[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF

KythMacrag wrote:
Thanks for such a great build.

I noticed Anger changed from an always-on mana-reserving aura to a totem with range and timeout. Is it still the best use of that slot?

Not sure if I had completely lost my mind or not, but Anger is now functioning as it always did.

Doing this build for ssf legacy, and just want to say that it works rely good. Lvl 79.
Having a bit trouble just getting good gear with right colors atm, and eats a little bit to much mana at the moment

Also I'm not that found of of flame dash works. Feels way to slow.
Is there any other moving skill that you can use with this build?

This helmet scales with this build right?

What is your tool tip dmg for firestorm? Im around 2k atm

Great build! thx
so doing this on new ssf league and got to lvl 40 and went to do 1st lab run and got right to the end and died, gear wasnt good at all and dmg wasnt to great either, any tips, going to start again but not sure if i should leave lab till much later on or not.
IGN: The_Nutcase
ToxicXfi wrote:
so doing this on new ssf league and got to lvl 40 and went to do 1st lab run and got right to the end and died, gear wasnt good at all and dmg wasnt to great either, any tips, going to start again but not sure if i should leave lab till much later on or not.

I had the opposite experience. Damage was fantastic with just a 3 link in normal. Hell I think I just had a 2 link. I didn't get a 4L till half way through Merc, everything melts. Leveling was generally amazingly smooth. I spent all of 3 alts and 1 chaos to get to Merciless. I do suck at speed leveling though, it took me hours to get to merciless. No idea how people do it in a couple hours.

I wonder if anyone can give me advise please. I took a break from this game for about a year so I'm kinda back to almost noob. I am now level 70 and its really good in general. What is the best way to approach getting a 6L? Just keep farm low level maps and /or Dried Lake? How viable is farming for the divination cards? Do people trade 6L armor types?

My current gear below. Ignore controlled Destruction in my boots, its for leveling

Edit: weird! 6L's going for 50 chaos, 1 exalt etc. More affordable then ever.

Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on Mar 6, 2017, 7:04:24 PM
Personally just want to say that this is the most fun I've had with a witch build ever! Can't wait to get better uniques to boost it!
I was lucky to get an exalt drop on the first day of league sold it for chaos orb and bought emperor of purity for 3 chaos each. 21c for a 6L :3
Just wanna say thank you for all the work you have done over these years :D

Trying the Necromancer version now and i must say its awesome.

It starts to shine after you have 6L and Kitava helmet in action with the Ascendancy points :D.
Cant wait to get The Scourge with costs 10ex atm :D
I'm growing concerned as this build appears to be good early on and then the damage becomes meh and you're squishy AAF. Granted I don't have the build enabling claw or head piece but why be mediocre while you save umteen chaos when you can jsut do something else is what I'm thinking now. There are other builds to play that have more than a laughable 8% phsy damage reduction w/ zombies and clear faster. Not sure any more that I intend to save for Scourge and Kitava's. Should I just reroll and play poison mines or blade fall or some other thing or stick this out? Perhaps shoot for Lightning Coil for chest? ( that would be very expensive to get 5B1R haha)

At the very least I am questioning Necromancer vs Elementalist.
Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on Mar 6, 2017, 7:12:30 PM
So far I like the build, currently lvl 65. I have a mana problem though. It's ok when I am close to the mobs and my curses are applied through blasphemy. But when I have to retreat a litte, I run out of mana very quickly and this is my limiting factor in casting firestorm (ie huge damage reduction). I am playing the necro version of the build.

So question: Are you guys having the same problem? How are you countering it? Should I try the curse on hit/herald of thunder to apply curses no matter the distance?


I'm growing concerned as this build appears to be good early on and then the damage becomes meh and you're squishy AAF. Granted I don't have the build enabling claw or head piece but why be mediocre while you save umteen chaos when you can jsut do something else is what I'm thinking now. There are other builds to play that have more than a laughable 8% phsy damage reduction w/ zombies and clear faster. Not sure any more that I intend to save for Scourge and Kitava's. Should I just reroll and play poison mines or blade fall or some other thing or stick this out? Perhaps shoot for Lightning Coil for chest? ( that would be very expensive to get 5B1R haha)

At the very least I am questioning Necromancer vs Elementalist.

At some point in the game between Lake // 4 Ac Points and early maps, I became concerned aswell.

Now I'm blasting through content with a smile on my face. Killed Izaro Merc, with 1800 MS at end of the fight. I was convinced that a time-out screen or POE error would appear, but I made it. Got a lame head enchant, but thats not a big deal.

I would advice you to get Life on rings // Belt / Amulet. I currently run that with a Tabula Rasa Simple Robe. Got 2 cheap Cybil's Paw and a 1 alch Kitava's Helmet.

I would also make a shout out to Appels Zijn Gezond, that I currently play with The Wise Oak Bismuth Flask. Making my Fire Resistance highest by uncapped standard and my Lightning Resistance the lowest one. Giving me 10% less incoming Lighting damage and 20% more fire penetration on all enemies.

Don't give up hope when you face a wall, you will hit a wall with any char if you don't invest some currency. Those investments will repay themself in maps still to come.

Good luck

Last edited by Hatebeard#6544 on Mar 7, 2017, 5:24:25 PM

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