Critical Strike Affliction Support
W/E happens to this gem, I sure hope balance won't be happening around that one unique item.
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Could someone let me know if poison gem support for bladefall is any good. I do a small amount of chaos damage 2-300, but no poison
dmage. Crit bladefall Other supports Conc effect Echo Control Desrtruction Added fire. Thanks. |
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I've been playing with "Bladefall"/"Poison" in combination with a "Shockwave Totem" for a week or so and that works out pretty fine - I've never seen Piety die within 3-4 sec. My actual setup is:
"Bladefall"-"Poison"-"Spell Echo"-"added Chaos"-"Contr.Destr." What I still wonder, is if "Void Manipulation" has any effect on "Poison". Usually support-gems don't support each other - "increased Duration" for example does literally nothing with "Poison" (tested that). On the other side on-hit-dmg is affected - see "added Chaos dmg"-"Void Manipulation", "added Fire dmg"-"Weapon Elemental dmg", etc..... Anybody got a clue!? |
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Supports don't Support eachother - but they all Support the same Skill.
Supports add their modifiers to the linked Skill. They do nothing on their own. Bladefall has no Duration, so you cannot link Increased Duration in the first place. That's why ID doesn't improve your Poison Duration. |
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Dammit, I really tried not to sound like a n***,anyway...
Maybe my writing was a little unlucky, but you didn't quite meet the question. "Support-gems usually don't support each other", - my words! - only mentioned the ID 'cause people were wondering about that earlier in the thread. And there are "exceptions": When you link AFD and WED to a melee-skill, then the fire-dmg is definetly increased, because the fire-dmg kinda becomes part of that skill. And in fact "poison" becomes part of the skill it is linked to, otherwise "increased skill duration" from the passive-tree wouldn't work on poison (if you take it literally - and i know it does work). My question was, if "Poison" and "Void Manipulation" would be such an exception, or not? Or in other words, does the exception rule only count "on hit" or on DoT's as well!? (IPS for example contains "increased proj. dmg" which usually increases both, doesn't it) Last edited by Gainsburgh#3963 on Mar 9, 2016, 3:58:48 PM
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Does the poison not scale off of things like "aftershock deals 70% more damage" from the earthquake skill gem?
The wiki says it should scale off "damage", but from what I've tested, it doesn't work. That or something else isn't working as seems it should. I tested it by just eyeballing the damage done by poison vs the damage done by the hit. Here's the setup I had: Earthquake aftershock = 1.7x more Less duration = 1.27x more Increased duration = 1.6x more Conc effect = 1.48x more total "increases to dmg" = 76% or 1.76x more all those produce a 9x multiplier to be applied to the base 20% damage that poison does the poison damage should be almost twice as much as the hit damage. But when I tested it, it only did roughly the same damage as the hit. Maybe it's something to do with monster chaos resist or armour values? I was testing on cruel Twilight Strand white zombies and Hillock and my hits (just hits, not poison) were doing less than half their health. Last edited by weldorr#4129 on Mar 20, 2016, 4:00:32 PM
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Should have better effect, right now pretty useless
[post][/post] [attach][/attach] FIX SIGNATURE IMAGING |
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" I believe Less Duration actually decreases your total poison damage, (1-0,47)*1,27 = 0,6731. |
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" I actually tested that as well and the less duration doesn't seem to actually affect the poison at all. With no support gem, I counted the time it took for the poison to wear off, around 2 seconds. I counted with an increased duration support and it seemed to be almost 3 seconds. But when I counted with the less duration gem, it still seemed to last 2 seconds. I repeated this over and over just to make sure my counting wasn't off. It definitely seems like the poison's duration isn't affected by the less duration support, but it is affected by the increased duration support. Maybe that's not intended, who knows. I think it still did benefit from the more damage from the support though, although I'm not sure. |
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It would be nice to have some infos either in the skill tooltip or in the char recap about our skill powered by poison : dmg done by poison, duration, ... Right now, it's hard (well impossible in fact) to see directly in the game how our bonuses to DoT / Chaos / Duration affect it.
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