Soulthirst, Event 14: Headhunter Solo

Wow, this Headhunter race was far more awesome than I had anticipated. I had some moments when I was zipping around at ludicrous speed, two-shot some rares, then went to Plaid, and faceplanted into every wall on the map.

11/10, would race again
For thy actions, thou shall be cursed, and thy stash tabs shall be forever tangled and
beyond comprehension
I really enjoyed this race it definitely encouraged clearing entire zones to keep your buffs up. I got to lvl 21 while not doing a single quest in act 2... even had an unfortunate rip at hailraik and had to start over.
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM
Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762
this is the first headhunter race I've done.
Easily the most fun race I've done, It's so ridiculously fast paced, I don't think I even bothered picking up anything other than jewellery after about 15mins (once I'd got a +1 wand).

I managed to get a soul eater stack up to 25 or so, and would empty my mana pool and an instant pot in about a second, great fun!

Phrecia: 92 Scavenger(retired)
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon (all retired)
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96(dead)
30 minutes after race and I am still smiling like an idiot. That was even better than BLAMT!
Just one buff from rare monster was powerful enough to take 50% Merveil hp in two seconds. It's worth to try the race to experience that 200+ movement speed. I felt playing character changing size every few seconds was a bit uncomfortable, but it was also funny.


AvocadosNumber wrote:
Wow, this Headhunter race was far more awesome than I had anticipated. I had some moments when I was zipping around at ludicrous speed, two-shot some rares, then went to Plaid, and faceplanted into every wall on the map.

11/10, would race again

Yes, it was amazing, crzy Fun! We really need such Races to get out of Daily PoE Grind & play the Game in a whole other Fashion.
Keep calm, play PoE, drink Tea & listen to Prog!
Best and most fun race i've ever played!
NOt to be greedy but 2 lines of text in a template and copypasta on what the different mods are isnt difficult `just implment them after a bunch like every 30 or so.

Really two lines of text is that hard?

Can't you just type up the descriptions of the like dozen race types and throw them in the template.

Hell, give the the templates I'll do it for free.

You're so right. I never understood why they don't bother. It's always a pain in the ass to see what the event is about. NOT ALL the mods are written in the official event list.

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