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Was hoping to get some feedback about this ring.
Fire_Stick_2000 wrote:
Was hoping to get some feedback about this ring.

Ya man it's the best Discipline Aura ring for sure. But there's really only one way to craft it from there and it's using eternals and coudl take 20et+ to finish depending. Also, the trouble is that Discipline is going to be getting a pretty good sized nerf in 3.0 which could be either good or bad for that ring. 2 possiblities: Maybe everyone and their dog won't be using discipline anymore which would make the popularity of said ring go down, and also the players that really want to keep using discipline will want a ring like yours even more.

The richest price fixers in the game would only offer you 5 necro maps for it, and if you spent 20-30et yourself in order to finish prefixes (res/res/cast spd/mana regen something like that) it would have to be a passion project because you would never make your currency back.
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1st Thank you for the feedback brother :). And I compleatly agree on the low possibility of $spend and $return. And the nerf coming. Now I am also aware that Discipine will be nerf in flat ES, But is going to get a ES recharge modifier alot with flat ES. I am sure just like every other skill in the game. That modifier will be affected by +# levels. Is not set in stone. But It is something that keeps my hopes up :). Thank you for the feedback again. That is really all I wanted. To expose it to ppl like you, that know what they are talking about.
Oh yeah. I failed to ask. What roll would you be looking to get on this ring again? to make it worth.
Fire_Stick_2000 wrote:
Oh yeah. I failed to ask. What roll would you be looking to get on this ring again? to make it worth.

res, cast speed, mana regen, WED wouldnt be bad, maybe % fire cold light suffix. Cast speed would be amazing and so would res or mana regen. The last couple I listed arent bad but arent as good imo as the first 3.
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No free prefixes so yeah in this order: res/mana regen/cast speed.

Assuming no new better GG suffixes get introduced, you would want to eternal before 3.0 so you can get the suffixes you want then lock/divine get 100% perf, then bench es over and over until 20%
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Last edited by Ahfack#1969 on Jun 9, 2017, 12:30:06 PM
I just checked on beta and

lvl1 and lvl11 Discipline both have 30% recharge rate. Even if it gets an increase later, I wouldnt expect more than 2-3% from that +3 levels

Also the gain on Discipline, especially the nerfed version, is close to what you would get from a moonstone base, so you are trading a ring prefix for a socket in one of your 3 or 4Ls. For max ES, lvl4 Empower in a +1 gems item, and a moonstone base still beats that by a lot.

You probably have to find another aura with better value for that ring. The only place I can think of where it's BiS is aurabot support, which has max aura effect on the gain, and needs the sockets elsewhere.

I wouldn't eternal that ring. It can't get recharge mod, and in general caster rings are easy to roll. I recently bought a lot of 3-4 stat (3 T1-T2 suffixes) around 20c - 1 ex each, and I only have to yolo one good prefix on them and spend a few ex for the high percent ES to be BiS. I can only get recharge mod paired with the percent ES on multimodded rings anyway. There is a risky way of going flat ES + any suffix 2 stat base, multimod, %ES, recharge, prefixs cannot be changed, scour and yolo the 3 suffixes, but I'm not up for that.

IGN: Márkusz
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( •_•)>⌐■-■
Last edited by Márkusz#4682 on Jun 9, 2017, 2:56:54 PM
Yeah I think the market would be only for Low Life Guardians really. Where you want to maximize your auras to the fullest extent and save as many links as you can. But Typically you would want to have some offensive stats which mean they would need to be an essence craft like:

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🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134

don't mind me, just snatching 3t1 suffix hysteria belts every day.


"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on Jun 11, 2017, 2:12:56 PM

Lots of those belts appearing lately in Legacy.

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