Balance Changes in Content Update 2.1.0

gibbousmoon wrote:
As it is, we have a whole crapload of players who will now create a bunch of surgeon's flasks.

I really hope they realize how fucked up their idea is and change it before release. In fact, I cannot think of ANY reason to come up with something like that AND announce it beforehand other than genuine trolling.

Now I know there are players that would disagree with me. To those: you are all wrong, regardless of your arguments. Might as well have a discussion about whether or not it's a good idea to stick your finger into a blender.
Last edited by dyneol#3245 on Dec 8, 2015, 11:16:48 AM
Yggdrasil_57 wrote:
I don't say every player who want legacy items removed from the game is jealous. But if GGG suddenly offers to every player a copy of each legacy item, I bet the anti-legacy crowd would be a lot more silent.

Objection! We'll never know that for sure so it's a baseless assumption on the very broad premise that people are assholes.

On the other hand, we have a full thread of people complaining against legacy flasks they have a full stash of. So, assuming the contrary would actually have better grounds.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics#7540 on Dec 8, 2015, 11:14:36 AM
Maybe ggg like the idea of legacy items, ive never really understood all the qq about them.

So now my OP arc witch will be even more OP? yay!
Glowing green mouse cursor plz.
I have something to say DEAR GGG, FUCK YOU.

I made a witch then u nerfed eldrich batery made her useless had her for 1 month i left for 1 year the game now i come back and you nerf my incinerate totem too? and add another joke legacy item?

fuck you bitches i will check the changes after are fully up and running and if i think its shit then bb.

Jay Wilson is that you?
I'm slightly confused about the leech changes in the tree. It says 'Attack Damage Leeched as Life'. Does this also include Chaos Attack Damage, for example with a Voltaxic?
incinerate nerfed? again? D:
thats not fair :c
Yggdrasil_57 wrote:
raics wrote:
Might seem strange but people do care about shit like that. It shouldn't really concern you if your neighbor collects trash in his backyard as long as he keeps it sanitary, it's his trash and his backyard but it still tends to feel wrong. It's a bit worse here, though, it's your neighbor's trash but your backyards may overlap a bit at some time or the other.

A better comparison would be neighbor A collecting golden apple trees in his backyard, while neighbor B is stuck with normal trees. The matter is not the smell, nor trash overlapping backyards.
So why complaining about neighbour having a more beautiful garden ?
Perhaps the unavowable reason is simply jealousy. An hidden jealousy which brings some immature response like the "you got no legacy items yourself, hurr durr" argument that you have mentionned.

I don't say every player who want legacy items removed from the game is jealous. But if GGG suddenly offers to every player a copy of each legacy item, I bet the anti-legacy crowd would be a lot more silent.

Langhun wrote:
I would like to play one game. When I use legacy item I feel like I am not legit player because my character performance was affected by "unexisting item".

I know it won't help you but you have to either accept using legacy items or don't using them.

Langhun wrote:
When I tried to pretend that legacy don't exist I realized it affects economy, PvP and public party play anyway.

Standard economy is already broken. Removing legacy won't repair it. If GGG creates a new dumpster league without any legacy item, it would be saturated by orbs and items in few years.
PvP is a side event in PoE. GGG won't balance the game around PvP. And I think PvP ladder is much more affected by mirrored gears than by legacy.

Concerning playing public party, I readily admit that playing with way owerpowered players could be not fun. But is there a so great difference between a legacy and a not legacy item ?
If one of you playmate wears a legacy Lightninc Coil instead of a new one, will it really kill you joy of playing with him ? In this hypothetic situation, I couldn't notice what kind of LC he's using.

And what about mirrored items ? Is it more fun if one of your teammates use this instead of a legacy windripper (for example) ?
Let's be honnest, a mirrored bow like Brood Twine is much more powerful than any legacy bow. Should GGG banned all mirrored items too ?

Your argument that mirrored items are more impacting than legacy items is no argument at all. After all aren't all mirrored items a direct product of a legacy eternal orb. On that premise mirrored items are legacy items. After all, you can't make a new mirror worthy item unless you still have legacy orbs. So basically your whole statement is "Aren't legacy items more powerful than legacy items?"

Here is my fix.

Option 1:
Remove soft legacies(the ones you can still make in zana maps/aquire from div cards.)Next take every account that has a legacy item on it and move it to new league referred to as "Legacy Standard." Then you folks that want to save your childhood memories or whatever it is that makes you love them can still have them and the rest of us can still play the game with an economy/gameplay that is balanced.

Option 2: Bring all legacy items back and update the rolls on non legacy items to the previous legacy state(or at least make it possible to divine to legacy.) Then do what GGG should have done to begin with by balancing the skill tree along with monster life and damage output to work with the items they already created and released.

On a side note the most impacting item in pvp right now is legacy Kaoms. In conjunction with quill rain explosive arrow, it allows characters to stack 7k life and massive regen on a ranged character that can do massive aoe burst damage to an entire aoe arena for the whole duration of battle.

Side not #2 I've had my fair share of legacy items and a gg vagan dagger discharger. You might as well take your level 100 character and twilight strand in normal because that is what the balance of it feels like. Should Atziri be this easy:

My vote is option 2 ^^^
Here is my reasoning:
You don't have a baby then stuff it back into the womb or hide it from the world in 2yrs because it it obese. You put the baby on a diet. Legacy items are GGG's babies and the game content is the diet.
Option 2 will also promote balancing of the economy.
Last edited by olivertwizted#2403 on Dec 8, 2015, 2:43:54 PM
I have another fix for you.

If really you despised legacy items so much, just don't play standard anymore. Have fun in temporary leagues. You'll find the more up-to-date balanced gameplay and a healthy economy (at the beginning of the league at least).
I have to hand it to the devs if they can read some of these comments and not succumb to the urge to punch their screen.
It has been a while since I last read this amount of salt/tears/whatever you wish to call it over balance changes and legacies, and it isn't even from a large group of players...

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