~Ahfack The Duelist Lvl 100 PVP 2H RT Reveal~
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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" You have to do these things with other melee skills man. Earthquake is padding the results. IGN: MullaXul
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I'm leveling it up man jeez!!! :) haha I just typed in jeez on my phone and it auto corrected to jewz. That woud've been funny. Anyway, Static I lose a great deal of DOT because of the light conversion so I don't think it showcases the DOT like I want to and a l16 lacerate is too low to make videos with. Plus, eq is right now and what a lot of people want to see. 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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" Good points, as a business man you're showcasing what your axe is made for and EQ is the go to skill atm. It's a sick axe, for real its everything you want in a melee weapon for both PvM or PvP. Especially in the current axe meta since swords got neutered hard haha. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Jun 10, 2016, 4:31:17 PM
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![]() Yeah Prophecy is boring as shit, and I don't need purple MTX's so I'm playing PoE: Pimp The Axe #RealTalk 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack 🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 Last edited by Ahfack#1969 on Jun 10, 2016, 6:21:56 PM
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can i do this build with for aoe
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them |
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Yeah just hold it really tightly with both hands, it's so little it might fly (lol mightflay) out of your hands!
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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Hey guys!
Just wanted to share my personal experience with Ahfack's build/thread. Well actually, before I tried his build, I did what many people did, and spec'd into all of the usual Armour/Life/Damage nodes. Ya know? The 'fundamentals,' as they would say. And then one day, I happened to be browsing the PvP sub forum out of boredom, and came across Ahfack's thread for his level 100 Duelist (pre-ascendancy) reveal. And man, I had my eyes opened to a completely different mindset. Up until this point, I was already level 99, pushing very casually for 100. That is because I figured after I hit 100, I would run out of fun things to do. (more on that later) So, I was brought up to think that X amount of life and armour, coupled with capped resistances, would be enough to let me brave the perils of Wraeclast. Man, was I wrong! When I first saw Ahfack's skill tree, I didn't know what to make of it. Sure, we took the same nodes on the left side of the tree, but I never thought the right side (mainly Acrobatics/Phase Acrobatics) would be of much help. This is due to my mostly negative experiences playing Bow rangers :/ My logic was that, no matter how much evasion/dodge you stacked, all it takes is one good hit and you're done for. I will later come to change my mentality to "every little bit helps." I tried to wrap my head around stretching my tree to that side, and I Just couldn't do it. In the end, I hung on to my precious Jewel sockets and armor/life nodes. Which brings me to my next big event after learning of Ahfack's thread. The weapon. Now, up until the point of finding his reveal thread, I have been pushing with a 6-link Atziri's Disfavour. And to be completely honest, it was doing a fine job. However, after grinding so long with that weapon, I knew I wanted something... more. And in my mind, Ahfack's weapon was the perfect fit for my end game weapon. It basically did everything the Disfavour did, with MORE pDps to boot! After learning of his thread, I have come to change from high burst damage a la Added Fire/WED to Poison/Rapid Decay. And it's working perfectly. I just need to suck it up and ditch some nodes to get down to Dirty Techniques, but I just don't know what to drop!!! All in all, a very satisfying weapon that will provide endless hours of enjoyment! I am also actually happy to report, I finally hit 100 after 3+ years of playing. After getting to over 85% TWICE, and ripping to fatigue and carelessness (this came with a nice side of REFLECT that i did not noticed got rolled onto the map!!!), I can finally say "I DID IT!" I want to add, that Ahfack was a big help with map sponsoring and Zana daily sponsoring (this matters because her dailies are 75+ map levels) Overall, just a really nice guy. I didn't know him before the PvP stuff. And I am happy to say now that I have spoken to him on a few occasions, he really is one of the people, for the people. I don't know what is next in my journey through Wraeclast, but I will be facing it head-on with a smile and an awesome weapon :) P.S. Any input on my skill tree/gearing would be greatly appreciated. P.P.S I hit 100 AFTER the nerfs that so many are whining about in the General Discussion forum. (This makes me a little bit proud, LOL) |
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iRT Review
" Awwww man! That makes me so happy, man! Congrats and thanks all around to you as well. You were grinding hard, and got that 100! It feels good doesn't it? Like you can do whatever you want in the game now. Experiment, die, who cares! It's a good feeling haha. As far as your tree/build goes as it stands right now, like always, it depends on what you want to accomplish. I would take that 10int node top left out and take that 30int node. Get vuln-on-hit gloves IMMEDIATELY, I can't believe you don't have them yet! They skyrocket the DoT, it's night and day difference. Replace that amulet immediately with a Bloodgrip or a rare ammy to help offset the attributes/res from gloves you'll lose from getting vuln-on-hit gloves. The vuln on hit glovs are your #1 priority, and ditch that essence worm in order to get it if you ned to, because it matters that much. Nice lvl 23 hatred in your ring slot, hatred is the best DPS+damage mitigation aura for pve rolled all into one for this build, so you can't go wrong there if if you can keep your res's overcapped with your vuln on hit gloves on. Obviously, you're using a HH so that'll lock down some of your next options, but I personally love belts like: or . But then again, I'm more pvp focused on the flask side of things, so that might not pertain to you. Well done, sir and thanks for the kind words! Will update in the next couple days with some new things I'm working on if I get time. RL very busy, I'm playing path of AFK mostly :D 🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 |
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🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack 🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134 Last edited by Ahfack#1969 on Jul 3, 2016, 10:25:19 PM
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