[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF

Terkhev wrote:
First of all, great guide :) I really like how you explained everything precisely.

I'm playing self found witch and I have some questions:

1. Isn't Iron Will better than Controlled Destruction? I couldn't compare them in game yet, but looking at wiki numbers, it seems to win by few % if we have enough str to use it on lvl 20 and it doesn't have any drawbacks.

2. What about Empower? Is it worth replacing any gem with it?

3. I see no mention about staves. Is 1h + shield always better option? Would Pledge of Hands be interesting for free Spell Echo?

4. I found pretty nice Doedre's Scorn. It gives ele dmg on its own, and using 2 curses I think it should be very solid item for this build. How does it compare to +2 minion helmet?

My two cents:

Pledge of hands grant you basically a free link, but if it's not a a 6l one it's not that good as you lose the chance to get some crit (Good for perma ele overload) life, resists, es and that bit of block chance. Thats probably bad for me. On the other and it's pretty cheap to get whatever very nice chest you can get since you don't need to 6l it.

We don't really invest that much in minion damage nodes, so give to them a 6 link with damage/leech doesn't sound like a nice deal to me.

Kaoms look nice, but you lose so many skills that make me wonder if it's not more effective to forget minions and go hybrid in that case.
For an Emperor to be just, an Emperor must be patient.
If you get pledge of hands what skills can you use in the chest instead of minions (keeping the minions in the +2 helmet) ?
Last edited by FnTsTiC#0026 on Mar 20, 2016, 11:35:27 AM
I'm not really sure where to go from here with my gear. I still need to get decent enchants in my slots, and I can afford to drop some res at this point especially fire on some gear.


I have a Carcass Jack I'm trying to 6 Link currently to replace my tabula.

The build is very strong but I don't often remember to use the ball lightning totem.
Ignatius256 wrote:

The build is very strong but I don't often remember to use the ball lightning totem.

Same, I think I might replace it.
Actually spell totem + summon Skelly is like a weapon of mass distraction for bosses. I've tried it in an 8mod residence with twinned dominus in a party. Skellys everywhere to get all kind of scary stuff instead of me :D.
For an Emperor to be just, an Emperor must be patient.
Waiting the update on skill tree! :D
@Different unique suggestions: Keep them coming! I take all of them into account, and will most likely update the guide with end game tier uniques. Right now, I'm testing out several uniques myself, to see what's the most effective in what situation.

@Weapons: If you aren't sure what you are doing, stick with the weapon + shield combo. It is possible to go with a stave, but in return, you will have to sacrifice several links. I wouldn't go for staves, unless they are really amazing. And even then, I'd hesitate, since we already get plenty of damage with just our one hander and shields.

@Spelltotem: The ball lightning totem might be a tad outdated. I'm liking the skelly totem more and more. I'll be updating a new graphic soon, still testing different combinations(including the final gem for a 6th slot, thinking about settling with a main recommendation).

@ccloaded: if you have the currency, I really love Kaom's Heart on my firestorm witch(you can see it in on the first page).

@Terkhev: Don't forget, Iron will just adds increased damage, where controlled destruction adds more damage. The difference between these two is huge, iron will will add around 10% damage, while controlled destruction easily adds over 40% total damage.
A lvl 2+ Empower could be worth is though, but only in a 6 link. I'd use it as a 6th slot. Keep in mind that empower is quite the money(or time)sink.
As for Deodre's scorn: While it is a nice item that increases our damage output by a lot, it also decreases our defences by a lot. We have plenty of damage without it, I would possible use it for leveling, but certainly not in higher maps.

@FnTsTiC: If you are really dedicated to the pledge, I would drop the minions, and get a kaoms with it. But as I said before, I am still hesistant to promote staves, since it just isn't necessary.

@chad57: I decided not to update the tree as we discussed ingame. I'm planning to opt some extra end game tree choices, and one of them is without the aura cluster. Changing the area around it, will only result into more regrets used.


So sadly my recording device isn't always doing what I want. I had a nice Atziri fight last night that I wanted to upload... but sadly it seemed it only uploaded the sounds(bugged out or something silly).

Made a few other vids today to make up for the fail or yday though.

Quick Weaver kill with Vulnerability and Monster projectiles(Love that skelly totem)

Oba's Cursed Trove map - including a stupid death. Still managed to make it, without even rushing(Didn't even take a quicksilver with me)

And a T8 map. Ochard. Made this more for myself, since I wanted to watch a few things(mainly how often Elemental Overload triggers while I'm using Controlled destruction)

So uhm. I'll try being a little more active, and fully update the guide soon.

Try ._.

I know, I'm a terrible guide person thing.
I am a nice guy.
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Last edited by Appels_Zijn_Gezond#0575 on Mar 23, 2016, 6:18:46 AM
Thought i'd drop by once more and say thanks for the great build.
Currently 87 in HC Perandus and must say with the adaption to ascendancy it's stronger than ever.

As for the current discussion i also favour the skeleton-totem with minion life linked for those tough fights where extra cannon fodder is a lot more useful i found. The ball lightning only felt useful in situations where i had no real problem before either way.
any 2.2 updates? at least for ascendancy class?
It's in the guide right? Ascendancy is elementalist
I am a nice guy.
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