Map Changes in 2.0.4

So from my understanding it's removing the maps level label and simply making it a tier? But Tier 1 is 68, Teir 2 is 69, and so on. Just color coded now.
IGN: Lil_Crimson
I like this in general, but having the maps in tiers might be more confusing for both new players and existing players. Especially for people who haven't read this manifesto. It really just boils down adding your tier to 77 to find the map level. For existing players who usually run map levels around where there isn't an experience penalty it's just an added layer of work to figure out what map to run. For players who haven't figured that out, I think they're going to continue on doing that same thing they used to, which is run the highest level maps they could.
There's only one thing i do not understand.... Why did you broke Zana level 8 to maps 74?
In other leagues like Torment it was the only way i had to get 77 and 78 maps, because i did not have the currency to get them by trade. It was a good way to get those maps for players that can't play the game 24/7....Because there is players who can't do that.
Holy crap, these are some *huge* issues that definitely needed to be addressed, and I'm very happy you've decided to do so. That's beyond my expectations for a single patch. Very nice!
Last edited by PDritty#3795 on Sep 24, 2015, 9:23:31 AM
Amazing guys !
fix bug connect to servers pls
Overall i must say i really enjoy these changes, they seem well thought and I have a positive attitude towards them!

However, as many other people have stated to far, I do believe changing map levels to map tiers is a bad idea. I personally like to know what level the zone is in the map, what iLVL items can drop and so on. This is just a first glance, it may turn out to be a super good change, but from what i can imagine i'd rather like the map level system than tier. We will just have to see.

Great work though, as always!

Personally i really like "the confusion" about not running the same level maps as your character. This, in my opinion, gives the game a lot more depth and gives it a steeper learning curve, which I personally really enjoy, and makes me want to play the game even more! I see more of this disappearing from the game, granted some of it is for the greater good, I feel like some things shouldn't be super intuitive and should be really hard to learn :)
Last edited by DoctorIxz#0870 on Sep 24, 2015, 9:43:27 AM
I think map "tiers" will be even more confusing. Before it was just level, which correlated to experience mobs gave, but it was never implied that higher level = harder. Whereas higher tier = hrder seems to be more implied. This is going to make it more confusing IMO for maps like Apex, Poorjoy's Asylum, Olmec's Sanctum, Hall of Grandmasters, etc. unless their tier is raised to be more accurate in a sense of heir difficulty. Implying to new players that these are lower tier/easier maps than other maps of higher level seems worse than the current setup.
Thanks for not punishing the guys who are ok running 70-76 maps till the end of days, but I must say the new tier map system seems overcomplicated. Adding up from 68 isn't a big deal, however learning you can't run/sustain maps at higher levels is even less of a deal. Why fix a system that isn't broken just because it doesn't conform with today's mmo standards?
Last edited by Rolwen#6439 on Sep 24, 2015, 9:50:01 AM
Do you even play your game? Do you even understand why people grind up to 100?

Map Drops

Really, because that directly contradicts what you told us during the leagues, when you "tweaked" the map drop rates to "smooth out the transition."

Warbands and Tempests were a pack of lies, weren't they? Just complete and utter lies from beginning to end.

Map Difficulty

Another issue that's been reported and mentioned since your "beta." Which wasn't a "beta," but was a "marketing tool." Revs have been overpowered since always. Bluepacks of those uninspired puncture monsters have been dangerous since always. What's the point of running betas if you're going to ignore the mountains of feedback you're receiving?

Map Symbol Colours

This is actually a good change. Congrats. Blind squirrels and nuts.

Map Levels are now Tiers

Jesus no. This could be the single worst change you've ever proposed. We spend 70 levels grinding through aLvls, and when we reach the endgame, there... are no more aLvls? No. The "Tier" idea is fine for the coloring, but this is a disaster waiting to happen.

Experience in Top Maps

Ugh, no. So does that mean the items dropped will be iLvl 78.6523 or whatever the hell? We get it: Sales and marketing complained about people being able to reach the hardcap too easily, so you need to slow them down. Why? The majority of people dedicated enough to push through to 100 aren't going to leave after doing so. There's no need to slow it down.

Ground Effects in Maps

I look forward to the day when we can have multiple processors in our computers (perhaps we'll call them "cores" and have them called "multicore processors") and applications will be able to use all those "cores" to run more efficiently.

Still no fix for Fractured being a map-eater, of course. But I suppose that's all part of your plan, right? If the server eats a map, that's one less map's worth of experience toward 100, which you want to be as unattainable as possible.

The 2.0.4 patch contains a few other things, such as new Divination Cards...

Oh good, more content that will either be valuable and so rare that the majority of the playerbase can't afford it or will be so useless that they're literally vendor trash.

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