Map Changes in 2.0.4

Chris wrote:

Map Levels are now Tiers
There are 15 tiers of maps, from level 68 to 82 inclusive. We've struggled for ages with the confusion caused by this. Players expect to play maps of their level (which can be way too hard for them), or make arguments about that they're level 95+ and can't find a level 80 map. Players with backgrounds in contemporary MMORPGs expect to play content equivalent to their level.

The people who are confused and who do you make this change for can't be particularly smart.
I dont think superior majority of the player base is confused about the current state.
Why do you feel so urgent about making a change for ppl with background in other MMORPG's?
How can anyone expect that if he plays one game and try another everything must be as in the previous game he played?
Dont try to be as everyone else there is nothing wrong in being diffrent.

Now one question arises,are you planning to re-do uniq maps into tiers coz if you already decided to make map changes into tiers you should also change uniq maps.
Halls of Grand Master-lvl 71 Poorjoy's-lvl 73+other uniq maps,you see where im going? "I played tons of other MMPORPGs and how come i cant be able to do a lvl 71 map when im a lvl 90?" Kappa
Path of Exile is a ARPG as far as i know,so why are we comparing Path of Exile to any MMORPG?

Im confused for sure now.
Sooo...... They are doing everything but buffing map drop rates. They changed them to tiers instead of levels........ but no drop rates buff.Same shit.Nothing will change.
This Tier system is just wrong.

For the exp nerf on maps... i really wouldnt know i have played 300+ hours since awakening and i have played since beta before that and my highest ever lvl character is 86 and my highest ever map is 78... so all i see is that i am just getting nerfed more and my ability to reach 100 as a slightly above casual player have been nerfed heavily.

I am at a point where i am losing hope in this game and i am starting to regret that i supported this ones promissing game with my own money... you can be sure i wont do that again before you guys at GGG understand that a game needs to also be fun besides challenging.

This is the first time i have ever felt the need to say anything negative about PoE but the awakening have been a huge fail in my book... act 4 is so boring and the act 4 boss is so badly made that almost none care to kill him at all on merciless... besides that the changes to leech and the map system following 2.0 have been so bad i dont understand how on earth GGG could do it... not to mention the card system a great idea but it fails so hard because as soon as you hit 68+ you basicly have no (very small at best) chance to complete sets under lvl 60... i am amazed how you can make such a great system and still make it feel like a fail.

A very sad long time supporter.

Btw this is my second account... if some smartypants got the idea to say i am not a betaguy... i am not on this account but on my old i am.
Last edited by Drimli#1649 on Sep 24, 2015, 3:23:36 AM
MostWantedSteve wrote:
"people are reaching level 100 too quickly"

GGG, could you please stop making people harder to reach lv100 by just looking at how fast those 1% player reaching lv100.? It sounds ridiculous for me.

FXXX GGG,please look at 99% guys rather than 1% guys!!!

Nerf high level map drops -> keep people play longer time to rank up.

Nerf exp. gain in high level map -> keep people play longer time to rank up.

Hey, GGG, to keep people playing POE, you should add more new things/contents/challenge, but not using the above methods.

Just come back to POE two months.

Because of the above nerf, playing POE will be very tired.

I need to consider leaving POE again.
Last edited by dukilupp#1735 on Sep 24, 2015, 3:21:24 AM
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
I know there are better things coming, and I suspect it'll be too late for some of you.
If they'll come after another half-year-long betatest then I suspect you're right.
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Do i look like Etup or Havoc to play 20/24h?
Guys once more you hurt normal casual players , the best players will get 100 level anyway if not in 2 weeks in 3 weeks .You can nerf experience per hour but GIVE US DAMN MAPS !!
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
Last edited by zeldzioszka#3883 on Sep 24, 2015, 3:19:26 AM
I wrote a long rant explaining what was wrong with everything after 1.3 but reached text limit.

To make it short:

GGG, you continually mess your game up.
It feels like you guys have lost your connection to the playerbase, release awful balance changes and just want to nerf an entire community based on 1% top player experience.

Instead of releasing yet another 2.04 nerf making POE more boring, confusing and time consuming please consider adding actual "fun" to the game, we, the players are getting tired of your desperate balance changes.

This manifest is bad, like the ones before.


The Players
chris: you missed the opportunity to explain your players (again) that the restricted access to endgame is by design so players spend massive currency to access endgame.
this seems the biggest problem for many.

i admire your courage to make drastic changes to the achievement system but have you ever thought about that there are now at least 4 different stages one could have levelled to 100?

it was ultra hard in the beginning, then you changed it to achievable by increasing the base experience gain, then it got easier through zana mods and higher level maps and now you take an u-turn to make it ultra hard again ... someone levelling to 100 and being proud of will always include the question when in the game the player did that.

q: do maps show the tier instead the level in the instance description you get by pressing tab?
edit: of course this got answered outside the poe forum.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio#1992 on Sep 25, 2015, 8:23:14 AM
It takes approximately twice as long to reach 100 from 99 as it did previously

Not including an occasional death*
This means that now, losing 10% upon death, is wasting a full day of mapping, instead of just a half.
• Triple/Quad as long to reach level 100 from 99.
• Only people who play 24/7 will reach the top levels.

I actually planned to play a little more because I really wanted to reach 100,
but now, honestly, I'm disappointed knowing I probably never will be able to.
At least not until the next exp gain fix.

Oh and map tiers instead of levels, definitely pointless.

The reason I chose to donate as much as I have and to keep playing PoE for that long,
is because this is one of the only companies who actually listen to their players.
Please do not take that away!
Last edited by Omga4000#3111 on Sep 24, 2015, 3:45:53 AM
Calling map lvl "tier" only makes things more confusing imo.

Rly dont see the point of this change.

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