Blade Vortex
Possible Nerf/Balance Options?
- Make Blade Vortex have a maximum of 15 Stacks where every 3 Stacks you add another Blade in the vortex (Up to 5) - Make Blade Vortex unable to Crit unless supported by Increased Critical Strikes Support - Blade Vortex deals more damage the less stacks, and make Blade Vortex an "Attack" (This is a buff?) which gets less and less accuracy more stacks you have. Just another Forum Signature in a Sea of Signatures.
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" This is also my observation. Blade Vortex with the mechanics that each BV stack counts as effect with certain properties that can repeat the on hit effect is what makes it insane with combination like Pathfinder ascendancy with flask charge on crit. With the amount of hits per second for every stack it can be abused very easily. I don't think the top end dmg of Blade vortex is as insane as people claim to be. Anything in PoE can be scaled into insane numbers (except Glacial Hammer, rip) Why deathless Shapers with CI BV - Blade vortex charge generation + Vinktar leech + Vaal Pact . Combo of these 3 mechanics makes the build facerool as it is. Remove one of them from the equation and it will be just a great normal build. So if GGG would implement that 1 stack can only generate charge on the first hit and then it would ignore on hit mechanics (except dmg ofc) it might be enough to get BV into "mortal" range of builds. GGG already fixed the recasting of the new stacks that the new ones overwrite the old ones, it might be enough. One more thing i would like to see is to incentivize the amount of stacks you are keeping. Not just lineal progression of dmg per stack, like 20x 100% = 2000% . If the stacks would have different progression like the 20th stack would deal more dmg than the first stack, it might also bring the value for builds focusing on the duration - to keep uptime at 15-20 rather than 10-15 for general map clearing. For leveling it might put BV in line with the single target dmg at early levels when you are able to have 10-11 stacks max without inc Duration and Echo/faster casting. You can focus on duration rather than Added fire early levels, but the duration should be incentivized. I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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Spinning Knives, ftw :)
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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Blade vortex should have its ability to pile on flask charges with certain passives and items nerfed into the dirt.
My suggestion is one for each still-active skill use. "If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
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regarding 2.5 update to blade vortex, what is changed.? i'm kinda toolpit reliant, just to know when im building it right or wrong, and it seems that my BV toolpit is lower then before.
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The 2.5 changes are either broken or completely retarded.
Sometimes I have to wait for 1,2 or more seconds before any damage hits the mobs in range. Problems: 1) I'm standing in MELEE range for 1,2 seconds WITHOUT LEECH. Are you kidding me? 2) The clear speed with mirror gear is the same as with any random gear: Mirror gear would only require 1 blade to clear a group of mobs random gear would require 4-5 blades to clear a group of mobs But due to the 1,2 seconds the random gear has enough time to cast enough blades anyway. 3) FPS drops drastically since this patch because you hit all mobs in the very same interval? This is some kind of new bug but is the same with something like vaal rf that kills a group at the same time => fps/server lag. 4) You can't use movement skills. You simply/randomly hit or don't hit a group of mobs. Sometimes you just jump over them without any damage to them. PLEASE I'd rather have half my damage then this ridiculous 1,2 seconds of random death Last edited by RGrand#7973 on Dec 4, 2016, 2:48:30 PM
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" Balanacing aside, the slow hits also completely change the way I feel about the skill too. I used to love this skill hitting hundreds of times, watching the enemy health chip down. Now it feels like being surrounded by a few giant boulders instead of heaps of tiny blades. Feels like ass. Maybe with more cast speed it'll feel better but I doubt it. I think BV is dead to me now, and there's no balanced way to bring it back. Edit: " Can someone explain this? At 20 stacks, what would the hit freqency be? e2: hits per second is ~1.66 + ((0.1 * ~1.66) * 20). Is this correct? Last edited by eran112#6738 on Dec 5, 2016, 2:19:21 AM
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What I understand of this is 20 stack = 200% increased frequency that means 3 more time hit.
So the formula should be hit per seconds = (1000 / 600 ) * ( (10 * stack + 100) / 100 ) Does someone know how multiple setup of Blade Vortex works ? it show only one buff, even linked to different gems. Guide français :
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I'm one of the brave souls that rolls my own build. Scion BV Life build.
I have been loving it until the newest change. Leeching is horrible, which is part of what made my build good. Plus it just feels clunky. I feel like there should be a better solution to the problem. Make a cooldown on how often it can proc flask charges or disable it from working with crit flask charges. That would fix the problem directly and not fuck up the skill and builds for everyone else. I had not played in months, and this skill is the only one that really keeps me interested right now. Please revert this crap and fix the real problem directly with the flasks or whatever. Stop breaking my favorite skills please. IGN: HotnessEverspleen
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I plan to delete my BV shadow because of the 2.5 changes. It worked because each blade counted as a separate hit on the enemy. Since assassin gets a double poison damage on critical hit, I was going to have it inflict poison and use equipment that buff up my global crit chance. This way each blade gave me a chance to inflict double poison damage.
This doesn't work now. No matter how many blades you have post 2.5, it only ever hits each enemy once every so often. It works more like a nova than a blade vortex. It should be renamed blade nova. The problem is that not only does the skill do less base damage now, it doesn't inflict nearly as many hits as it used to. I needed all those hits for my build because each hit has a separate critical strike chance. Maybe all the skills should be nerfed to 1 hit per second so everything is balanced. That way no one can complain about someone else having something better. While they are at it, nerf all the weapons to 1 DPS and rebalance all monsters to 10 life each. Now we are in perfectly balanced land where nothing is different and there are no complaints. |
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