[3.0]PewPewPews Official Cheap Firestorm Build - Perfect for Newcomers/SSF
Agree, the notes do look good.
Looking forward to your update, only a little wait left. |
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This is taking me longer then expected. Granted, I've been rewriting almost the entire guide, so I knew it would be a while before I'd got things right. Sadly, I don't know how much time I'll be having tomorrow to work on the guide.
Oh, don't worry. I've got all the relevant information to get you going. I plan to include a tl;dr at the top, so players don't need to scroll down every time to find whatever information they want. Well anyways, this is that tl;dr
Tree: Click here Bandits: Help Alira or kill all Gems: All gems should be leveled to max level - Bodyarmour: FireStorm/Fire Penetration/Elemental Focus/Controlled Destruction/Arcane Surge/Efficacy - Helm: Raise Zombie/Minion Life/Minion Speed/Minion and Totem elemental Resistance - Gloves/Boots: Cast when Damage Taken/Immortal Call/Convocation/Increased Duration - Gloves/Boots: Flame Dash/Summon Lightning Golem/Summon Flame Golem/Faster Casting - Weapon/Offhand: Summon Skeleton/Spell Totem - Clarity - Weapon/Offhand: Orb of Storms/Curse of Hit/Warlord's Mark Special Gear: - Helm: +2 minion gem levels(Don't use the unique: the Baron!) Playstyle: Use Orb of Storms between your firestorms to curse and gain 25% extra fire penetration. I also cooked up a leveling tree for you guys:
10p 23p 32p 48p 65p 77p 90p - This should be the point when you're ready to map. End game Build Example 121p tree(lvl 98)[/quote] If, for some reason, I'm not able to finish or post the guide before tomorrow, at least here is all the information you need :) I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789 |
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That's so much for the short version. Looking forward to 3.0 with this build.
Cheers! |
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Thanks very much for the update, and for the leveling trees!
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These updates are valid for both Elementalist and Necromancer version?
Did the elementalist one late in Legacy League and been thinking about going Necromancer for league starter tomorrow! |
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" I don't see Firestorm or Flame Dash on Nessa in Act 1. I'm playing on Xbox and it is using the 3.0 beta client. Don't know if this info needs to be updated? EDIT: I need to read more; they became available late in the Act. Thanks for the build! Last edited by toeknee#3979 on Aug 4, 2017, 1:37:16 AM
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The necromancer will have it's own little update. It's going to be a little less small, but I think I'll have them both up before release :)
And toeknee, you are looking at the pre-beta guide atm. I'm still in the midst of writing the build. I hope I'll have it finishing before launch ;D I'm especially curious to hear how this build plays on the Xbox. I do not own one myself, so I can not test it sadly. So please let me know how it works out for you in the 3.0 release! Also, I've copied the new gem list for you, it includes both Act and what level you get the gem:
[PFS031]The core build: Gems
With all the new gems, we have so many more ways in scaling our damage. FireStorm/Fire Penetration/Elemental Focus/Arcane Surge/Controlled Destruction/Efficacy Firestorm(Act 1, lvl 12) - Our main damage Fire Penetration(Act 3, lvl 31) - Doesn't increase the tool tip, still high damage increase Elemental Focus(Act 2, lvl 18) - Big damage increase Arcane Surge(Act 1, level 1) - Gives us a strong buff, See note* Controlled Destruction(Act 2, lvl 1)Lowers Crit chance, still nice damage buff(Can be swapped for Efficacy) Efficacy(Act 3, lvl 31)Buff to Duration and Damage(Can be swapped for Increased Duration, or Faster Casting) Raise Zombie/Minion Life/Minion Speed/Minion and Totem elemental Resistance Raise Zombie(Act 1, lvl 1) - We love 'm. Minion Life(Act 2, lvl 18) - Gives our meats more meat Minion Speed(Act 2, lvl 18) - Gives our minions enough speed to intercept our enemies Minion and Totem elemental Resistanc(Act 3, lvl 31) - Gives our minions more elemental resistances. Don't forget to put these four in your helm! Cast when Damage Taken/Immortal Call/Convocation/Increased Duration Cast when Damage Taken(Act 4, lvl 38) - This will cast linked spells once we take enough damage. Quite useful! Immortal Call(Act 4, lvl 34) - Makes us invulnerable to Physical damage for a (very) short duration. Especially strong when linked to CwDT Convocation(Act 3, lvl 24) - Teleports all permanent minions near you. Since it triggers after taking damage, this is very useful. It will also heal your minions by a bit. Increased Duration(Act 3, lvl 31) - Makes both your Immortal Call and Convocation last longer. Make sure your gem levels are below your Cast When Damage Taken gem! You can level this setup to max level. Flame Dash/Summon Flame Golem/Summon Lightning Golem/Faster Casting Flame Dash(Act 1, lvl 10) - Our dodge ability. Press it to quickly dash. A must for the harder boss fights! Summon Flame Golem(Act 4, lvl 34) - Our Prime Golem. We always want one of them summoned(Summoning two won't double the buff sadly) Summon Lightning Golem(Act 4, lvl 34) - Our second golem. Can also be changed for the Chaos Golem if you want more physical damage reduction. I recommend newer players to stick with Lightning. Faster Casting - Speeds up all casting, and, most importantly, our Flame dash. Summon Skeleton/Spell Totem - Clarity Summon Skeleton(Act 1, Level 10) - Our bone shields! Since they are recast over and over, we do not need to link them to minion life or resistance. Spell totem(Act 1, lvl 8) - This totem will cast anything linked to it. Spells linked to this spell totem can not be cast normally. Clarity(Act 1, lvl 10) - This will be our one and only aura. It gives high mana regen, and will fix our mana problems the moment we get our hands on! Please note: The weapon or shield you've put this set in, can not be fully linked. Clarity needs to be unlinked, as it is a spell. If you link it to spell totem, we won't be able to use it as an aura! Orb of Storms/Curse of Hit/Warlord's Mark Orb of Storms(Act 1, lvl 4) - Our Extra fire penetration once we get our Third Ascendancy! No need to use it early on. Curse on Hit - Spells or attacks supported by this gem, will apply curses on everything they hit. Warlord's Mark - Our recommended Curse. Enfeeble is a great defensive choice, Flammability for more offence. I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789 |
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Thanks for updating the guide!
Looking forward to testing the new changes. |
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When tree update? :) |
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I don't know why the tree is down, but I'm working on it right now!
I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789 |
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