Shrapnel Shot

i think tooltip only displays damage for the actual arrow not the AOE
Would be nice if it could actually have one aoe per projectile, making it a good nuke at close range (even if to do so you need to reduce the aoe damage). It would make the skill interesting enough to consider it seriously.

Also, "Arrows always Pierce" bonus is not that good of a bonus to make someone lean toward the skill (I mean in the sens that the skill has obvious numerical drawbacks because of this), considering how good is pierce gem alone. Not saying it should disappear, but that the damage drawback derived from it should be removed. Or maybe pierce support is just too good.
Last edited by Zybeline2#7822 on Jul 22, 2016, 9:31:28 AM
I think this skill needs a remake/overhaul

The only purpose of this skill is for racing and low-lvl bow users...

It has NO PLACE in end game content and is greatly out classed by other bow skills

The skill name also betrays what the skill actually is..

Its not at all anything like shrapnel or a shrapnel explosion

Rather its a piercing lighting arrow that doesnt chain to enemies......

Easily this skill could be re-worked into the game and reintroduced as an actual

Shrapnel Shot Bow Skill

^ This is what a Shrapnel Shot Should look like

An explosion based projectile that emits a large amount of smaller projectiles to cover a larger area then just one initial shot.

The mechanics could use Ice Shot and advance on that

Ice shot shoots forward as 1 arrow, which explodes, and releases a <) cone of ice damage forward

Instead the new shrapnel should could initially shoot out as many projectiles in random directions from the initial flying point with huge projectile speed and have the feeling of a "shrapnel shot"

Essentially it could keep the guaranteed pierce and become a bow skill worth using
Last edited by Bloomania#2606 on Aug 18, 2016, 7:52:19 PM
As most people have caught on, the skill gem employs two components: 1) a close range cone attack that emanates from the target location and 2) a volley of arrows. You can see each clearly in the image blow, where the wavy, water-like component is (1):

When both are combined, the skill does incredible damage but only at close range. This has deterred many from using since squishy archers don't tend to want to be up in a monster's face that can one shot them dead.

SS doesn't need a supplementary single target skill. It's customary to build archers with an AoE based skill to clear mobs and then a heavy single target damage skill (like tornado shot) for bosses. SS has both, you just need to get close enough to employ it. But when you do, the skill packs a punch!

I have linked it with the following (lightning based hero):

SS - PPAD - WED - PTL - ALD - Innervate/IAOE

IAOE does wonders even at the cost of losing DPS. Adding to your AoE radius only helps the skill shine further, for example, pairing it with Carcass Jack.

Deliver pain exquisite
if anything, Shrapnel Shot could use a less attack speed modifier and an increased base damage multiplier, to make it really stand out. The cone AoE could be larger and/or increase with level as well.
Quod efficax non stultum
Last edited by elindred#4723 on Nov 20, 2016, 11:18:34 PM
Been using this skill with the new threshold jewels, and I gotta say this skill chunks now.
Using it on a Deadeye, Chin Sol + Point Blank, full elemental conversion. During all of my leveling I was basically 1 shotting most everything short of uniques, and even then I torn their house down.
Stun locking is not uncommon.

At just short of mapping it is still going strong. Range is massive, damage is high, attack speed is decent, have plenty of defense and leech. Everything just dies.
It basically functions as a melee bow skill, but with better range and damage in my experience.

It has very respectable damage when used with it's threshold jewels.
I think Shrapnel Shot has a weird tooltip quirk or possibly a faulty interaction with conversion scaling. Tested on a character with no flat ele or specific %ele increases.

Mark_GGG wrote:
HexenLord wrote:
Whats the order of precedence for damage conversion with AoF? Normally, skill gems take precedence over gear.
Not quite. Conversions from skills take precidence over non-skill sources of conversion. There's no distinction between conversion from a passive and from gear, just skill/non-skill.

The wiki page on conversion seems to be based around this 2013 post, maintaining that conversion from "skills" is distinct and has priority over "non-skills" when >100% conversion needs to be scaled down. No mention is made of supports, and physical to lightning didn't exist yet.

An example of how most skills work is this Xoph's Inception Lightning Arrow setup. We have 150% total conversion. LA supported by Physical to Lightning grants 100% unscalable "skill" conversion. The 50% physical to fire from "non-skill" Xoph's Inception is scaled down to 0%.

So far so good. What if we switch to Shrapnel Shot? SS only has 40% lightning conversion compared to 50% on LA, so our "skill" conversion should drop to 90%. Xoph's "non-skill" conversion should be scaled down to occupy the remaining 10%.

That's way too much fire damage. Nearly a third when accounting for +20% additional lightning from lv11 support. ~30% fire damage could mean that one of our unscaled sources is being scaled down along with xoph's.

all other conversion skills have 50% or more conversion and behave correctly in giving physical to lightning support priority. ice shot in this setup deals no fire damage. is the 40% on shrapnel causing this somehow?
IGN: Torrenz
Nemesis Shop: view-thread/634031
you know i am really enjoying this ability. while ice shot is in my opinion one of the best abilities for AOE clearing. Shrapnel shot is one of the best, if not actually the best bow skill for single target "damage wise" since i ma not taking people defense and positioning in consideration here.

however what pisses me off the most if when an ability leads ppl to build around in the way "they think" it works. while it actually does not.

so my point is.

the way the cone damage works is not entirely clear, like it says lightning and physical. so what ? does that mean cold damage to attacks from gear / herald of ice / the gem does not actually effect the cone at all ?

it's not only shrapnel shot. many skill gems need to be more clear with the wording and while this game is by far the best game i ever played. this is one of the most frustrating things i ever ran into in a game. especially when u are a nerd who spends a lot of time thinking about many builds but you hit such a wall where testing actually costs u a lot of currency. which we all can't afford in POE........

so here is the thing

in shrapnel shot tooltip for example if teh cone doesn't really get any benefit from added cold damage or damage converted to cold. you could use the words " lightning and physical damage only" instead of the wording "cone of lightning damage".

one last thing for you guys in GGG team :p most of the feedback i read here in this thread was basically ppl missing the strength of this ability. and again because of the wording. so while u might think this is not so important...... working on such things will actually make your work much easier and the feed back you get much more valuable

i know my grammar is not good btw :p but i am sure the content of my post is clear so please take it into consideration.
naturefury1 wrote:
however what pisses me off the most if when an ability leads ppl to build around in the way "they think" it works. while it actually does not.

It does work the way they think it works.
The cone is an Attack, meaning it deals Weapon Damage. It functions exactly like every other Attack: if you have +Cold Damage to Attacks, the cone deals +Cold Damage.

The flavour text is (for the most part) just that - flavour. If you have Avatar of Fire, it's still a 'burst of lightning', it just happens to deal Fire Damage.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Apr 9, 2017, 2:04:58 PM
I'm using it too with a Chin Sol build and I like it. The arrow and the AoE hitting independently is where the skill shines, because it removes the need of having independent skill setups and allows flexibility just by aiming.

But now I'm a bit confused about the damage conversion as well. Until now, I somehow believed the AoE cone was doing full lightning conversion. Maybe I was thinking too much about Ice shot, also probably because the wiki says "deals lightning damage to nearby enemies in a cone" and the skill description says "arrows [...] create a burst of lightning [...] in a cone in front of the archer". But there isn't actually any confirmation that there is full conversion going on, is there?

So is the AoE cone doing the same 60/40 phys/lightning damage as the main arrow or not?

Also a second question I have is about the threshold gems, although I've read positive answers from other sources, I couldn't find any official one. Does using two gems mean that the chance percentages stack, or are there independent rolls carried out for each equipped gem? By analogy the chance should stack, the same way pierce chance does for example, but I just felt the need to ask.

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