'll pretend map drops are in a good place now .... Hahaha
Oh we'll I hope the support keeps coming in because I want to keep playing the game I love
echo "The world is full of smart people" |sed -e 's/smart people/sheep/'
Posted bybuhdunkadunk#6538on Aug 20, 2015, 6:59:18 PM
Pewzor wrote:
paull wrote:
was told to carry the discussion on here, already had it all typed out might was well paste it here. (quote from other thread)
TyrantKeel wrote:
the part I take issue with is the depth of the advantage provided by something 99.9% of player base had no way of knowing.
If the vision GGG has for this game is for closely guarded knowledge to make Gods of a select few players, then it's not a vision I want to be a part of.
except 99.99% of players could have known this, all they had to do was test it themselves. the tools were there nothing was prohibiting them, its not even that crazy of an interaction - prefixes cannot be changed does what it says, shocking.
this is the vision ggg has always had for this game, its the reason they don't release vendor recipes. they want the community to have discoveries for themselves, and honestly i dont see how it took a year for people to realize how strong master mods can be.
Not many people are willing to spend multiple exalts to test out the science. Especially GGG has a no item restoration policy in place.
But sure a small group of people did, and they are rewarded with over 20,000 exalts for it. Props to the community.
then ask part of the 1%(ventor) who did claim to try it do it on video instead of just making blank statements, if they refuse you know something is up.
i thought this day and age people always asked for proof? people didn't even question him after they seen the removed ggg post back then? silly...
Posted bypaull#6164on Aug 20, 2015, 7:00:00 PM
Schn1tt3r wrote:
Standard might be a legacy dumpster, but I far rather play there now since every new league is plagued by dupers, flippers, and now even people making programs to scan inventory of players (even those that set them to private) only to scam them off their items/mirrors.
Proof? VOC only said his magic friends tell him there are such programs with 0 proof.
Honestly, making such a program is not hard... does it by scanning trade forum. One can just as EASILY make a program to scan profiles of players in leagues. The list of players is already available
All you have to do is code your program to scan profile of each of the players in that list.
IGN: LessBow
Posted bySchn1tt3r#5216on Aug 20, 2015, 7:00:05 PM
Schn1tt3r wrote:
Schn1tt3r wrote:
Standard might be a legacy dumpster, but I far rather play there now since every new league is plagued by dupers, flippers, and now even people making programs to scan inventory of players (even those that set them to private) only to scam them off their items/mirrors.
Proof? VOC only said his magic friends tell him there are such programs with 0 proof.
Honestly, making such a program is not hard... does it by scanning trade forum. One can just as EASILY make a program to scan profiles of players in leagues. The list of players is already available
All you have to do is code your program to scan profile of each of the players in that list.
except those kind of programs should not be allowed in the first place. If we're not allowed a particle remover in order to enhance our experience from GGG's failed optimization, why should a program be allowed to scan players inventories without their permission? That's a violation of their privacy
Posted byandreicde#0793on Aug 20, 2015, 7:02:58 PM
Morsexier wrote:
Where can I play the version of PoE without masters, in my opinion, all theyve done is screw up the game I like to play, and negatively affect each area of the game I play, racing\crafting\economy\end game.
Also, making the cost go from 2 eternals to 2 ex is incredibly short sighted. Why is the cost not 6 - 8 exalts for this mod now?
The change from 2 eternals to 2 ex is incredibly drastic. The farm times in drop rates are insanely different. There the power was gated behind nearly 2 years of farming is down to about 2 weeks. Thats stupid.
Posted byKaiSong#5460on Aug 20, 2015, 7:05:24 PMBanned
Schn1tt3r wrote:
Schn1tt3r wrote:
Standard might be a legacy dumpster, but I far rather play there now since every new league is plagued by dupers, flippers, and now even people making programs to scan inventory of players (even those that set them to private) only to scam them off their items/mirrors.
Proof? VOC only said his magic friends tell him there are such programs with 0 proof.
Honestly, making such a program is not hard... does it by scanning trade forum. One can just as EASILY make a program to scan profiles of players in leagues. The list of players is already available
All you have to do is code your program to scan profile of each of the players in that list.
I see your point. However, without solid proof, I can only believe lighwoods is just a good flipper like many others which is part of this game.
Posted byWATCH_ME_QWER#5222on Aug 20, 2015, 7:05:28 PM