Like the lowered prices for mods!
And unlike many others i think it's a good change to limit mod choices.
Posted byRhanoss#0585on Feb 23, 2016, 4:28:42 AM
maybe this is finally a real chaos sink. the 2c for 200 iiq seems always worth it at the end of mid tier maps.
Last edited by Tartaros38#1487 on Feb 23, 2016, 4:31:40 AM
Posted byTartaros38#1487on Feb 23, 2016, 4:30:57 AM
No talismans being rolled into the main game, huh?
Yeah... It's less than 2 weeks till Ascendancy hits, and this is actually making me not want to play. I've been around this sort of stuff enough times to know when something is about to take a turn for the worse, so I'll check in on PoE in six months to see if you've looked into correcting some of these mistakes and are making less foolish changes.
Last edited by Winkers91#2848 on Feb 23, 2016, 4:38:13 AM
Posted byWinkers91#2848on Feb 23, 2016, 4:37:50 AM
Winkers91 wrote:
No talismans being rolled into the main game, huh?
Yeah... It's less than 2 weeks till Ascendancy hits, and this is actually making me not want to play. I've been around this sort of stuff enough times to know when something is about to take a turn for the worse, so I'll check in on PoE in six months to see if you've looked into correcting some of these mistakes and are making less foolish changes.
I dont think its decided yet, if they will be added into the core game. But if not, thats easily gonna be one of the biggest ripped potencial i´ve ever seen.
Last edited by Zuki_CZ#5105 on Feb 23, 2016, 4:43:53 AM
Posted byZuki_CZ#5105on Feb 23, 2016, 4:43:22 AM
Dr1MaR wrote:
Chris wrote:
Here's the new Zana league progression in 2.2.0:
- Level 2: Onslaught, 2 Chaos Orbs, 20% Increased Map Item Quantity, monsters receive the same benefits
- Level 3: Anarchy, 3 Chaos Orbs, 4 additional Rogue Exiles, 20% Increased Map Item Quantity
- Level 4: Torment, 4 Chaos Orbs, 3 additional Tormented Spirits, 20% Increased Map Item Quantity
- Level 5: Warbands, 4 Chaos Orbs, 3 additional Warband Packs, 20% Increased Map Item Quantity
- Level 6: Beyond, 5 Chaos Orbs, 15% Beyond Chance, 20% Increased Map Item Quantity
- Level 7: Ambush, 8 Chaos Orbs, 3 additional Strongboxes
- Level 8: Nemesis, 1 Exalted Orb
Onslaught - 20 iiq not worth it. garbage
Anarchy - might be useful for some MF builds but still garbage
Torment - probably the one I will be using in higher tier maps.
Warbands - 4c for what? garbage
Beyond - beyonds have been nerfed to the ground and do not drop anything at all, even white mobs drop more loot than beyond mobs. May be good for some extra exp, otherwise - garbage
Ambush - used to be very nice, now absolute trash. only 3 additional strongboxes for 8c. Wasting hundreds of alternation orbs to roll 1 magic pack is not worth it, this mod is only for ilvl 84 items now
Nemesis - I don't understand the intention of this mod nerf. There are absolutely no available Headhunter belts on Talisman Hardcore. Nerfing Nemesis will rip headhunters in temp leagues for good.
So, what do we see? Useless Zana map mods that most likely no one will be using in their maps.
you never maped in this game ... 20iiq is huge and chisle have the same price as onslaught + you can get league only items (which might not be to expensive now but still high value)
some people can complain about everything.
Posted byTartaros38#1487on Feb 23, 2016, 4:57:31 AM
So you aren't adding Talisman to the base game?
[Removed by Support]
Keep PoE2 Difficult. Last edited by Rachel#0000 on Feb 23, 2016, 5:00:00 AM
Still to expensive (at least for me)... I cannot spare two chaos, maybe an alt or so would be more appropriate.
Posted bybootdisk#6428on Feb 23, 2016, 5:06:08 AM
If only Exiles dropped maps. I really could understand the changes then.
Completed 8/8 Challenges Ons/Ana
8/8 Challenges Nem/Dom #1 Templar Nem/Dom
6/8 Challenges Invasion/Ambush #1 Templar 2 Week Race
8/8 Challenges Beyond/Rampage & Bloodlines/Torment #1 Templar BL (lvl100)
IGN: BeerBeastTheBurninator | 8/8 Temp/Warb | 32/32 TalismanHC | 40/40 PerandusHC
Posted byalfims#6138on Feb 23, 2016, 5:06:57 AM
Crazy idea: make league specific uniques unable to be chanced, nerf the drop rates and iiq, and lower the prices of these further so that more players can enjoy them.
Would make doing low tier maps worthwhile...
"Oh, no, not another tier 3 map... Oh, might as well run it and have a chance of getting xyz league specific unique"
As it stands, these mods will only be ised on high tier maps for the iiq and for chancing.
Thus this stays something only a small percentage of people will ever do.
Avert thy gaze, child!
IGN: Shadowrope
Standard Warrior
Posted byRavenstrider#5435on Feb 23, 2016, 5:14:00 AM
troyelf wrote:
higarra wrote:
Chris; my name is Serge...
I love this game but one thing drives me crazy. You insist that I keep making new characters over and over again; I call it trite. I have tried Talisman league and I loved the writing in it but I could not endure. So I play standard and for the life of me I cannot understand why you(the team) do not unlock all previous leagues to me(us) for free. Why cant you make it so that each map I enter randomly generates a previous league; why must I pay hefty price?
Are you sure this is a game you're making or is it a trading simulator? I just want to adventure; I want events.
more than agree...
Posted bybilgin_89#2800on Feb 23, 2016, 5:18:54 AM