Map Changes in 2.0.4

Gary_GGG wrote:
ammenz wrote:
You are "keen to see the changes in the one-month league" but I hope the changes to drop affect permanent league as well. This is the usual level of GGG wording. Or should I say the usual TIER of GGG wording?

From the announcement post:

As they're in 2.0.4, these changes will apply to Standard/Hardcore and also the one-month events. We will get a solid set of data from these events, which we'll then be able to use to fine-tune the map system for subsequent events and challenge leagues.

Please, DO NOT tune in response to data from the 1 month flashback.

Currently, in the core game, zana map mods are key to sustaining, if you sustain it's because you zana, if you don't zana there is no way you are going to sustain.

Flashback 1 month has permanent free stacking zana mods for everyone. They will be a map piñata.
You can not tune the core game map system using data from these leagues.
Casually casual.

I guess i chould care less about those changes, as neither affects me at all, and/or in a way that will only make it harder to obtain currency. (Yes, selling maps instead of running them is a thing).


Where the hell is our new trade-system? Dont get why i´m still forced to interact with people over items.

Sure sure, force people into trading currency and what not via chatt and/or non-PoE official sites, be my guest.

But items? Really?


Also, people beeing afk for 50% of a league? Yet having B/O set on items?


- Time to start focusing on real problems GGG.

It's pretty clear how maps drop, doesn't take a billion fact finding runs to see - normal map drop rates for all maps up to 75, then an absolute wallstop of maps 76+.

Also, no thanks on any more tempests if that's even on the table any more - the only fun one was the 20 exiles and that was only for pure loot - the others were a pain in the ass just avoiding circles of general crap.

Other than that, great changes overall - keep the good and recognize the garbage to keep out.
I'm the Ps guy: Psomm, Pso, Psong, pso-on and pso-phorth.
I really don't see why so many people are all up in arms about the map exp changes. This really won't have any effect on the average player. The average player levels a build up to ~85 and then rerolls all it does is slows down the 0.5% that actually tries to go for 100 so who cares.

Well, from the start of awakening up to this time, i NEVER got atleast one 79 map drop, and i alch and chisel every 75+ maps i run, my character is already lvl 93. When i manage to play in a 79+ maps (only cause friends invite me) i actually have a feeling of a rewarding game experience cause i risk my character's life in those hard maps but i actually get good exp if i do it well.

With 2.0.4 patch i maybe actually manage to get a higher level map (or tier, whatever, is the same thing but more confusing to me) but at which cost?
Reading this manifesto i feel that it won't be rewarding enough, i mean now atleast if you manage to get a 80+map or you just buy it you actually get a rewarding feeling for risking your life with those maps, but with these changes i just feel like maps will be more common, we will be all doing higher maps but the reward feeling will not exist. the risk will be the same and the reward is almost nothing, risking your character to death in a hard map for nothing feels boring, just boring and a feeling of a boring game is the worst thing a game developer can bring to his players.

Also you think of increasing the exp grinding by 100% to reach lvl 100, think about it, i don't have any friends who can actually sustain and play 82 maps all day(some of them are lvl 97-98), the only guys who play those 82 maps are rich people who spends a LOT of time trading and gathering currency to afford playing those maps, actually a 82 map sells for around 3 exalts in standard, i only get 3-4 exalts per week (with 900+hs of gameplay already), and i think casual players grind even less currency than me, so imagine the amount of currency those guys spend to play those maps and how much players of the community can actually afford playing continuously these maps.

How much people can actually spend 30 exalts daily just to gain experience? i think is a fair enough trade, who can afford it should enjoy it.

Maybe the real problem of this is not the map low exp penalty in high maps, but the "rotations", when a party of 5-6 players bring each one a 82 map, so u play 5 or 6 maps for just one, i think by just increasing the difficulty per party member in higher maps or something in that style will be enough to reduce the speed at which most of players level up to 100 without actually making it 100% more boring for all the community cause a small part of players abuse these maps.

PD: excuse me for syntax errors my english in not good enough
Last edited by shatojin#6505 on Sep 24, 2015, 2:08:40 PM
No matter how many maps drop. The same boring CRAP content. None the OMG stuff you see from streamers AND this is what makes this game boring these days.

We are the KINGS of CRAP loot.
A "Level 82" is now "Map Tier 15". Fine I suppose. But did you consider changing the label to "Area Level 82"?

This way we would still know what the area level is without having to think about it.
All good except map level changed to tier since that is only going to confuse the existing playerbase.
TheAnuhart wrote:

Please, DO NOT tune in response to data from the 1 month flashback.

Currently, in the core game, zana map mods are key to sustaining, if you sustain it's because you zana, if you don't zana there is no way you are going to sustain.

Flashback 1 month has permanent free stacking zana mods for everyone. They will be a map piñata.
You can not tune the core game map system using data from these leagues.

Thanks for the heads-up. I just looked up the event and it sounds like a hoot (map crashes notwithstanding). Should be great to haul over a pile of maps to good ol' Standard.
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
Tzaina wrote:
I guess i chould care less about those changes, as neither affects me at all, and/or in a way that will only make it harder to obtain currency. (Yes, selling maps instead of running them is a thing).


Where the hell is our new trade-system? Dont get why i´m still forced to interact with people over items.

Sure sure, force people into trading currency and what not via chatt and/or non-PoE official sites, be my guest.

But items? Really?


Also, people beeing afk for 50% of a league? Yet having B/O set on items?


- Time to start focusing on real problems GGG.

Yeah, you're totally right, nobody ask for map changes pfff x'D
Stop complaining, GGG cannot solve every important issues at once.
I shall purify you in flame, noob of nightmare!

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