Bloodgrip, Event 105: 1 Hr Endless Ledge

Am i cursed or what? Thats like 6th EL in a row with no currency at all and shit monsters since second zone.. like wtf
Here is my ms and +1 and spell/ele damage weapons... oh wait.

reached lvl 25 just in time
Ign: The_Horus

My profile & builds @:
no IPD weapns until L24, then I've trans'd 64% jagged, easy zones though.

10% ms at 14, no 2nd QS.

3rd marauder.

also 1k points

Playing with 70-80ms ping, which is causing long loading between zones,
resulting in 2-4 minutes disadvantage in 1 hour races.
(I was wrong, it wasn't a ping issue but something else on GGG side)
Last edited by kefirhl#1282 on Sep 27, 2015, 10:10:09 AM
One of my best run ever (in my point of view ofc).. could reach the lv20
I suffer a very bad RnG at the start until the lv15 .. after surviving so long, i could see the end of the tunnel

meaning .. 10 minutes left to enjoy the fun race
Grapplers, A4 mobs, aura of speed and slow, and Fire everywhere

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