Utility Flasks for Ascendancy

Really disappointed by the resistances flask nerf :(

As for the remaining, it is OK, but in my opinion, it'll only make flasks harder to craft correctly. Moreover, I don't really see how we will counterbalance this. If you have 2 or 3 resistance flasks, you'll have to craft flask effect on both of them and that means no staunching, heat or such, so no choice remaining for the other flasks. That'll also means that legacy surgeon's flask won't be able to have this :( And finally, the only Ascendancy class that could counterbalance this nerf is the Ranger's Pathfinder, which will be highly overpowered...
My stream: https://www.twitch.tv/m_bison__
Last edited by wichtounet#5087 on Feb 5, 2016, 7:17:15 AM
Dear GGG can you ask devs to take a look on Resolute Technique node Melee builds?
What i mean: maybe you can add to the game few more support gems for NON crit melee physical build, also sum up some vision of defense while playing melee and add much more strong defense for being melee, add some more aoe or auto targeting system so melee don't attack air, add lots of high fast movement speed node.

Just to seeing such bad designed sub-class for marauder and duelist make only depression, special after we take a look on other class and their sub-classes with absolutely broken OP stuff that already make broken gems even more broken and cake walking.

Not ask for impossible, but maybe you can make melee RT same lvl cake walking as CoC, Mjolner RF, Ranged TS, poison trap, etc?
Or make all of there build same lvl shit trash as melee RT?

Anything fine by me, so chose wisely.

Thanks a lot.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Do current utility flasks are becoming legacy?
Glowing green mouse cursor plz.
666lol666 wrote:
YellowMage wrote:
Well since flasks are already overpowered, more shift in the balance of power in favour of non-unique ones is a cautious welcome.

Please at least try to use your brain before writing! Saying "in favour of non-unique ones" while they nerf utility flasks isn't very clever.

Yeah, I do. If there is increased availability of max resistances increase...

GGG_Neon wrote:

[li]Resistance Flasks have been reduced to +6% maximum resistance. (It's getting easier to dramatically increase maximum resistances, so this change is designed to partially counteract the new tools such as the Flask Effect mod and new Ascendancy options.)[/li]

And depends if there are any other balance changes like tree changes flask improvements or the possibility of increased max res on tree, possible max res enchantments, Bismuth flask may also increase max resists a little bit but doubt it... Just things we don't know. Hence cautious but I doubt nerf even with the consideration of buffing crap unique flasks even I don't know, might as well have rare flasks at this point. Flasks overall using less charges is a pretty big deal.
Thats most likely nerf for melee, as now they will take even more damage.

Plus they cant generate charges 100% up time when caster and ranged can easily do that. With new ascendancy it would be even more easy, but harder for RT melee.

Again punish for melee for pseudo "diversify"? Great choice.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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TreeOfDead wrote:
Thats most likely nerf for melee, as now they will take even more damage.

Plus they cant generate charges 100% up time when caster and ranged can easily do that. With new ascendancy it would be even more easy, but harder for RT melee.

Again punish for melee for pseudo "diversify"? Great choice.

I think the flask nerf will result in the opposites of what you said here. resist flask are so op than a squishy crit build can deal with reflect, hard hitting bosses. Those nerf will force them to pick more life, or less dps (crit maybe).

the balance of the game is going better league after league, excepted if you plan to play in standard (lol)
SaiyanZ wrote:
Just tested my build without using resistance flasks vs reflect rares. The damage taken with 75% resistance is too high (almost died with my lvl100 character in Dried Lake with 6 man party mob HP and I am non-crit RT). The new 6% max resistance flasks are not going to cut it for high maps when encountering reflect rares. Build is not safe without some form of instant leech which is what this nerf to resistance flasks is going to push people towards.

Ranged and Witch can buff effect, durations, charges, surgeon's, used of flasks, not mara or duelist. Melee not suit PoE and gameplay/balance, so maybe it's a signal to stop play melee builds?

Also let's not forget how much movement speed nodes in right side tree with useful effects, we will see flash ranged and slow mo melee behind game.
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2037371 Vouch
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
How are these New flasks going to interact with Node in the tree that increase effect. Will they increase the effect of the consecrated ground created or Onslaught Effect gained, or just the damage and resistance portions? Will they have any effect at all under the influence of the passive tree points?

Might have some influence on how I use these flasks.
i going to sleep now and i will wake up only mach4
Can GGG tell us if these flask changes will be retroactive, or will they only apply to new flask drops?
I assume the previous, but wanted to be sure.

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