Winterheart, Event 45: Arctic Boss Kill

Welp 3-4 hrs ago now the Race has ended and no points i still have my ShadowFlameHurts in the void league,I'll give it another 2hrs and i shall return. By Then i think i am going to expect Big Nerd Rage fest to start to happen.
lourun_coria wrote:
Alysma wrote:
lourun_coria wrote:
Same here.

I've not received the points for killing Brutus, Merveil, Vaal Oversoul and Piety either.

But , as my character already was in the Void League after the End of the event, unfortunately I deleted him. It wouldnt be a good bussiness if I Spend 2h30min in a race that grants nothing T.T.

My character was LourunRaceArctic or LourunArticRace (cant remember which one was).

Hope I have those 30 race points in my account :S:S

Upon deletion, characters are wiped from the server. So if you delete characters before the points are allocated, you'll miss out since the system has no way of telling it ever existed.

Well, I accept this (anyway I dont have another choice). BUT, it's not my fault, it's GGG fault because knowing this kind of issue they sould:

1º They should block the option of removing racing chars if they are to be granted with points until it's done. Tt's known the problem allocating the points and it's normal that players remove their chars once they have seen they're in VOID/HC League (that's my case).
2º They should flag the character with the challengues finished (it's just one record or several columns more in the Database). So that, even if they character get removed, they still have that information ready to be consulted just in case.

From the basic Race Information page:
Chris wrote:
Do not delete your character until you have confirmed you have received your prizes.


Chris wrote:
I know a while back you guys talked about a way to get deleted characters back. I was curious if that might still be a possibility?

This soft-deletion stuff requires more tech than we have implemented yet. Sorry.

From the recent Developer Q&A

Currently, GGG just doesn't have the tech to retrieve chars and I'd guess that flagging chars/accounts in some way would get pretty close to that, too i.e. in terms of keeping information.

It sucks to miss out on points like this but I wouldn't count on any improvements regarding lost/deleted chars anytime, soon. The only way to avoid this is always checking your profile first before deleting chars.

It's been 3 hours since this event has ended, but I still cant get my pts for killing Brutus and Merveil. I have no deaths in this event. Is there other problem?
still got no points, chars are not deleted

will look tomorow again

No points here after 4 hours as well. Just letting this be known. Character's not deleted. voided-VexiBrrr still going strong in my character list. Whispering Ice you'll be mine!

EDIT: on a brighter note I dropped 2 The Consuming Dark and several Snakebites and that Mortus claw from that strange barrel in Dried Lake :'D So sad that I couldn't even use it, but hey. Also had great fun farming those two Arcanists in the Warehouse Sewers. :^)

For anyone who cares I did Firestorm and added some random spark totem and found a Vaal Spark along the way so I had to set that one up of course. Sceptre Dagger dual wield. got to around 1.5k HP. Allocated all the closest life nodes for Templar and some fire damage, too.

Duo-races would be great.

This race was fun but my partner and me feel like the difficulty was rather artificial. Those cold clouds were literally the only thing really dealing any damage, and not just a little bit either. You stand still for a second and a cloud hits you and you're down half your life even with +1 capped resist on a life regen character. I was running Vitality and Purity of Ice for that +1 and had a Sapphire Flask up most of the time and it was still degening me like crazy most times.

This race was fun, which I suppose is all that matters, my heart dropped to the floor a couple of times.
..also somehow managed to cheese second form Malachai because there were no clouds. They just didn't spawm. My partner later told me that they spawned for him so I guess I was lucky not lucky.

IGN: Vexivian

Last edited by Vexivian#1519 on Feb 6, 2016, 9:00:02 AM
Same i haven't received my points i killed every boss and Malachai too !
SoundOfSilence wrote:
the degen was so strong in at act4, decided to farm some levels before clearing the act4 bosses

in the end, was pretty easy with 2khp and 130+hp regen with dual flame totems, didnt pot at all, easily outregen malachai dmg, only need to avoid the ice circles

nice race overall, challenging yet doable as compared to last season blamt

This reflects my impressions from Malachai. I did only manage to get to 1.6k HP, but still the only real danger were the ice clouds - any other damage source was basically laughable.
I think if Bladefall was not that ridiculously strong, I would not have made it. That spell more or less carried me through A4 - together with my trusty ilvl 4 Ample Quicksilver Flask of Heat.

I really wonder how some few people managed to get to A3 or A4 in Cruel. I tried the cruel Twilight Strand before logging of... the degen was insane. (In hindsight, I might not have been at capped cold res, but still - given the ramp up in damage from A3N to A4N, I doubt the clouds in cruel would have been very friendly...)


The flask affixes on the belt were really essential: >7s chill immunity + 3 uses out of a Quicksilver.
Crit happens.
i did beat malachai with an scion after 7hours 40 min played time ( i think its over 16 hours in the ladder, did start after work and took a little break inbetween).

i reached lv 40 its the highest lv i have gotten in an race or even in any hc league :D

had to fight koam 2 times because i forgot to pick up the quest item.
first fight i had 12 cold circles in the arena, second time i only had 4 circles flying around.

monster piety in act 4 was the most difficult fight had to abuse 15 or so portal scrolls.

i liked th race but i hope that if that was an test for the traps in the ascendancy labyrinth
that flamedash ( which i used) will get changed to be less clunky and more responsive.

now im waiting for my points :D
still no points, killed mala, char not deleted
Last edited by GraksmxxT#2744 on Feb 6, 2016, 8:55:27 AM
Where are my points?
IGN: Pumar, Pumam , PumarR , PumaPunch , PumaWander , PumaCleave, PumaSlams

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