[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF
Cast when Channel is strong, but slows down your clearspeed, and leaves you really vulnerable to.. well almost anything.
What people don't realize, is that you have to wait for both the cast speed of scorching ray and the casting delay of Cast when Channel, before the actual casting starts. You will be waiting for around a full second before you get a single cast off. And while that isn't that big of a deal for normal mobs, it is quite dangerous for bosses that are even remotely fast, or strong. Sure, you have your minions, but that'll only work for so long. Minions do not pull enemy aggro by just attacking them. It's a combination of your positioning, and your minions that makes bosses want to go for the minions instead of you ;) You can try most definitely. It's nice for leveling :) I am a nice guy.
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Thanks for the insightful (and insanely prompt) reply! I've really enjoyed playing the build, which I've dubbed "Zombaes", and I think it'll be my league-starter tomorrow.
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Thoughts about mind over matter? The new nodes seem really good.
IGN : Mureekuha
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I'd like to try this for HC league tomorrow, but I'm thinking I need immortal call on the cwdt setup but i dont know what to remove :D thoughts? leaning towards replacing molten shell
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" Ah, this makes me so happy. I also find the lab seriously stress inducing and not worth it. Definitely looking forward to blasting off in Legacy with this build. |
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PewPewPew why you do this? I was about to make a different league starter build but now i saw the necro version and now you pull me back in XD. Anyways thank you for this build and keep it up!
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Hello! Thank you for your guide. I gonna start SSF league with it tonight.
I enjoy playing with minions, but full summoner build seems boring. Now u showed the way how to make minions useful in spell-oriented bild - its a very nice fund for me. Im new poe player, just started to learn some game mechanics. And i have one question. Skill Effect duration is pretty good stat for FS, but it costs to much in my apinion. We have to take about 8 useless nods, only for be able to earn both Exceptional Perfomance and Potency of Will. I founded the way how to achive same lifepool, +40% Fire Damage, and +2 sockets in cost of only +100% Skill Effect duration:
Then FS doesnt looks so OP, and my quesstion is: what do u think about Firebal on this case? Sinse ignite has double dips effect we +40% Fire Damage gives for us additional ~+30%. Also ignite will be doubled with possible Fire Dmg (or Elem Dmg, or Area Dmg) gained from additional 2 sockets. I suppose this damage boost anihilates by things like Multiple Projectiles Support gem, which we have to use for faster clearing big packs of thrash. But against single bosses (or small elite packs) FB seems to be much better than randomized PewPewFS. Also FB doesnt hurts FPS. |
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Looking like a great league for this build - can't wait to get started. Thanks for the guide - will be a perfect league starter.
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@Dime666: Mind over matter is indeed an attractive option, but it requires us to really build around it. Definitely an option, but I don't know if it scales well enough into the end game. You can always experiment of course, but for now, I'd say we'll stay with the zombies as our main defence :)
@Toots: I guess you're looking at the necromancer version? I've played with IC for a bit, but... well. We don't generate charges fast enough to really abuse IC. Even with all our duration increases, it's only lasting for a few seconds at max(3 charges). You have no control over it, which makes it, compared to Molten Shell, very unreliable. Molten Shell keeps refreshing itself, and the damage dealt by the explosion is actually quite decent. You can change for IC if you want to, but I'd recommend at least trying Molten Shell :) @VasyaZ: Hm. I guess it could work, but I'm afraid you might lack damage for the higher tier bosses. Firestorm works because of the insane damage you can stack by overlapping more and more storms. You don't have that mechanic build in for fireball. Increased Duration might cost a lot, but it's a damn powerful damage increase when we are facing bosses ;) I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789 |
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Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on Mar 3, 2017, 11:26:49 AM
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