Balance Changes in Content Update 2.1.0

Sheriff_K wrote:
Zukuris wrote:
Many spells and skills that depend on inc AOE were buffed because of the talent tree changes, why was cleave left out?

How do you know that it was?

Hmm, I guess I assumed only the skills listed as having their aoe buffed were worked on. After re reading the post it is possible that there are many more skills that have been worked on too.

Hopefully cleave did get a AOE buff as well, if not, hopefully they read this and throw it on there.

Maybe we can get a pre patch note confirmation? That would be great!
GGG, aren't chaos damage/dot too much of a overkill in tree now?
I mean, ok, you clearly want us to test chaos spells, but you need to do that so drastically?
So i bounced around the shadow tree and got easily +130 chaos and +145 dot.
That's unseen in any kind of damage i guess.

Also, why do you KEEP producing legacy stuff?
Doesn't make much sense imo.
It just kinda raises the impression that GGG couldn't care less for standard.
"Mana per level, Melee mana costs (Buffed)
Players now gain more mana every time they level up, and most Melee Attack skills no longer increase in mana cost as they level. These changes are to allow Mana to be used more reliably by late-game builds that don't have high amounts of intelligence, as Blood Magic was the prevalent way to use almost every melee attack skill later in the game."

Is this true for Cyclone, too? Is it going to have a base cost of 12 in level 20?
1235 wrote:
Kroughfire wrote:
olivertwizted wrote:
Well I'm quitting this game now. Typical GGG. Lets take the one bow skill(PA)that already completely sucks in party and nerf it further. To boot we are gonna buff other bow skills as if split arrow/tornado shot isn't already 1-2 shotting everything off screen.

Oh you want to make a super squishy crit build that relies on flasks for survivability, well if you didn't know this is what you wanted to do pre-patch or you are a new player then get fukd because we are nerfing flasks as well.

GGG doesn't know the meaning of balance. "That flask is too strong so we will just let everybody keep the ones they have and not let anyone new have them." This has been the problem since the beginning of this game. The economy sucks do to legacy items, the eternal orb, mirrors and I guess we're gonna add flasks to the list.

Hope this game is still fun for you in the GGG clan and the elitist that have been here since day 1 and aren't effected by all the nerfs because you are sitting on all the legacy gear. Balance changes have been focused around making it a better game for you guys and everyone else gets pissed on.

No more support, MTX or referrals from me. I'm done with your silly "game of balance" and as far as im concerned GGG can eat a wanker. Giving my gear away to someone else that wants to put up with their bullcrap

This is hilarious.
The patch notes aren't even out yet, and from the looks of the tree, I have a feeling PA is actually getting a substantial buff.

That's just my impression though.

Also, while I'm not a fan of legacy flasks, I don't think it will impact the game that much, unless you *are* elitist and want all your fancy legacy crap. People keep forgetting that other things are getting buffed to make more builds viable. With this new patch, I'm excited to see if I can make ice spear or cold snap work, and I know people are going to love the new arc, not to mention all the chaos damage potential.

Just calm your face, and wait a whole nother 24 hours for the patch notes to see if your PA was actually nerfed (which I doubt. They would have to drop the damage by like 66% for that to happen because of how strong and accessible the chaos/DoT nodes are).

Edit: Sorry about underlining, I can't change it :(

legacy items are a fucking joke and hurt the game

also the tree isn't better for PA at all, from 9% to 12% wow amazing, that 100% poison node doesn't work on PA btw

actually the tree might be worse for PA since you can't take those 10% 20% 10% projectile nodes from the assassin anymore

+1 for the anti-legacy items sentiment. And I'm an old player who actually has some legacy stuff. If everyone else with legacy stuff got theirs rebalanced/removed, I'd be happy to be among the 'losers'.

We KNOW they can do it since they've done it before (the changes to Atziri's Acuity gloves and Crown of Eyes helm, for instance, affected all versions of those items - both new AND old).

GGG really should just put it to a vote once and for all. Put up a vote with four options and give players a month to decide (strictly ensuring that those with multiple accounts don't get multiple votes) and not revealing the results until the end (i.e. no real-time updating that could influence players' choices). 1 month is enough time for both sides to make their cases and all active/semi-active players to cast their vote. The four options would be -

1. Complete Legacy Removal - All legacy items (i.e. both legacy versions of current items + legacy league-specific items) are removed/re-rolled. To compensate those with the re-rolled legacy items, let them all roll at their current max tier, if need be. If desired, selected league-specific items can be re-added into the core game (after re-balancing, if needed).

2. League-Specific Item Removal - Legacy versions of droppable items are preserved while league-specific items are removed or re-balanced and added back into the core game.

3. Legacy Version Item Removal - Legacy versions of droppable items are all re-rolled (at current max tier, if need be), but league-specific items are left untouched.

4. Complete Legacy System Preservation - No change from the current situation.

Note that this vote would be a FINAL say on the matter i.e. the results would dictate not just what happens with the legacy system as it currently stands, but it would also dictate the policy to be followed for all future changes to legacy version items and league-specific items.

And before anyone suggests just playing in the temp leagues, note that one of the main reasons people continue in Standard is because of the gear and, more importantly, ALREADY LEVELLED characters we have available in it. Some of us don't care for the levelling (and gearing) process and would rather just skip it to see what the end-game potential of our new build ideas is right away. So no, temp leagues don't suit us.
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Dec 7, 2015, 11:10:58 PM
Ok, most of the time I come here to complain. But now I want to say something to all these who whines about Legacy items. How I "read" these changes now with Legacy Surgeon's, I don't know if I'm right or not but ... maybe this is the way GGG wants to give something good to the loyal and old and dedicated players. There is a players which play one character or few for years. I think these people deserve something, right. I don't see any single reason for you to cry about it. Probably most of these players who complaining didn't even play on Standard. What's bothering you? Why you even care if someone will use these flasks on Standard. I'm reading this like a gift to me, again don't know if I'm right, just my opinion. And no one force you to use legacy's they just give you a choice.

edit: Actually I want to add more, even with my bad english. This game is just perfect now, amazing, unique. It will not be so good if Legacy's doesn't exists. Why? Watch me. "hardcore" Standard player who plays and most of the new Leagues. Farming, actually ggrindinggg :d and builds new chars on new leagues, after league ends selling stuff and collecting currency for what? No, not for mirrored items, don't like them but they not bother me at all. For LEGACY items. I farm 1 year for my Kaom's Heart, yes around 1 year. If this so expensive item not exist? For what I will play so long and will be so fun at the end to have this amazing item. No one can give you now this fun, not even Blizzard.
Last edited by Joleco#5268 on Dec 7, 2015, 9:42:28 PM
So what about righteous fire builds? hope that gets a buff to range cause i practically have to hump a monsters leg to do damage to it nowadays.
nice, thanks
Hmmm, does anybody think legacy surgeon flasks are a good idea? Anybody?

How can keeping legacy items that are obviously broken be good for the game? Please explain.
Not all balance changes are final; nor has the current iteration been fully released. Should legacy flasks pose a substantial imbalance then the retroactive nerf could be applied globally or be cancelled altogether.

Glad to see Exile009 bring up that point; I hadn't considered the implications of legacy items in regards to those particular players (which seems to be a significant amount). Note the way he/she included constructive suggestions as opposed to others who only offer an emotional, and arguably subjective, viewpoint that consists of their potentially niche experiences while emphasizing their emotional response.

GGG is a company that (mostly) consists of human beings, along with the potential Raised Spectre(s) looming in the background to incite fervent work ethic. Due to a majority of them being people, one can naturally assume that, as people, they share similar qualities that we have- namely emotion and logic.

When furthering the design of an already complex system (or game) each change is, of necessity, purposeful in it's own right. In said system, each proposed or implemented change has the potential to drastically influence other parts of the system in unintended ways, whether it be immediately or years later.

Taking that into consideration, along with my proposition that GGG is a company consisting mostly of human beings, I find it rather imperative to use logic when critiquing a logical system; and furthermore to appeal to logic when critiquing the game. Conversely an emotional proposition or critique will naturally have to be deciphered into a coherent criticism (if possible) and then evaluated only after dealing with the arduous emotional baggage that accompanies said criticism(s). Which, as we all know, it eventually wears down the intended recipient (GGG in this case).

TLDR; Logically criticizing a logically created system is inexplicably more beneficial for both ends.
_PapaLegba_ wrote:
Starball wrote:


Finally wanted to make an incinerate build for once....

didn't even knew it was OP.

Worst being that it wasn't OP in the first place.

it absolutely is. if you think if it isn't on another level than the majority of spells, then you're being dishonest.

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