[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF
I'm far from being rich enough to buy a Taming right now, so I tried playing with two Consuming. And it feels like a huge up in dps. I obliterate anything twice as fast as before, EE mod isn't slowing me anymore, fire resistance mobs... well, same here, reflect is now more a buff than a debuff with Paragon of Calamity (ok, maybe not, but still, reflect is easily compensated via leach). I still keep a shield for tough fights, but I mostly don't need it.
About the support gem, after some calculation, you're entirely right, void manipulation is OP due to the double buff for poison damages. I think i'll take controlled destruction when i'll have a 6L, since with the +120% crit chance coming from the daggers, crit once every 8s isn't a problem (and maybe i'll try to change a consuming dark for another corrupted one with a good implicit) The jar seems cool, i'll buy one when i'll have enough currencies to try the ring combo :D Thanks for the advises! |
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Thanks for the awesome build! I just converted an old lvl-70 witch who had a clean passive tree to this build.
I'm wondering if you (pewpewpew or other readers) would mind posting your keybinds for this build. I couldn't find them scrolling through posts. I'm not sure how to best layout my skills and how to juggle them all between mouse 1-3 and qwerty. Is there a way to add additional keys for binding skills in this game? Thanks! EDIT: Just equipped all gems as indicated in guide . . . doh! Didn't realize most of this stuff is auto-cast. You end up with only 6 skills and 2 auras that need casting, so plenty of bind slots to cover it. I'd still be interested in how people bind theirs, however. Last edited by magicstop#3354 on Jul 22, 2016, 10:29:27 AM
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Hi, care to share your offence tab? As a screenshot ideally, for scientific reasons since i have alternative defences in mind an need comparison for deps.
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Hey just wondering if this build is tailored to update 2.3?? If so, are there any prophecy items you recommend me getting? Or are the items listed enough to do some crazy dps?
P.S What's the armor you're wearing on the title page? It looks dope! I'd like to make my char look like that... Thanks! Last edited by Eclips3_#6124 on Aug 2, 2016, 10:06:36 PM
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Sure, here it is. This is still with the old spell% value on the wands so the gear is quite outdated(check my characters > PewPewPewImmaLeftBehind for exact gear), but it'll give you a good idea.
And yes, this build is tailored for 2.3. There aren't many noteworthy Uniques in Prophecy for us. I guess this Amulet is a nice damage option, but a rare is just as good really. " And the armor is Kaom's Heart. Expensive skin transfer, but it's totally worth it ;) I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789 |
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What do you think about using amplification rod with Firestorm, faster casting and fire pen for a really cheap mock 6 link?
And what about the MoM EB ZO combo which would synergize really well with the warlords mark, but instead of running herald of thunder, run 2 blasphemies and an arctic armour. If possible, please check out what I'm doing :https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/4vyw59/budget_firestormer_optimization_tips_please/ and help me compare our two builds! Thanks! |
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Amplification rod is good for leveling, but nothing more. The biggest problem is, that it adds lvl 1 supports. At lower levels, it's not that big of a deal, but once you enter mapping, a solid 5link will be way better then the amplification rod, as both Spell echo and Controlled destruction add a more multiplier.
The difference is... well big. I lose around .04 cast time and 15% damage when I swap out my lvl 18/19 Controlled destruction/Spell Echo, and that's not even considering the loss in spell damage, as the Amplification rod doesn't even get decent spell damage/cast speed. Not too sure about the MoM/EB/ZO combi either. You won't regen enough to really sustain the mana costs(Purely leech will be a problem vs hexproof and anti leech mods), and you don't even get any aura nodes to really abuse that 100% mana reserve. I don't think it will really be all that good of an option. I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789 |
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Hmm, I see your point on amplification rod, I'll start levelling those gems then. Curious as to why you don't run cloak of Flame, seems almost too good not to. With regards to regen, I'll probably be running a stone golem if the sustain isn't sufficient. But with regards to the blasphemy vs herald of thunder...i see your point, it makes sense unless it's during a boss fight, where if you don't proc ele conflux well....bad things happen. I strongly disagree with the decision to not take endurance charge in the templar tree and merciless, it really seems far too good. Oh, and are you really okay with no arctic armour?It seems OP to me. Btw someone told me that convocation should be self casted... thoughts?
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On second thought, with EB MoM, I can run the dual curse HoT, arctic armour, and anger which seems pretty good to me. Plus I'm pretty sure 2% life leech from WM is more than enough given that it work on other builds which deal less dmg than Firestorm and if not, Ill just pop an atziri's promise. Sound good?
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Oh and some people have told me that HoT CoH curses arent very reliable and that I should jsut use blasphemy...thoughts?
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