Balance Changes in Content Update 2.1.0

Morganis_Szalazar wrote:
So nothing about hideous caster mana issues addressed?

Long Live Melee! (apparently).

Rory wrote:
Mana per level, Melee mana costs (Buffed)
Players now gain more mana every time they level up, and most Melee Attack skills no longer increase in mana cost as they level. These changes are to allow Mana to be used more reliably by late-game builds that don't have high amounts of intelligence, as Blood Magic was the prevalent way to use almost every melee attack skill later in the game.

. . .

/obligatory sky is falling


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem#2861 on Dec 6, 2015, 9:44:49 PM
I'll be impressed if I can actually play a character as Mana based - without needing to invest 12,735 nodes into mana.
NomadGSF wrote:
Yay. Yet ANOTHER f2p game that listens to the community that sucks at the game the most (Reddit) and nerfs good skills into uselessness instead of buffing bad skills to catch them up. Hoo-ray.

shh bby is ok
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Rory wrote:
We've reduced the area of effect bonuses available in the tree slightly, but increased the base radius of some skills that were smaller than others like Storm Call and Glacial Cascade, as well as any corpse-destroying effects like Detonate Dead and Abyssal Cry.

What about Cleave? That skill's poor radius...
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger:
so now there are legacy surgeon's flasks? jesus that's so dumb
So let me understand, you guys are nerfing one of the few spells (incinerate) that actually did some decent damage but builds like Cast on critical that uses discharge and all that crazy stuff which clear maps and zones in the speed of light remains unchanged.... lol

i love the game but honestly don't understand some of your decisions
So melee phys characters still only have to invest 1 node in '0.2% phys damage leeched as mana', and now have skill costs reduced; while casters have to invest into many mana regen nodes or go super-clunky-no-defence-EB mode.
grepman wrote:
searing bond might be op as fuck again

2x totems AND and you can use rapid decay with it

Imagine it in a Voideye ring.
So this patch is just a giant-ass buff to my most-played character? Thanks GGG!
gimme money bitch

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