Balance Changes in Content Update 2.1.0

Again changes that further negatively impact PvP balance.

Regardless PvP or PvM, why legacy Surgeon mods? Why buff bows and spells which deal huge damage via crit, even at current multiplier values? Nerfs to Cyclone again?

Why balance ranged skills so they compete equally with melee ones? Melee is melee and ranged is ranged, plus every busted build that trivializes content is ranged crit bow/caster 9:10 times. What ever happened to trade offs for not having to engage at melee range or consideration for the crit potential on those sides of the tree.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Dec 6, 2015, 9:22:02 PM
Nice changes I plan to play again next league I was wondering(if you will comment here I'm not sure) how you feel about Summon Skeletons being a viable skill compared to the likes of SRS. Always wanted to try out a necro build
Path of nerfsile.
Nothing on prolif? Boooo....
IGN Ken__Kaniff
Dumb balance changes, not surprised.

Keep letting Reddit dictate the balance of the game GGG, and we will have another ~6 months of stale meta like we just did.

I'm sad and dissapointed.
Lowest level Hardcore Atziri Kill ~ Level 65 ~
Level 100 Tempest HC with self-made and most played build of POE 2.0 ~
Disappointed you simply made incinerate deal less damage rather than revert the needless cast speed increase. Also expect it to be over nerfed then slowly buffed again over the course of a year due to the meta shifting.

Surgeons being legacy is also fairly moronic.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Last edited by Wooser69#4318 on Dec 6, 2015, 8:53:29 PM
I gotta admit the ever increaseing amount of legacy items makes the perm leagues less less oh and less playable and i meant that as multiplicitive.

I mainly only play the duration leagues.........but still i dont approve.
So no changes related to PvP at all ? You guys nerfed RF pvp damages value to Oblivion when it was a problem yet absolutely nothing is done about Explosive Arrow who is plaguing HLD 1vs1 and Sarn arena since almost a year.

I can undertand you can't focus too much on this part of the game because it's not that popular but that's a part some players love and still play the game mostly for it. We don't ask for big things like tournament, price or races but please can you at least fix the really broken stuff (mostly EA secondary damages stacking, trap and mines insane damage buff combined with heavy crit).
xavier3jr wrote:
RIP posion arrow, your time was short lived....

I wouldn't say that. Poison Arrow has been popular for a long time. Also it's only being nerfed because the changing of passives. Maybe it will be possible to scale it even better now with the new passives.
People bitching about permanent leagues need to remember, they don't balance around them. No one cares about legacies (but you can still take advantage of them).

Having permanent buffs from flasks obviously wasn't how the game was designed. Did you think it would be all hype with more and better supports and chaos damage and aura curses without any nerfs?

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